How to Find Last Set Password Using PowerShell

Windows PowerShell is a useful Windows utility that can be used for various purposes, such as scanning your computer or locating system data. PowerShell can also be used to retrieve user profile information, such as Password last set PowerShell, you can get this information by using a few simple commands in the utility. In the following guide, we will discuss methods to get the ad user password last set on your system with and without Windows PowerShell. Therefore, if you want to obtain the active directory password last set of data on your computer, this is the perfect guide.

How to Find Last Set Password Using PowerShell

How to Find Last Set Password Using PowerShell

Windows PowerShell is one of the best tools to find the last password change for a user account. You can follow these simple steps to execute this method to get the last password change PowerShell.

1. Press the Windows key, type Windows PowerShell, then click on Open.

open windows powershell from Windows Search. How to Find Last Set Password Using PowerShell

2. Use the Identity parameter to specify a specific user profile for which you wish to check the last password set. You can use the following PowerShell script to identify the user profile.

-identity * -properties passwordlastset, passwordneverexpires | sort name | ft Name, passwordlastset, Passwordneverexpires

use the following PowerShell script to identify the user profile. -identity * -properties passwordlastset, passwordneverexpires | sort name | ft Name, passwordlastset, Passwordneverexpires

3. Check the parameters in the PowerShell window.

4. If you want to export the data in a CVS file, you can add the following to the PowerShell script.

Out-File C:\lastpasswordset.csv

Continue reading to learn how to convert the date format for the password last set PowerShell.

Also Read: How to Find Administrator Password On Windows 10

How to Find Last Password Change with Netwrix Auditor

Netwrix Auditor is a tool that helps you manage changes in your IT environment. The Netwrix auditor allows you to audit all the group policy changes. The tool also helps you track changes made to the IT environment, such as who changed what and when, for example, the active directory password last set. Netwrix Auditor is one of the best third-party tools that you can use to find the last password change for a user profile. You can download the Netwrix Auditor tool for your device from the official website. You can follow these simple steps to use Netwrix Auditor to find and get the ad user password last set for a user profile.

1. Open Netwrix Auditor on your system.

2. Now, navigate to Search and select the following filters.

  • Data source Equals Active Directory
  • Details Contain password
  • What Contains user name

Netwrix Auditor

3. Now, click Search.

4. The output is sorted with the When parameter; therefore, it will show you the date and time of the password change.

5. If you wish to save this report on your device, simply click on Export data, and then select the file format, save location, and finally click Export.

Also Read: Fix 1Password Not Syncing Between Devices

How to Find Active Directory User Last Set Password Date and Time

Now that we know the last password change PowerShell let’s discuss how to get the date and time for the same. If you want to get the last set password date and timestamp for the password last set PowerShell, you can use the PowerShell utility to get all the required information. You can follow these simple steps.

1. Hit the Windows key, type Windows PowerShell, then click on Open.

open windows powershell from Windows Search. How to Find Last Set Password Using PowerShell

2. Run the following command in the Windows PowerShell window.

Get-ADUser -Identity Toms -properties PwdLastSet, PasswordLastSet | sort Name | ft Name, PwdLastSet,PasswordLastSet

run the following command. Get-ADUser -Identity Toms -properties PwdLastSet, PasswordLastSet | sort Name | ft Name, PwdLastSet,PasswordLastSet

3. The Get-AdUser cmdlet gets the active directory password last set user object specified by samaccountname.

4. Now, select the properties PwdLastSet and PasswordLastSet of users, and then pass the output to the second command.

5. In the second command, select Name and print it Name, PwdLastSetPasswordLastSet.

Here, you will be able to locate the get ad user password last set date format is not in standard date format but is a large integer. This is because the PasswordLastSet output contains the calculated value of the PwdLastSet output in date-time format.

6. You can use the following script to get-aduser pwdlastset convert to date format


7. Finally, you can use the following PowerShell command to convert the pwdlastset output result from the number format to the Date and Time format.

Get-ADUser -Identity Toms -properties PwdLastSet,PasswordLastSet | sort Name | ft Name,@{Name='PwdLastSet';Expression={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.PwdLastSet)}},PasswordLastSet

With the help of the above-mentioned steps, you can get the user profile password last set PowerShell with the help of the PasswordLastSet property. We have already discussed the last password change in PowerShell. In the next section, we will discuss the method to convert the pwdlastsest to date format using Windows PowerShell.

How to Convert pwdlastset to Date using PowerShell

Windows PowerShell is a useful utility provided by Windows to perform various system tasks. You can also use PowerShell to get important system information, such as pwdlastset. In the previous sections, we have already discussed the steps to get the last user password information with PowerShell. However, we also know the output you get is in numeric format since the pwdlastset attribute stores the timestamp in System.Int64 data type format. You can follow these simple steps to convert the active directory password last set data into date and time format with Windows PowerShell.

  • Use the DateTime class and call its FromFileTime method using the scope resolution operator.
  • Take the active directory user pwdlastset attribute as an input parameter using the FromFileTime method as mentioned in the previous sections.
  • Expression evaluates the [DateTime]:: FromFileTime($_.PwdLastSet) into a more easily understandable format and converts pwdlastset to date in PowerShell.

How to Find Last Password Change List AdUser

If you want to get a list of get ad user password last set in a specific OU, you can use the following steps.

1. Launch the Windows PowerShell app.

open windows powershell from Windows Search. How to Find Last Set Password Using PowerShell

2. Here, execute the following command.

Get-ADUser -SearchBase "OU=SALES,DC=SHELLPRO,DC=LOCAL" -Filter * -Properties Name,PwdLastSet,PasswordLastSet | sort Name | ft Name,@{Name='PwdLastSet';Expression={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.PwdLastSet)}},PasswordLastSet

Get-ADUser -SearchBase command. How to Find Last Set Password Using PowerShell

3. The output is sorted by Name, PwdLastSet, and PasswordLastSet.

Also Read: How to Find Saved Passwords in Windows 10

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is PowerShell used for?

Ans. PowerShell is a utility provided by Windows to perform various system tasks. Windows PowerShell can fix system errors and get various system information.

Q2. Can I use PowerShell to get the last password change for the user profile?

Ans. Yes, you can run specific commands to get the last password change information with the help of Windows PowerShell.

Q3. Do I get the date and time of the last password change for the user profile?

Ans. Yes, when you get an output from a PowerShell command, you get date and time information with the last password change data. However, this data is not in an ordinary format, and you will have to convert it to a more standard format.

Q4. Can I get the last password changed without PowerShell?

Ans. Yes, you can use various third-party channels to get system information, such as the last password setting time and date.

Q5. How do I change the date and time format for pwdlastset?

Ans. You can run various commands on PowerShell to convert the date and time information from the output.


We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to get last set password in PowerShell. Let us know which method worked for you. If you have any suggestions or queries for us, please let us know in the comment section.

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