How to Use Uzox Bot Discord – Commands List

Make your Discord experience musical with Uzox bot!

Want to spice up your Discord server with music? Uzox bot is your answer. While it’s primarily considered a music bot, it has premium streams that can hook any user with the quality of its content. Along with songs, there are memes, riddles, and facts to make user engagement more enjoyable and make entering your server more fun. In this guide, we will explain how to use the Uzox bot and its commands on Discord.

How to Use Uzox Bot Discord

How to Use Uzox Bot on Discord

There are various commands you can give to the bot. But first, you need to know the commands, we used one command to demonstrate how to use the bot. Follow the steps below to use the bot on Discord:

1. Enter a command /play and then enter a song name or input a link to play a song

First, enter the command then enter a song name or input a link | uzox bot

2. You can also pause, resume, or increase the volume with the help of bot commands.

3. There are also commands to customize settings and features.

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Uzox Bot Command List

Read more to learn the Uzox bot commands to access the bot more efficiently

Always use a forward slash (/) before a command

Music Control Commands of Uzox Bot:

Command Function
Play Enter song name or link from Spotify/YouTube/Soundcloud/Twitch (Live) and more to play a Song/Playlist
Skip Skip the currently playing song
Stop Clears queue and disconnects bot from the voice channel.
Pause Pauses current song.
Resume Resumes the paused song.
Bassboost Add extra bass into your song
Volume See the current volume and set it to 1 – 100
Search Search tracks on Youtube
Nowplaying Shows track being played currently
Playmood Play songs based on your mood.
Lyrics This will show lyrics of the song
Playnext Plays given track next.
Seek Seeks to given timestamp in track.
Forward Forwards by given amount of time.

Queue Control Uzox Discord Bot Commands:

Command Function
Queue Lists the current queue.
Remove Removes given track position from queue.
Skipto This will skip to user’s given track position in the queue.
Loop Loops current track/queue.
Move Move track from one to another that is in queue
Previous This will play the previous track
Jump This will jump from one song to another in the queue and will not remove tracks in between
Rmdp Use this command to clean your queue and remove all duplicate songs (if any)

Saved Queues commands of the Uzox Bot:

Command Function
SQ add Saves and adds a queue
SQ lq Lists your saved queues.
SQ list Lists a saved queue.
SQ play Plays a whole saved queue.
SQ delete Deletes a saved queue.

Favourite Commands of the Uzox Bot:

Command Function
Fav add This will add a name to your list
Fav list Lists your whole fav list.
Fav remove Removes a name from your fav list.
Fav delete Deletes your whole fav list (Not recoverable).
Fav play  Play tracks with the range.

Fun Commands of Uzox Bot:

Command Function
Avatar Returns avatar of tagged person. if no one is tagged, returns your own avatar.
Aww Shows a picture from a collection of some of the cutest pictures on the internet.
Meme Returns a funny meme from Reddit (May contain NSFW.)
Serverav Shows the server icon.
Corona Show corona stats for the country you mentioned
Invite Invite me into your server 
Vote Vote for Uzox bot
About Shows my information.

Moderation Commands of Uzox Bot:

Command Function
Kick Kicks a mentioned member.
Ban Bans mentioned member.
Unban This will unban a user if they are banned
Playlistlimit This will change the playlist limit
Setprefix Changes the bot prefix for the server.
Setdj Enables the DJ role.

Also Read: How to Add and Use Dyno Bot on Discord

What is Uzox Bot?

Uzox bot is a discord bot designed for music lovers in mind. Along with music, it incorporates messaging, moderation, and memes. It provides high-quality streams for users and the UI is customized to be user-friendly which enhances the experience

How to Add Uzox Bot to Your Server

If you wish to know how to add Uzox to your server, follow these steps

1. First, invite the bot to your server by going to the Uzox official website

2. Click on Invite Now! To invite.

Click on Invite Now! To invite.

3. Now, pick a server to add the bot.

 pick a server to add uzox bot

4. Click on Continue.

5. Check the permissions and click on Authorize.

Check the permissions and Click on Authorize.

6. Tick I am human to complete Captcha verification.

7. You can go to your server and see if the process is complete.

You can go to your server and see if the process is complete | uzox bot

And just like that the Uzox bot will be added to your server.

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Benefits of Adding Uzox Bot on Your Server

Adding Uzox to your server will make your server more fun and grant access to the songs to users. Read below to know more features of Uzox:

  • Your users will benefit from high-quality lagless audio which can be accessed seamlessly.
  • No premium paywall to use all premium features of Uzox to your users.
  • Music doesn’t need to be available only at a certain point of time in Uzox as it delivers 24/7 service.
  • Uzox caters to many users with their specific music tastes. Each user will receive a recommendation that is similar to what they have been listening to in Uzox.
  • Uzox can integrate into Spotify, Apple Music, and many other platforms.
  • Customization is endless in Uzox as any user can customize as per their taste.
  • Uzox provides more than music and provides a moderator-specific command, these help a moderator manage the server users.

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Uzox Bot User Engagement

With an attractive set of features that Uzox offers, user engagement is high for all users since users get engaged with music and may form a community within the server according to their tastes. This is applicable when a server aims to let users unite according to their music tastes.

If a server is aimed at music as a side entertainment, it can easily attract users of all music groups to the server and may improve work time – This is applicable when a server is a workgroup but added Uzox bot for making the workplace more enjoyable.

We hope you enjoyed the content and were able to set up the Uzox bot from our article How to Use Uzox Bot Discord – Commands List. Keep reading more articles like these to gain more info. Thanks for reading!

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