Where are My Facebook Notes?

Navigate to your notes on this platform and revisit your written memories.

Facebook Notes used to be a popular feature for sharing long posts and personal stories. Unfortunately, it has been deactivated due to recent platform updates, making it inaccessible for further use. However, if you wish to recover your old Facebook notes containing your past thoughts and ideas, this tutorial will guide you on how to find them within the Facebook app.

Where are My Facebook Notes? | how to find your Facebook Notes

Where are My Facebook Notes?

FB Notes, the popular feature for sharing long-form content, has undergone many changes. Now, as this feature has been blocked from creating new notes, users can still find their old published notes before the update in the FB Settings > Access your information > Your activity across Facebook menu. Also, Notes are only accessible on Facebook Workplace (not Business or Personal pages). Read the upcoming section to find out the detailed steps for this.

Now, in Your information section tap on Your activity across Facebook | how to find your Facebook Notes

How to Find Your Facebook Notes

The FB Notes feature has relocated to the user’s profile page. Previously positioned on the left-hand side, recent updates have been implemented by FB to improve accessibility and enhance the user experience.

Let’s explore the updated FB interface to find out where your beloved Notes are now located.

1. Open the Facebook app on your phone.

Note: Make sure you are logged into your Facebook account.

2. Tap on the Hamburger menu icon.

Launch Facebook App on your Android device and tap on Menu option under the Messenger icon

3. Next, swipe down and tap on the Settings & privacy option.

4. Now, tap on Settings.

Now, tap on Settings

5. Swipe down to the Your information section and tap on Access your information to locate your old Facebook notes.

Once you’re in the Setting and Privacy tab, scroll down to Your information section and tap on Access your information |

6. Tap on Your activity across Facebook.

7. Now, locate and tap on the Notes option to discover your old notes.

Tap on Notes

Also Read: Where is the Trending Option on YouTube?

This article has now successfully answered your query about where are your Facebook Notes. So, while this dedicated feature to create new notes may no longer be available, you can still access and manage your past notes directly from your FB profile. Drop your queries in the comment section below, and suggest what you want to learn next!

7 thoughts on “Where are My Facebook Notes?”

    1. Same. I am downloading the activity to see if it will work that way. I also tried to replace YOURTIMELINEPOSTS with NOTES – no luck.

      1. Dear Reader (Fbuser)

        First, we would like to thank you for being our reader and also appreciate you for bringing this query to us.

        Facebook Notes has been disabled in October 2020. So you cannot create a new one. But you can access your published Notes before the update using the above methods. Also, Notes are only accessible on Facebook Workplace (not Business or Personal pages).

        We hope this answers your query.

  1. Facebook Notes are back, and have been for at least a month. However, they’re only accessible under Facebook Groups (not Business or Personal pages).

  2. I’ve never heard of Facebook Workplace. When I created notes, it was from my normal FB profile page. Now they’ve disappeared. When I click “Notes” (following the instructions given above), I am taken to a page showing all my FB posts. It doesn’t take me to Notes.
    The whole point of keeping notes is that one can read them at a later date. Deleting user’s notes, or making them impossible to access (which amounts to the same thing) is shabby.

  3. Here’s my update. IF you can get to the page linked below, and scroll ALL THE WAY to the bottom, you can find NOTES listed under ‘Other Activity’. I clicked on that and it was a list of all my posts, again. I filtered through the years of that, searching on a key word of the note (Happiness) and found nothing EXCEPT a Blogpost of mine referencing the Chow Mein Happiness recipe I had written and was seeking. So while I never did find the notes, I did find what I was ultimately looking for at my old blog. Alzheimer’s, I tell ya. Your mileage may vary. But notes is at least ‘noted’ in this section, way at the bottom.

    Click on your little round profile icon picture in the upper right corner (not the one your friends see, the icon of it on the far upper right corner (at least of THIS writing…)

    Settings > Settings & Privacy > Access your information > Facebook Activity > takes you here:

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