How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

In recent times Instagram has taken the world by storm with its features. At some point or the other, you must have received a message saying Something you sent in a chat went against our community. Receiving this kind of message indicated that you have somehow violated the community guidelines issued by Instagram. These guidelines generally highlight the types of behavior and content that are not allowed on the platform including spam, hate speech, and a lot more. The problem is when you have never indulged in any such activity and behavior. If you are also going through the same, this article is going to be a great help to you. Here, we will be discussing how to remove community guidelines strike Instagram. Apart from that, you will also be learning about what are Instagram’s community guidelines. Continue reading to know how many community guidelines strike Instagram to get banned.

How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

Here, you will get to know about Instagram community guidelines, how to remove community guidelines strike and many more in detail.

What are Instagram’s Community Guidelines?

Like any other social media platform, Instagram also consists of a set of rules and regulations that users are required to follow. These rules are known as the Community Guidelines of Instagram. Violating these community guidelines results in users getting a strike on their Instagram accounts. The consequences of receiving a strike primarily depend on the severity of the violation. Listed below are some points that can get you a strike on your account:

  • Using others’ content on your profile without their knowledge or permission.
  • Spamming with numerous unwanted messages, comments, and posts.
  • Exaltation of self-injury, primarily eating disorders.
  • Instagram does not support nudity in any type except for breastfeeding.
  • Content emphasizing harassment and verbal or physical violence.
  • It also prohibits illegal content like the promotion of organized crime, hate groups, terrorism, selling sexual services, and other such activities.
  • Instagram does not allow content resonating with gore injuries and deaths.

Now that you have learned what are Instagram’s community guidelines, you can continue reading how to remove community guidelines strike on Instagram.

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Ways to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

If you have also got a message on Instagram regarding a violation of community guidelines without even violating one, you do not need to worry. We have a list of solutions that can help you remove the community guidelines strike on Instagram. Continue reading to learn methods that explain how to remove community guidelines strike on Instagram.

Method 1: Review Community Guidelines

Ensure that you know and understand the Community Guidelines of Instagram. You can read a few of the guidelines that we have mentioned at the beginning of the article. You can visit the Community Guidelines page on Instagram to find more details. It is the first method to understand what went wrong with your activities on Instagram. There can also be situations where you can be wrongly banned without a reason. Further in the article you will be reading about how many community guidelines strike Instagram to get banned.

Method 2: Wait for 3 Days

The first and foremost fix to the issue is to wait for 3 days. The community guidelines strike is temporary, therefore as said earlier it might take 3 or more days in some cases for it to be lifted. You can have a look at the status of your account by following the steps mentioned below:

1. Launch the Instagram app on your mobile device.

2. At the right-hand corner of your mobile screen, tap on the profile picture.

Tap on your profile picture

3. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner.

Tap on the three horizontal lines. How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

4. Tap on Settings.

Tap on Settings

5. Now tap on Account.

tap on Account. How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

6. Tap on Account Status.

Tap on Account Status

This option will show you the status of the account, and whether the strike has been removed or not.

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Method 3: Use Instagram on PC

If the strike on your account restricts you from sending messages, you can try using Instagram on your PC. You can use two ways of doing this, we listed both ways as points below:

  • You can log in to Instagram via a web browser and then click on messages to send one.
  • You can also log in to the Instagram app by downloading and installing it from the Microsoft store and utilizing it for sending messages.

This was one of the methods that will work in your favor. Continue reading to find other methods that explain how to remove community guidelines strike Instagram.

Method 4: Use Another Account

Using another account can help you send messages and use Instagram as required. If you have two accounts, you can easily switch between the accounts by long pressing on your profile picture and tapping on the other account. If not then creating a new account will also work. Again, creating a new account requires you to long-press your profile picture and then tap on the Add account option.

Also Read: Does Instagram deletes inactive accounts?

Method 5: Report Problem

If the above-mentioned methods do not feel satisfactory, you can try reporting the issue to Instagram. To do so you can follow the steps that we have listed below:

1. Launch the Instagram app on your mobile device.

Launch the Instagram app. How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

2. Tap on the profile picture in the right corner of the screen.

3. Tap on the three horizontal lines on the top right corner of the mobile screen.

Tap on the three horizontal lines. How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

4. Tap on Settings.

Tap on Settings

5. Go to Help.

Go to Help

6. Now tap on Report a Problem and report your issue with a description and images.

tap on Report a Problem and report your issue with a description and images

These were the steps to report a problem on Instagram, moving on you will be reading another method to see how to remove community guidelines strike on Instagram.

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Method 6: Contact Instagram Support

As a last option, you can contact the Instagram Support team to help you get the issue resolved. As said earlier, you may or may not have struck by mistake. Therefore, contacting Instagram Support for further help is the only solution left when the above-mentioned methods do not seem to work. Instagram Support will explain you in detail regarding the issue and help you understand why your account is striked.

Instagram community guidelines help page

These were the methods that explain the answer to your question about how to remove community guidelines strike on Instagram. Moving on you will be learning about do Instagram community guidelines violations go away and how many community guidelines strike Instagram to get banned.

Do Instagram Community Guidelines Violations Go Away?

Yes, they do go away with time. It entirely depends on at what level you have violated the guideline. The more severe the violation, the longer the duration of the strike. Instagram does not straightway strike your account. Your account is initially suspended. This suspension can last from one to 48 hours. All the strikes on Instagram, including the severe one, expire after a year. Now that you have got the answer to the question, let’s hop on to the next most asked question.

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How Many Community Guidelines Strike Instagram to Get Banned?

There is no specific number of strikes that determines the removal of an Instagram account. To be precise, if you are receiving multiple strikes on Instagram you are likely to get banned. Moving on you will be reading about how to check community guidelines strike Instagram.

How to Check Community Guidelines Strike Instagram?

As we have mentioned earlier, Instagram sometimes tends to strike users for no reason. In such case, or if you just want to see if you have violated any community guidelines you are at the right place. To see how to check community guidelines strike Instagram, follow the steps listed below:

1. Open Instagram on your mobile.

2. Open your profile by tapping on your picture at the right corner of the mobile screen.

Open your profile by tapping on your profile picture

3. Now tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner.

Now tap on the three horizontal lines. How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

4. Navigate to Settings and then tap on Help.

Navigate to Settings and then tap on Help

5. Tap on Support Requests.

Tap on Support Requests

6. Now tap on Violations to see the violations that you have made.

tap on Violations to see the violations that you have made

We hope these steps have answered all your queries regarding how to see if you have violated any community guidelines.


This article was all about removing strikes on Instagram community guidelines. We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to learn about how to remove community guidelines strike Instagram. Let us know if you found the article helpful and which method worked for you best. If you have any queries or suggestions, you can reach out to us via the comment section given below.

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