Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling: Is It Worth Turning On?

Whenever a new technology arises, the number of tasks that a CPU can handle at a time will be increased apparently. A scheduler is a built-in tool that allows you to automate certain tasks or programs on your computer. It can be used to schedule various tasks, including running programs at specific times, launching applications when a certain event occurs or shutting down your computer after a specified amount of time. Microsoft released a new feature called Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling for Windows PCs. Since its release, there are so many discussions about the topic, whether it is beneficial or not. This guide will help you give an introduction to the said feature and give a complete insight into it.

Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling: Is It Worth Turning On?

Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling: Is It Worth Turning On?

Here, you will get to know about hardware accelerated GPU scheduling in detail and is it good or bad.

What is Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling?

Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling is a new technology that is changing the way that computer graphics are rendered and processed. With this technology, you can harness the power of your computer’s graphics processing unit (GPU) to speed up the processing of tasks such as video game graphics, 3D rendering, and artificial intelligence. Below are a few more points to know.

  • Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling uses the power of the GPU to enable faster processing of tasks. By utilizing the GPU, tasks can be completed in a fraction of the time of traditional CPU-based processing. This technology can revolutionize how you use computers for gaming, 3D rendering, and artificial intelligence tasks.
  • The GPU needs to be optimized for the specific task to take full advantage of this technology. This means setting the GPU up to work in the most efficient manner possible. This can be done by adjusting the GPU’s clock speed, memory speed, and core frequency. This will ensure that the GPU is operating at its full potential, allowing for faster processing times.
  • Once the GPU is set up to work in an optimal manner, the hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling can begin. This is done by assigning tasks to the GPU and scheduling them in order of importance. This ensures that the most important tasks are completed first and the least important tasks are completed last.
  • In addition, hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling allows you to manage resources more efficiently. By scheduling tasks in an optimal order, you can ensure that the GPU is not overburdened and can still perform at its best.

How Does GPU Hardware Scheduling Work?

GPU hardware scheduling is the process of assigning tasks to the GPU’s hardware components. This is done by a hardware scheduler, which is a piece of software that acts as an intermediary between the software application and the GPU’s hardware components. The hardware scheduler is responsible for deciding which tasks should be run on which hardware components, and when.

  • When a task is assigned to a hardware component, the hardware scheduler will assign the task to a queue. This queue contains the tasks that are ready to be processed by the GPU’s hardware components. The hardware scheduler will then assign the task to the appropriate hardware component, depending on the type of task.
  • The GPU’s hardware components can be grouped into three basic types: compute, memory, and display.
  • Compute components are responsible for performing mathematical operations, such as matrix multiplication and vector addition. Memory components are responsible for storing, retrieving, and manipulating data. Finally, display components are responsible for displaying the output of the GPU to the user.
  • For example, a task that requires a lot of mathematical operations will be assigned to a compute component, while a task that requires manipulation of data will be assigned to a memory component.
  • Once the hardware scheduler has assigned the tasks to the hardware components, the hardware components will begin to process the tasks. Depending on the type of task, the hardware components will take different amounts of time to complete the task. This is known as latency, or the time taken for the hardware components to process a task.
  • The hardware scheduler will also take into account the number of tasks that can be processed simultaneously. This is known as throughput or the maximum number of tasks that can be processed in a given period of time.
  • Finally, the hardware scheduler will also monitor the performance of the hardware components. This is done by monitoring the utilization rate of the hardware components, as well as their power consumption. If the utilization rate is too low or if the power consumption is too high, the hardware scheduler can adjust the tasks assigned to the hardware components to improve the performance. This is the overall process of hardware accelerated GPU scheduling in Valorant.

Is Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling Good or Bad?

The main benefit of hardware accelerated GPU scheduling is that it can increase the performance of a computer system. By utilizing the power of the GPU, tasks can be completed faster and with fewer delays or errors. Additionally, it can help reduce power consumption by allowing the GPU to take on more of the processing load, thus reducing the amount of power the computer needs.

However, there are some drawbacks to hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling. For example, it can cause compatibility issues with certain software or hardware devices. Additionally, there can be a steep learning curve associated with it, as it requires a certain level of expertise in order to use the technology effectively. Additionally, it can be difficult to debug problems that occur when using this process, as it can be difficult to determine where the issue is originating from.

But, the advantage of the process is extremely high rather considering the drawbacks of it. So, to conclude hardware accelerated GPU scheduling good or bad. Yes, hardware accelerated GPU scheduling is good.

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Requirements to Enable GPU Hardware Scheduling

To enable GPU hardware scheduling, there are a few key components that need to be in place. These components include a compatible motherboard, a compatible processor, a compatible graphics card, and a compatible operating system.

  • Compatible motherboard: Most modern motherboards are compatible with GPU hardware scheduling, but it’s important to check with the manufacturer to make sure that your motherboard is indeed compatible. You’ll also need to ensure that your motherboard has the necessary slots for the graphics card you wish to use.
  • Compatible processor: GPU hardware scheduling requires a processor that supports the feature. Generally, this means that a processor from the Intel Core i3, i5, or i7 family will be compatible.
  • Compatible graphics card: Many modern graphics cards from AMD and Nvidia are compatible with GPU hardware scheduling.
  • Compatible operating system: Most current operating systems support GPU hardware scheduling, so you shouldn’t have any problems here.

Once GPU hardware scheduling has been enabled, you should notice an improvement in the performance of your system. GPU hardware scheduling can offload some of the work that would normally be done by the processor, resulting in a faster and more efficient processing experience.

GPU hardware scheduling is a great feature for anyone looking to get the most out of their system. It’s important to ensure that your components are compatible before attempting to enable the feature, but once enabled, you should notice a significant performance improvement.

Which GPUs will support Hardware Scheduling?

The answer depends on the specific GPU and the hardware features it supports. Most modern GPUs, including those from Nvidia and AMD, generally support hardware scheduling. However, it is important to note that the types of features supported and the degree of performance improvements will vary from model to model.

  • To start, Nvidia’s Pascal and Turing architectures both support hardware scheduling. This includes the GeForce and Quadro series, although Quadro GPUs are better suited for professional applications requiring more powerful and efficient hardware scheduling capabilities.
  • AMD’s Vega and Navi architectures also support hardware scheduling. This includes both the Radeon and FirePro series, with the FirePro series being better suited for professional applications.
  • It is also important to note that some GPUs may not explicitly support hardware scheduling. For example, some mid-range GPUs from Nvidia and AMD may not support the feature. This may be because hardware scheduling can be a more complex and resource-intensive feature, and as such, is typically reserved for more powerful and expensive GPUs.
  • In addition to the specific GPU, the driver version and operating system can also play an important role in whether or not hardware scheduling is supported. For instance, some older versions of drivers may not support hardware scheduling, or the feature may only be available in an unstable version of the driver. It is important to ensure that you are running the most recent version of the driver and operating system in order to take advantage of hardware scheduling.

How to Enable Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling

Here are two different methods to enable hardware accelerated GPU scheduling in Valorant on your PC.

Method 1: Through Settings

Follow the steps listed below to enable hardware accelerated GPU scheduling from Windows Settings.

1. Press the Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings and click on System.

click on System setting. Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling: Is It Worth Turning On?

2. Now, click on the Display setting from the left menu.

3. Next, scroll down the right menu to the Multiple Displays menu and click on Graphics settings.

click on Graphics settings

4. Now, turn off Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling setting and restart your PC.

Also Read: What is a Good Normal GPU Temp for Gaming?

Method 2: Through Registry Editor

If you do not find an option to turn on the feature in Settings, you can do it from the Registry Editor as follows.

Note: Make a backup of registry keys to restore to previous settings in case of manual errors during modification.

1. Press the Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.

2. Now, type regedit and hit Enter key to launch the Registry Editor.

Type regedit. Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling: Is It Worth Turning On?

3. Now, navigate to the following location path in the Registry Editor.


go to GraphicsDrivers key folder path

4. In the right screen, find and double-click on the HwSchMode key and ensure the Base field is set to Hexadecimal as depicted.

ensure the Base field is set to Hexadecimal. Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling: Is It Worth Turning On?

5. Click on OK to save the changes and restart the PC.

Also Read: Fix The Registry editor has stopped working

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Should I disable GPU hardware acceleration?

Ans. It depends on what you are using the GPU hardware acceleration for. If you are using it for gaming, then it is probably best to keep it enabled. If you are using it for other tasks such as video editing, then it may be beneficial to disable it to increase performance. Ultimately, it depends on what you are using it for and what your performance needs are.

Q2. What does hardware accelerated GPU do?

Ans. Hardware accelerated GPU (graphics processing unit) is designed to take on the intensive graphical processing tasks that would otherwise have to be done by the CPU. This allows for smoother, faster graphics and video, allowing for a more enjoyable user experience. With hardware accelerated GPU, complex 3D animations and other high-end graphical tasks can be done faster and with better efficiency, allowing for a better user experience.

Q3. Does hardware acceleration affect RAM?

Ans. No, hardware acceleration does not directly affect RAM. RAM is used to store data and instructions for processing, while hardware acceleration speeds up the processing of instructions by using specialized hardware to perform certain tasks.

Q4. Does hardware accelerated GPU scheduling cause stuttering?

Ans. No, hardware accelerated GPU scheduling does not cause stuttering. It is designed to reduce stuttering and improve the overall performance of the graphics processing unit (GPU). GPU scheduling works by allowing the GPU to prioritize tasks, meaning that the GPU will try to complete tasks with the highest priority first, reducing latency and improving performance.

Q5. What is threatening hardware acceleration?

Ans. Hardware acceleration can be threatened by a lack of hardware resources, outdated hardware, and software incompatibilities. Additionally, hardware acceleration can be affected by computer viruses, malware, and other security issues.

Q6. Should I enable GPU debug layers for gaming?

Ans. No, GPU debug layers are not necessary for gaming. Debug layers are used to help developers identify and fix errors and performance problems within their applications. They are not designed to improve gaming performance, and may actually negatively impact performance if enabled.


We hope that this guide was helpful and you have learned whether hardware accelerated GPU scheduling good or bad on your system. Let us know what you want to learn about next. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.

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