What Does “Who You Might Know is on Instagram” Means?

Decipher the truth behind the Instagram suggestions!

Have you noticed a list of suggested pals on the activity page?

These recommended accounts can be anywhere from your next-door neighbors to unknown creators living in different time zones.

Instagram employs a complex algorithm to find and recommend these accounts under Who you might know is on Instagram suggestion.

What does this mean and how does this work? Let’s find out.

What Does “who you might know is on instagram” means

What Does “Who You Might Know is on Instagram” Means?

Instagram is always on the lookout for recommending users to follow accounts based on their current connections and activity on the platform.

This algorithm on Instagram is based on location, shared acquaintances, contacts lists, or second accounts. It simply means you might know these accounts and would be interested in interacting with them.

How to Turn Off Who You Might Know Feature on Instagram

You can always turn off the Who you might know is on Instagram feature to avoid getting any suggestions.

Method 1: Manage Specific Connections

Instagram allows you to turn off Who you might know feature directly respecting our concerns.

1. Go to your Instagram profile page and tap on the hamburger menu.

2. Select Settings and privacy > Notifications > Following and followers.

3. Under Account suggestions, select Off.

select Off

Also Read: Do Private Accounts Show on Instagram Suggestions?

Method 2: Disable Contact Syncing

You can also stop syncing your contacts to Instagram to avoid getting suggestions from your phonebook.

1. Go to Instagram Settings and privacy page.

2. Select Accounts Center > Your information and permissions > Upload contacts.

3. Turn off the toggle for Connect contacts.

Turn off the toggle for Connect contacts

Method 3: Disable Who You Might Know Completely

You can prevent your profile from appearing in Who You Might Know suggestions for others and also stop Instagram from suggesting other accounts to you.

Note: This option is available only on the web version.

1. Visit the Instagram website on the browser and log in to your account.

2. Click on More and choose Settings.

3. Scroll down and turn off the toggle for Show account suggestions on profiles.

turn off the toggle for Show account suggestions on profiles

4. Click on Submit to save the changes.

Also Read: How to Delete Your Search Suggestions on Instagram

Why Instagram Shows Who You Might Know?

Instagram suggests Who you might know feature to expand your interactions and keep in touch with people who it thinks might know you.

It can be a helpful tool for finding new Instagram accounts and content to follow when they create a new account.

How does Instagram Know Who to Suggest?  

Instagram collects data in a variety of methods to suggest users who it thinks might know you. These factors are:

  • Users from your contact book
  • Facebook friends
  • Facebook friends of mutual users
  • Past following
  • Location-based accounts
  • Accounts that you have liked, saved, or commented on recently
  • Activity-based on Threads profile

Also Read: How to Reset or Clear Instagram Search Suggestions

How to Appear on Someone’s Instagram Suggestions

If you are wondering if is there a way to also appear on other user’s suggestions, then read our guide on How to Appear on Someone’s Instagram Suggestions to do the same.

Now that you have figured out the ins and outs of Who you might know is on Instagram feature, you can choose to disable it or increase your interaction on the app.

Keep visiting TechCult for more tech-related updates. Drop your queries or suggestions in the comment section.

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