Where is Steam Data Stored?

Steam is an online video game store, but the store only has digital games which you can directly purchase and download into your system. To access Steam, you will need an account because it is a gateway for using Steam. If you want to download games from Steam on your system, you must download the Steam app on your PC. It will allow you to save games directly into your device and play them. This article will help you understand where is Steam data stored and how to delete saved data on Steam. You will also learn if you can have multiple Steam accounts or not. Let’s get started!

Where is Steam Data Stored?

Where is Steam Data Stored?

Using a Steam account, you can download games on your system from the store, sync your game’s progress to your sync account, and link your account to different platforms. To create a Steam account, you need an active email address for email verification. The Steam app is also available for desktop and mobile devices. Keep reading further to find out where is Steam data stored.

Quick Answer

Game files, game saves, Steam configuration files, etc. are stored in several locations on your computer, depending on the type of data you are referring to. These locations include the Steam installation directory, the Steam folder in your user’s appdata directory, etc.

Does Steam Keep Your Saves?

Yes, Steam keeps your saves. If you have enabled the Steam cloud backup, all the saves of your game will be stored on the Steam cloud. Along with this, Steam saves are stored on your system locally in the C drive of your PC. Save files of a game are not much big, and they take up very less space in your drive. Taking a backup of Steam games allows you to save your played games, along with your saved progress in the game. So, then uninstalling the Steam app from your PC won’t affect your games, as it saves progress.

Does Steam Store Your Data?

Yes, Steam stores your data. Steam uses the cloud to store users’ account-related data in their storage. When you install the Steam app on your desktop, downloaded games and their saves are stored locally on your system. But if you enable backup, you can store those games and saves them in the Steam cloud. So then, even if you lose your data locally, you can back it up using your Steam account. Steam does store all the user’s data, including your purchased, wishlist, and added to-library games, along with all the community discussions and friends on Steam.

Where is Steam Data Stored?

Steam data is stored locally in your system where you have installed the Steam app. And all the account-related data are stored online on the Steam cloud.

Usually, while installing a Steam app on your desktop, it uses the operating system installed drive as the default drive to install the Steam app and store the required data on your system. You can change the installation drive and install the Steam app in another drive. It doesn’t matter where you install the Steam app; you can choose where to install your Steam games.

Here are some of the common locations where Steam stores data:

  • Steam configuration files: Steam configuration files, such as settings and preferences, are stored in the “Steam” folder in your user’s appdata directory. The exact location depends on your operating system. For example, on Windows, the Steam configuration files are located in “C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Steam”.
  • Game files: By default, game files are stored in the Steam installation directory. This is typically located in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam” directory on Windows computers and in the “/Applications/Steam.app/Contents/” directory on Mac computers.
  • Workshop content: Workshop content, such as mods and custom maps, are typically stored in the “Steam\steamapps\workshop” directory.
  • Game saves: Game save files is usually stored in the “userdata” directory within the Steam installation directory. The exact location depends on your Steam user ID number, which can be found in the “steamid” file in the “userdata” directory. For example, if your Steam user ID number is “123456789,” your game save files would be located in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\123456789”

Note: These locations can vary based on your specific setup and preferences. If you’re not sure where a particular type of Steam data is stored, you can check the Steam support website or consult with the developer or community of the specific game or application you’re using.

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Can You Have Multiple Steam Accounts?

Yes, you can have multiple Steam accounts. You can create multiple Steam accounts with one or multiple email addresses. You don’t have to delete a Steam account to create a new one with the same email address. Steam allows the use of multiple accounts side by side, but only their login credentials must have to be different from each other.

Can Steam Recover Stolen Accounts?

Yes, Steam can recover stolen accounts. To recover your stolen account, you need to first prove to Steam support that the account is yours. After that, the Steam support team will help you recover it. But if you cannot verify the ownership of your account, Steam support won’t be able to help in that case. You can verify your account by providing your first used email address, username, and some game-related information.

How Long Does Steam Take to Delete Account?

Steam takes at most 30 days to delete your account. To delete your Steam account, you need to first submit your deletion request to Steam support. And within two to three working days, the support team will contact you via your email address for confirmation. Once you confirm the deletion after 30 days, your account will be deleted permanently, including all the achievements, games, and saves. Within this 30-day time limit, if you want, you can cancel your deletion request. But until then, your Steam account will be locked. Read from the start to learn where is Steam data stored.

What does a Deleted Steam Profile Look Like?

When you submit a request for Steam account deletion, your account gets locked, and you will not be to use it. Your profile will be locked and no longer visible to anyone. It takes 30 days for a Steam account to get deleted after the submission of the deletion request. And for 30 days, your profile will be live and active but only you can view it. Deleting a Steam profile will delete all the data that is associated with your account.

Also Read: What Does a Deactivated Facebook Account Look Like on Messenger?

How Do I Delete Saved Data on Steam?

To know how do I delete saved data on Steam, follow these steps:

Note: Make sure you are logged into the Steam app.

1. Launch the Steam Client on your desktop.

2. From the top left corner, click on the Steam > Settings option.

Settings option in the Steam

3. Then, click on the Cloud tab from the left pane.

In Settings, click on the Cloud option from the left options panel.

4. Uncheck the Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for applications which support it checkbox and click on OK.

Uncheck the Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for applications which support it option and click on the OK button then exit the settings. | Where is Steam Data Stored?

5. Click on the LIBRARY tab from the top.

Click on the LIBRARY option.

6. Right-click on the desired game that you want to delete.

7. From the drop-down menu, click on the Properties… option to access the Steam data stored.

Make a right-click on game to open Properties

8. Then, click on LOCAL FILES > Browse…

click on LOCAL FILES - Browse... | Where is Steam Data Stored?

9. Game files in the File Explorer will open. Locate and Delete the savegame.ini file.


We hope that you learned about where is Steam data stored. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Also, let us know what topic you want to learn about in our next article.

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