Should I Turn Off Optimized Battery Charging?

Optimized Battery Charging is a unique feature in Apple iPhones. This feature allows users to save batteries. The advanced feature is a default settings option on new Apple iPhones. This feature allows you to charge your phone to 80% and saves the remaining 20% of the battery for later. This feature works by analyzing the behavioral patterns of the user, such as phone usage, charging timing, and sleeping patterns. Users frequently ask, Should I turn off Optimized Battery Charging on my iPhone? In this guide, we will discuss how this feature works on your iPhone and how it affects the phone’s performance. We will also discuss methods for how to turn off Optimized Battery Charging on iPhone and Android devices.

Should I Turn Off Optimized Battery Charging?

Should I Turn Off Optimized Battery Charging?

In this article, we have explained how to turn off the feature on iPhone and Android device in detail.

Is Turning Off Optimized Battery Charging Safe?

Yes, Disabling this feature on iPhones is completely safe. Apple has introduced this feature in their iOS settings to increase the battery life of the phone. It is a default setting option on the iPhone 13 and later models. Therefore, it is completely safe to turn off the setting on your iPhone to increase the battery life and enhance the iPhone experience. In this guide, we will discuss how to turn On/Off this feature. 

How Does Optimized Battery Charging Improve Battery Life on iPhone

To clear up the should I turn off Optimized Battery Charging query, let’s first understand what this feature is and how it helps your phone. Understanding the setting is easy; you can look at the following points to understand how this feature helps your iPhone battery last longer.

  • With the help of advanced technology, the iPhone tracks your phone usage. It also tracks when you connect to the charger and for how long you charge your iPhone. This helps the iPhone optimize your battery usage.
  • When you are not using your iPhone, this feature charges it to 80%.
  • The feature analyzes and predicts when you will disconnect the charger and accordingly delays charging to 100% for the time being.
  • This feature also stops the electrical current from making the chemicals inside the iPhone’s lithium-ion battery react.
  • As the phone analyses the chemical behavior of the battery, it makes better predictions for the age of the battery.

How to Turn Off Optimized Battery Charging on iPhone

This feature on iOS phones is intended to reduce battery wear and tear on the iPhone. It significantly increases the lifespan of an iPhone’s battery. It reduces the stress on an iPhone’s battery by keeping it charged at 80% when the user is not using it for a long time. Therefore, if you are wondering whether should I turn off this feature on your phone, then you can turn off this feature without any issues. You can follow these simple steps to turn off the feature on your iPhone.

1. On your iPhone, open the Settings

open the Settings

2. In Settings, select Battery from the list.

select Battery settings. Should I Turn Off Optimized Battery Charging?

3. Now, select Battery Health & Charging to open the next screen.

select Battery Health and Charging

4. Locate the Optimised Battery Charging toggle and turn it off.

optimised battery charging

5. Select Turn Off Until Tomorrow or Turn Off depending on your preference.

Note: If you want to know how to turn on Optimized Battery Charging, follow the same steps as mentioned above and turn on the Optimised Battery Charging toggle to enable the feature.

Select Turn Off Until Tomorrow or Turn Off depending on your preference.

Also Read: How to Clean iPhone Charging Port with Alcohol

Does Optimize Battery Charging Make Charging Slow?

It is a feature that helps you save your phone’s battery. Therefore, when this feature is on, your phone will only charge up to 80%. The remaining 20% battery will be charged at a predetermined time. That is why the charging process is slow with this feature. Generally, if this feature is turned off, the phone will charge quickly within a few minutes. Therefore, if you need to charge your phone quickly and you are not sure, should I turn off this feature on your phone? In this case, you should disable this feature for fast charging. It analyzes the data from your daily behaviors, such as sleeping patterns and phone usage. Therefore, maintain a regular sleeping schedule for this feature to work accurately.

How to Turn Off Optimized Battery Charging on AirPods Pro

This feature is not just limited to iPhones; it can also be used on other iOS devices, such as AirPods Pro. You can improve the battery health of your Apple AirPods by turning this feature on or off. You can follow these simple steps to turn off the feature on AirPods Pro.

1. Open Settings on the paired device.

tap on settings icon in iPhone

2. Navigate to Bluetooth and then select the connected device (i.e. AirPods Pro).

iphone Disconnect Bluetooth Devices

3. Locate the Optimised Battery Charging toggle, and turn it off.

Note: If you want to know how to turn on Optimized Battery Charging, just follow the same steps as mentioned above, that is, Settings > Bluetooth then select the connected device, go to Optimized Battery Charging, and turn the toggle on.

Also Read: How to Connect AirPods with Dead Case

Can I Turn Off Optimized Battery Charging on Android?

Android also provides Optimized charging in new versions. Like on an iPhone, this feature helps maintain the health of your Android phone’s battery. However, if you want to turn off this feature on your Android phone, you can follow these simple methods.

Note: Since smartphones do not have the same settings options and they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, ensure the correct settings before changing any. The following methods are from Moto G(60) smartphone.

1. Open Settings from the phone menu.

Open Settings from the phone menu. Should I Turn Off Optimized Battery Charging?

2. Locate and tap on Battery.

Locate and tap on Battery

3. Locate and tap on Optimized charging.

Locate and tap on Optimized charging

4. Turn off the Use optimized charging toggle.

Turn off the Use optimized charging toggle. Should I Turn Off Optimized Battery Charging?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is Optimized Battery Charging? 

Ans. It is a feature in Apple iPhones that allows the iPhone to analyze and optimize the user’s battery health.

Q2. How does Optimized Battery Charging work?

Ans. It analyzes data from the behavioral patterns of the user. It collects data such as phone usage, and sleeping patterns to determine battery optimization.

Q3. Is Optimized Battery Charging good for phones?

Ans. Yes, Optimizing Battery Charging is a helpful tool for many iPhone users to maintain a long battery life on their phones.

Q4. What are the benefits of Optimized Battery Charging?

Ans. There are several benefits of this feature, such as longer battery life and regulated phone usage.

Q5. Can I turn off Optimized Battery Charging on Android?

Ans. Yes, many new versions of Android allow this feature. Optimized charging can be turned on or off from the phone settings on Android.


We hope this guide was helpful to you and you were able to figure out that should I turn off Optimized Battery Charging query. Let us know how battery optimization worked for you. If you have any suggestions or queries for us please let us know in the comment section.

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