How to Cancel Subscription on Scribd

Learn the steps to cancel your subscription and disable automatic renewal.

With millions of books, audiobooks, documents, and magazines to choose from, Scribd is the service for you. However, there may be times when you want to cancel your subscription and get a refund, maybe you’re going on a long vacation or moving to another country. Whatever the reason, it’s important to learn how to Scribd cancel your subscription to not lose access to your content. In this article, you will learn about the same. So, keep reading!

How to Cancel Subscription on Scribd

How to Cancel Subscription on Scribd

Scribd is a digital library and subscription-based reading platform that offers a vast collection of books, audiobooks, magazines, and documents. It has a diverse range of content from various genres, including fiction, non-fiction, self-help, academic literature, and more. You will get to know how to Scribd cancel your subscription further in this article. Keep reading to learn more about it in detail.

Quick Answer

Follow the below steps to cancel your Scribd subscription:

1. Launch Google Play Store and tap on the profile icon.

2. Choose Payments and subscriptions > Subscriptions.

3. Choose the Scribd subscription from the list and tap on Cancel subscription.

4. Select the reason and tap on Continue.

5. Finally, tap on Cancel subscription in the popup.

Can You Cancel Scribd During Free Trial?

Yes, Scribd allows its users to delete their subscriptions during the free trial. Like any platform, Scribd allows its users to try their features for one month free. If the consumer feels that the Scribd service is not up to their expectations during that period, they can easily cancel it. However, cancel it before the trial period ends and you won’t be charged or else you will be charged automatically if you don’t cancel it.

How to Cancel Scribd Free Trial

Scribd allows its subscribers to delete their subscriptions any time they want. Here is the process that will guide you to cancel your Scribd subscription.

Method 1: Through Scribd Website

1. Visit the official Scribd website on your PC or laptop.

2. Click on Sign in and log in to your account with account credentials.

click on sign in | How to Cancel Subscription on Scribd

3. Go to Your Account and click on Subscription & Payment Details.

4. Click on End My Subscription.

Note: For some readers, this option may appear as Cancel Subscription.

Also Read: How to Cancel Duolingo Plus

Method 2: Via Google Play Store

1. Launch Google Play Store on your smartphone.

2. Tap on the profile icon from the top right corner.

tap on the profile icon

3. Tap on Payments and subscriptions from the drop-down menu.

go to payments and subscriptions

4. Next, tap on Subscriptions.

go to subscriptions

5. Tap on the Scribd subscription from the list.

6. Then, tap on Cancel subscription.

tap on Cancel subscription |

7. Select the reason why you want to cancel the subscription and tap on Continue.

Select the reason why you want to cancel the subscription and tap on Continue | How to Cancel Subscription on Scribd

8. Lastly, tap on Cancel subscription from the popup.

tap on Cancel subscription from the popup |

Also Read: 2 Ways to Cancel YouTube Premium Subscription

Method 3: From iPhone Settings

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone and tap on your Apple ID.

Open the Settings App on your iPhone and click on the Apple ID.

2. Now, tap on Subscription.

tap on Subscriptions

3. Locate and tap on Scribd subscription.

4. Then, tap on Cancel Subscription.

Tap on Cancel Subscription |

How to Cancel Subscription on Scribd? How to Scribd Cancel Subscription

You can read and follow the steps mentioned above to delete your Scribd subscription.

Is It Easy to Perform Scribd Cancel Subscription?

Yes, it is very easy to cancel your Scribd subscription. You can manage your subscription by easily signing into your Scribd account and going to your Account section.

Is Scribd Hard to Cancel?

No, the Scribd subscription is not hard to cancel. Scribd knows that sometimes people are not happy with their services, so they have made it easy for people to cancel their subscriptions.

Can I Cancel Scribd Subscription and Get Refund?

Yes. Scribd allows us to cancel your Subscription and get a refund for unused subscription time. Scribd allows its users to get a refund for their unused subscription time within the time of 30 days starting when they cancel the subscription. If you successfully used the service during the period, you cannot get a refund. Scribd subscription will automatically be renewed and you can cancel Scribd subscription and get a refund at any time.

Also Read: Can You Cancel FUBO and Get a Refund?

How to Login to Scribd Account

There are two ways through which we can Sign into our Scribd account. They are through the web and through their mobile app. In this section, we will go through both ways. Here are the steps that will guide you to sign into your Scribd account.

Method 1: Through Scribd Website

1. Visit the official Scribd website on your PC or laptop.

2. Click on Sign in from the top right corner.

3. Select the option for Signing in to your account. Namely, they provide three ways of signing in.

  • Continue with Google
  • Continue with Facebook
  • Sign in with an email

three ways of signing in to Scribd

4. Now, enter your username and password to Sign in to your Scribd account.

Note: If you haven’t signed in using your Facebook account before, Scribd will create a new account. However, that can be easily solved by contacting Scribd Support.

Also Read: How to Sign into Samsung Account on TV

Option II: Through Scribd Mobile App

1. Open the Scribd app on your Android and iOS phones.

2. Tap on Sign in.

Tap on Sign in | How to Cancel Subscription on Scribd

3. Select your desired sign in options for signing in to your account. Here they give the following options.

  • Sign in with Facebook
  • Sign in with Google
  • Sign in with email

sign in options

How Do I Cancel Scribd App?

To cancel the Scribd app, you need to cancel the Scribd subscription on your phone. Follow the steps mentioned above to do that.


We hope that you learned about how to cancel your Scribd subscription. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn about next.

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