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What is the Easiest Way to Find a Stronghold in Minecraft?

Discover the simplest path of Strongholds in Minecraft and find your way to the End dimension.

A Minecraft Stronghold is a location where you can find an End Portal, as well as a library and storeroom. These Strongholds contain valuable loot, although finding them is not always easy. Therefore, we are here to assist you to discover the easiest way to find Strongholds in Minecraft.

What is the Easiest Way to Find a Stronghold in Minecraft?

What is the Easiest Way to Find a Stronghold in Minecraft?

The easiest way to find a Stronghold in Minecraft is by using cheats to locate the exact coordinates, which is probably not the recommended way if you want to beat the game without cheats. However, using Eye of Ender greatly narrows your search for Minecraft Strongholds by showing you the right direction towards which you should be heading.

How to Find Strongholds in Minecraft?

There are several ways to find Strongholds in Minecraft. The fastest way to find it is by locating its coordinates using a command. The slowest way to do so is the original method recommended to be done in survival mode.

Method 1: Using Commands

Note: You cannot locate all Strongholds using this method. Coordinates of the only Stronghold which is closest to you will be displayed.

1. Select the ON option for Allow Cheats for your current world from the Minecraft Game Settings.

2. When in the game, hit the T key on your keyboard to open the typing box.

3. Type the command /locate minecraft:stronghold and hit Enter, as shown.

Type the command /locate minecraft:stronghold or /locate structure stronghold and hit Enter

4. After the command is executed, the coordinates of the closest Stronghold to your current location will be displayed.

After the command is executed, it will display the coordinates of the closest Stronghold from your current location

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Method 2: Using Minecraft Seed

Minecraft Seeds are the randomly generated codes of the worlds of Minecraft. Each world that you create has a unique seed associated with it, which makes the places, loots, villages, Strongholds, and other things unique. You can use the seed data of your current world to extract and find the coordinates of every Stronghold in the Minecraft world.

1. Press the T key on your keyboard and type /seed.

2. Hit the Enter key to know the seed code of your Minecraft world and Copy it.

Hit Enter to know the seed code of your Minecraft world

3. Visit the Chunkbase Map Analyzer website on a web browser.

4. Paste the seed code into the Seed field.

5. Choose the Minecraft version which you are playing.

Choose the Minecraft version which you are playing

6. Choose Overworld as the Dimension.

Choose Overworld as the Dimension

7. Wait for the seed code to be analyzed. All Strongholds in the seed will be displayed on the Chunkbase map with the Eye of Ender icon, as illustrated below.

Wait for the seed code to be analyzed. All Strongholds in the seed will be displayed on the Chunkbase map with the Eye of Ender icon

8. Click on each icon to know the coordinates of the specific icon.

9. Then, head on to the game and reach the coordinates to find a Stronghold.

Method 3: Using Eyes of Ender

This is the recommended method for you if you want to beat the game on your own in survival mode. To find a Stronghold in Minecraft, you will need the following items:

  • 3 Eyes of Ender (if you want to activate the End Portal, you will need 12 Eyes of Ender)
  • An iron pickaxe or stronger (preferably diamond pickaxe)

The idea is to find the spot of the Stronghold using the Eyes of Ender, and then dig beneath the ground using pickaxe to reach the structure. It is a two-step process to craft everything you require and reach the Stronghold in Minecraft.

Step I: Craft Eye of Ender

To craft an Eye of Ender, you need an Ender Pearl and Blaze Powder.

  • Endermen have a 50% chance of dropping an Ender Pearl when defeated. So, this is how you can gather Ender Pearls.
  • Blaze powder can be obtained from Blaze Rods, which can, in turn, be obtained by defeating Blazes, found inside Nether Fortresses in the Nether. So, you need to form a Nether portal first, by using Obsidian and then activating the portal using Flint and Steel.

1. Place the Blaze rods in the middle square of the crafting table to craft Blaze powder.

Place the Blaze rods in the middle square of the crafting table to craft Blaze powder

2. Place the Blaze powder and Ender pearl next to each other on the crafting table (in any pattern) to obtain the Eye of Ender.

Place the Blaze powder and Ender pearl next to each other on the crafting table (in any pattern) to obtain Eye of Ender

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Step II: Use the Eyes of Ender to Locate Stronghold

Having made sure that you have enough Eyes of Ender with you, you can follow the steps given below to locate a Stronghold.

Note: Most of the time, the Eye of Ender shatters when thrown upwards. Hence, you should always carry more than 12 of them in case your goal is to activate the End portal.

1. In the overworld, throw an Eye of Ender facing upwards (towards the sky) by right-clicking your mouse or pressing the secondary action key.

Note: The Eye of Ender will keep floating in an upwards direction if the Stronghold is far from your current position. The Eye of Ender will move downwards and may go underground if the Stronghold is nearby.

In the overworld, throw an Eye of Ender facing upwards (towards the sky) by right-clicking your mouse or pressing the secondary action key

2. Keep moving in the direction of the Eye of Ender, until it moves downwards towards the same spot. This is the spot where you need to dig to reach the Stronghold.

Keep moving in the direction of the Eye of Ender, until it moves downwards towards the same spot. This is the spot where you need to dig to reach the Stronghold.

3. Use your pickaxe to dig underground at the spot where the Eye of Ender has traveled underground.

Note: As mentioned earlier, you will most likely find the Stronghold between the Y coordinates 0 and -64.

The Minecraft Stronghold

How Long Does It Take to Find a Stronghold in Minecraft?

Depending on the method you use to find a Minecraft Stronghold, it should not take more than 10 minutes in real life. The intended method of finding a Stronghold in Minecraft in Survival mode is by using the Eye of Ender.

Thus, in Survival mode, the total time taken to find a Stronghold in Minecraft depends on the following factors:

  • To craft Eye of Ender from Ender Pearls and Blaze Powder
  • To reach the coordinates of the Strongholds using the Eye of Ender
  • To dig into the Stronghold and enter it

How Rare is It to Find a Stronghold in Minecraft?

The Strongholds spawn rate depends on the Minecraft edition that you are playing. Minecraft Strongholds generate only in the underground, known as the overworld dimension. Sometimes, Strongholds may develop underwater as well, but they are not exposed to the water in this case.

  • Strongholds in Minecraft generate mostly under villages in the Minecraft Bedrock edition.
  • On the other hand, Strongholds generate at random underground locations after almost every 2000 blocks in the Minecraft Java edition.

Most Strongholds spawn between the coordinates Y = 0 (base level) and Y = -64 (bedrock level) of the world. So, in short, it is not rare to find Strongholds in Minecraft, as plenty of them spawn in random locations.

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How Hard is It to Find a Stronghold in Minecraft?

Finding a Stronghold in Minecraft is integral but not too hard. Cheating with coordinates is an option, though not recommended. The legit way involves using Eye of Enders to locate Strongholds. In the Bedrock edition, Strongholds often spawn beneath villages and offer valuable loot like bookshelves and chests. In summary, finding a Stronghold is manageable with Eye of Enders or village mining, adding to the game’s excitement.

We hope this detailed guide has answered your query about what is the easiest way to find a Stronghold in Minecraft. Using the Eyes of Ender to find a Stronghold is always advised, as it gives gamers the satisfaction of beating the game alone without using cheats. Leave your queries below and share which method helped you reach Stronghold quickly.

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