How to Change Email on Amazon

Your Amazon account is closely tied to your email address, which is essential for communication and account security. If you’ve recently changed your email address or need to update it for any reason, it’s crucial to know how to do so on Amazon. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to change your email on Amazon, ensuring that your account information remains up-to-date and secure. Whether you’re switching to a new email provider or simply want to keep your contact details current, let’s explore the process of updating your email address on Amazon.

How to Change Email on Amazon | recover an old Amazon account

How to Change Email on Amazon

You will get to know how to change email on Amazon further in this article. Keep reading to learn more about it in detail.

How Can You Find Out What Your Amazon Email is?

Here is a guide on how can you find out which email address is registered to your Amazon account.

1. Visit the Amazon website on your browser.

2. Click on Hello, Sign in > Sign in option present in the navbar at the top of the screen.

Click on Hello, Sign in button present in the navbar at the top of the screen.

3. Enter your Amazon registered mobile number and click on Continue.

Enter your Amazon registered email address or mobile number and click on Continue.

4. Now, enter the password and click on Sign in.

enter the password and click on Sign in

5. Click on the Account & Lists option from the top right of your screen.

After you have logged in successfully, you will be redirected to the Amazon home page. Now, click on the Account & Lists option at the top right of your screen. | How to Change Email on Amazon

6. Click on Login & security.

Click on Login & Security option, present under Your account settings menu.

7. Under the Login and Security settings menu, you will see the email address registered to your Amazon account.

Also Read: How to Change Phone Number on Amazon

Can You Change Your Login Email on Amazon?

Yes, changing your email address on Amazon is a simple process. You just need to have access to your new email address, so that you can enter the OTP. You can change your login email address using Amazon’s official website or mobile app.

How to Change Email on Amazon?

If you got a new email address for yourself and now you want to change your email account on Amazon, then changing your email address on Amazon is a simple process. You just need to have access to your new email address, so that you can enter the OTP. You can change your login email address using Amazon’s official website or mobile app. Here is a guide on how to change email on Amazon.

1. Visit the official website of Amazon.

2. Then, Sign in to your Amazon account with account credentials.

Click on Hello, Sign in button present in the navbar at the top of the screen.

3. Then, click on Account & Lists > Login & security.

Click on Login & Security option, present under Your account settings menu.

4. Enter your account password again for reauthentication.

5. Click on Edit next to your email address.

Click on Edit next to your email address | How to Change Email on Amazon

6. Enter the new email address you want to add to your Amazon account.

Note: Make sure that email should not already be registered to any other Amazon account.

7. Enter the OTP you received on your email to verify entered email address and click on Continue.

 Check the inbox of the entered email address for a mail from Amazon containing OTP, now enter that OTP to verify entered email address.

8. Finally, enter your password and click Save changes to confirm that you want to change from your old email address to your new one.

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Why Can’t You Change Your Amazon Email?

The main reason behind this could be that the email address to which you want to change your Amazon account is that email already taken or registered to any other Amazon account.

How Can You Add Another Email to Your Amazon App?

If you have multiple Amazon accounts registered and you want to use them together on your Amazon mobile app, here is the guide on how you can add another email to your Amazon app.

Note: Make sure you are logged into your Amazon account.

1. Open the Amazon app on your phone.

2. Tap on the Hamburger icon from the bottom navbar of your mobile screen.

Make sure you are logged into your Amazon account, and then tap on the Hamburger option at the bottom navbar of your mobile screen.

3. Now, tap on Settings > Switch Accounts.

Under the settings menu, tap on the Switch account option.

4. Tap on Add Account to add a new email.

5. Now, enter the new email address on the Amazon log-in page and Save changes.

How Can You Recover an Old Amazon Account?

Let’s see how you can recover your old Amazon account.

1. Visit the Amazon official website and click on the Sign in option.

2. Click on the Need help? > Forgot Password option.

click on Forgot Password | How to Change Email on Amazon | recover an old Amazon account

3. Now, enter your registered Email to get an OTP for the reset password process.

Now enter your registered email address, and Amazon will send you an OTP on your email.

4. Enter the received OTP to verify your email address.

5. Now, enter your New password and click on Save changes and sign in.

Now enter a new password you want to change your password to and then click on Save changes and sign in. | recover an old Amazon account

Also Read: What Happens If You Forgot Your Amazon Password?

How Can You Change Your Amazon Account?

You can change or switch your Amazon accounts with the help of the following steps:

Note: Make sure you are already signed into your Amazon account before performing the following steps.

1. Visit the Amazon official website on your browser.

2. Hover over Account & Lists and click on Switch Accounts.

Hover over Account & Lists and click on Switch Accounts

3A. Click on the desired account you want to switch to.

3B. Click on Add account to add the desired account you want to change to.

Click on Add account to add the desired account you want to change to

4. Sign in to your account with the account credentials to switch to that account.

Read this article from the start to learn how to change email on Amazon.

Can You Merge Two Amazon Accounts?

No, you cannot merge two Amazon accounts that already exist because accounts on Amazon cannot be combined, nor can transaction histories be shared. But if you want to merge and properly share your Amazon accounts, you have to create new Amazon accounts using a new email address. After that, you can link two Amazon accounts together with Amazon Household, but they continue to exist as independent accounts.

Can You Change Address on Amazon?

Yes, you can easily change your address on Amazon. If you have moved to a new place or want to add your work address as your primary address on Amazon, it is possible as it is a simple and quick process. We have also provided you with a guide on how to change your address on Amazon in the below section.

How Can You Change Your Primary Address on Amazon?

Below are the steps to change your primary address on Amazon.

1. Visit the official website of Amazon.

2. Sign in to your Amazon account with the proper credentials.

3. Click on Account & Lists.

Make sure you are logged into your Amazon account, and then click on the Account & Lists option at the top right of your screen.

4. Click on Your Addresses.

Click on the Your Addresses option, present under Your account settings menu. | How to Change Email on Amazon | recover an old Amazon account

5. Now, click on Set as Default under the desired address you want to make primary.

Note: You can also add a new address by clicking on the Add Address option and then repeat the above process to set it as your primary address.

Now, from the list of your added addresses select the address you want to make the primary address, then click on the Set as Default option under that address to change it to default.

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We hope that you learned about how to change email on Amazon and recover an old Amazon account. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn about next.

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