What Does Ignore Friend Request Mean on Snapchat?

Ignoring a friend request on Snapchat means that you will no longer receive notifications from that user and they will not be able to send you snaps or messages.

When you get a friend request on Snapchat, you can choose to ignore it. While said feature might be useful for many users, it’s important to understand how it works and what it can do to your account. Let’s discover how the Ignore Friend Request option works on Snapchat and what are its consequences.

What Does Ignore Friend Request Mean on Snapchat?

What Does Ignore Friend Request Mean on Snapchat?

With this guide, let us understand what happens when you ignore a friend request on Snapchat and how it may reflect on the sender’s account.

What is a Snapchat Friend Request?

A Snapchat Friend Request is an invitation sent by one user to another user with the intent to become friends on the platform. When a user sends a friend request to some other user, they are essentially asking the other user to connect with them and allow them to view their snaps and stories. 

To send a friend request on Snapchat:

  • You can search for the username of the person you wish to be friends with.
  • You can also initiate friend requests by scanning the Snapcodes of the desired user.
  • Also, the Quick Add feature can also be used for the same purpose. 

If you accept the friend request you receive, that person will be added to your friends list on Snapchat, and you will be able to share your pictures, videos, snaps, and stories with them. If you choose to ignore it, the sender will not be notified and will not be able to send another friend request for a certain period.

Also Read: How to See Sent Friend Requests on Facebook

What Does Ignore Friend Request Mean on Snapchat?

When someone sends you a friend request on Snapchat, you have two options: accept or ignore it. Ignoring a friend request means you don’t want to be friends with that user on Snapchat and are declining their invitation.

Protecting user data and security is crucial for Snapchat. Ignoring a friend request helps control who can be added to your friends list. It’s a useful tool when you don’t want to add someone to your account on Snapchat. When you ignore a friend request, the sender won’t receive a notification that their request has been ignored. Additionally, they won’t be able to send you another friend request for 48 hours. This helps prevent spam and abuse on the Snapchat platform.

How to Know If Someone Cancelled Your Friend Request on Snapchat?

Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure if someone has canceled your friend request on Snapchat. When someone cancels a friend request, they do so silently without notifying the sender. This can be frustrating if you are waiting for a response from someone, but it is important to respect their decision. Your profile will also not appear in their My Friends list on the Snapchat app.

However, there are few non-technical ways to get a sense of whether your friend request has been canceled. For example:

  • If you are unable to find the person in your Snapchat contacts or if their username no longer appears in your recent searches, they may have canceled your friend request.
  • Additionally, if you try to send them another friend request and are unable to do so, they most likely have already declined or canceled your previous request.

My Friends list on the Snapchat app

Also Read: How to Tell If Someone Unadded or Unfriended You on Snapchat

What Happens When Someone Deletes Your Friend Request on Snapchat?

When someone deletes your friend request on Snapchat, you cannot be friends with them unless you send them another request after 48 hours and they accept it. After your request is ignored, the pending request will get removed on the recipient’s end.

What Happens When You Add Someone on Snapchat and They Don’t Add You Back?

When you add someone on Snapchat and they do not add you back, you will not be able to connect with them on the platform. This just means that you will not be able to view their snaps and stories, and they will also not be able to view yours. If someone does not add you back, Snapchat still offers its users some other ways to have limited interaction with that person.


We hope that this guide was helpful to you to understand what does Ignore Friend Request mean on Snapchat. If you still have some doubts, leave them in the comments section below. Keep visiting our website for more cool tips, tricks, and valuable information related to technology!

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