How to Authorize Apps on Discord

Discover the power of app integration on this messaging platform.

Discord stands out as an effective platform that allows users to connect and engage. However, you can add authorized apps on this platform to automate tasks and enhance collaboration with your community members. So, let’s explore the method of how to add and authorize apps to your Discord server to discover the benefits they bring to your online communities.

How to Authorize Apps on Discord

How to Authorize Apps on Discord

The Authorize option comes into the picture when you invite a third-party app or bot to your Discord server. These bots need proper permissions, such as sending and managing messages, managing webhooks, embedding links, and using emojis on Discord. To grant bot-specific permission, you need to use the Authorize option.

Quick Answer

Here are the steps to authorize apps on Discord:

1. Open the Discord app on your PC and log into your account.

2. Select the desired server from the leftmost pane.

3. Click on the server name and choose the App Directory option.

4. Use the search bar to enter the name of the desired app or bot, then press Enter.

5. Select Add to Server from the app’s main page and follow the onscreen prompts to Authorize the app.

Now, let us see the detailed steps to find and authorize apps on Discord.

Step I: Find Discord Apps on Google & App Directory

Option I: On Google

1. Visit the Google search page and enter the desired app or bot name you want to add to your Discord server.

Note: For demonstration purposes, we have used Hydra Bot.

2. Click on the official website link to open the page for the target Discord app or bot.

Click on the official website link to open the page for the target Discord app or bot

3. You will see the Invite option on the homepage to add and authorize this external app or bot to your Discord server.

Option II: Via App Directory on Discord App

1. Open the Discord app on your PC.

Note: Make sure you are logged into your account.

2. From the leftmost pane, click on the desired server to which you want to add the bot or app.

3. Click on the server name > App Directory option.

Click on the server name - App Directory option

4. Enter the desired app or bot name in the search bar and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

5. Click on the desired app or bot from the search results and land on its main page. From here, you can add it to your server.

Also Read: 28 Best Discord Game Bots

Step II: Authorize Discord Apps or Bots

Now, read the steps given below to authorize the bot or app you found to your Discord server.

Option I: From App or Bot Website

1. From the app or bot website, click on the Invite option.

click on Invite

2. Select the desired server and click on the Continue option to allow it to access your Discord account.

3. Click on the Authorize option to grant this external Discord app or bot all the necessary permissions to function properly.

click on Authorize

Option II: From App Directory on Discord App

1. Click on Add Server on the desired bot or app main page in App Directory.

Click on Add Server on the desired bot or app main page in App Directory

2. Select the desired server and click on Continue.

3. Then, scroll down and click on Authorize.

scroll down and click on Authorize

Also Read: How to Set Up Rules Bot on Discord

How to Authorize Apps on Discord Mobile App?

You can also find, add, and allow apps or bots on the Discord mobile app. Read and follow our guide on How to Add Bots in Discord Mobile: Automated Assistance for Your Server to learn how to do so in detail.

Tap on Select a server to choose the one to which you want to add the bot and tap Continue.

How to Authorize Third-Party Apps on Discord?

Read and follow the methods mentioned above to learn how to add and authorize third-party apps or bots to your server.

How to Check Authorized Apps on Discord?

Discord enables you to monitor the apps you have authorized, ensuring the security of your account. Follow the steps below to check authorized apps.

1. Open the Discord app on your PC.

Note: Make sure you are logged into your account.

2. Click on the cog settings icon from the bottom left corner.

The Settings icon next to your username at the bottom part of the screen

3. Click on Authorized Apps from the left pane under USER SETTINGS. The list of authorized apps will then appear on your screen.

Click on Authorized Apps

Also Read: How to Fix Discord Bot if it Goes Offline

This guide has addressed all your questions regarding how to authorize apps on Discord. We hope you were able to create a vibrant and customized Discord environment. Let us know your doubts in the comments below, and keep exploring our website for more helpful tutorials.

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