Fix PlayStation Wrap Up 2023 Not Working

Let's troubleshoot together and wear Santa cap for your gaming recap!

At the end of each year, almost every app is rolling out recap to relive the important moments of the past year. PlayStation also made its way into this trend and released this feature on December 12, 2023. Yet some users were unable to see their gaming experience even though the feature has been live for over a week now. Are you one among them? Then, don’t worry! We are here to provide you with a guide to fix PlayStation Wrap Up 2023 not working.

fix playstation wrap up 2023 not working

Fix PlayStation Wrap Up 2023 is Live But Not Working

Adding a note to the wrap-up feature, the statistics on your Wrap-Up page will continue to update till January 12, 2024. This is to have a complete overview of your gaming highlights from the entire year. Also, your latest achievements over Christmas and New Year will also be included in the wrap-up.

Are you receiving the message: Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information)? Don’t worry! Keep reading till the end to resolve the issue.

There might be several reasons that you might find trouble with PlayStation Wrap Up playing. Some of them are

  • Server overload due to high demand
  • Does not meet requirements
  • Unstable internet connection
  • Unsupported location
  • Outdated console

Method 1: Basic Fixes

At first, we will start with some basic solutions that might effectively and easily fix the error.

Refresh Page or Try After Some Time: If it is taking too long, you can reload the page. If not, the stats might take longer due to high demand. So, please wait patiently for the page to load or try again after some time. Also, you can try and check the server status of the PlayStation.

Try Different Device: If you are checking your wrap up on your console, then you can try using a PC or smartphone. To do so, just log into your PSN account on the PlayStation Wrap Up page.

Troubleshoot Internet Connection: If PlayStation wrap up is not working on your console or PC, there are chances that the internet connection is unstable. To watch your 2023 wrap up, you need a stable and fast Internet connection. If this is the reason, you can read our guide on Fix PS4 WiFi Proxy Server Error to fix network issues. You can also follow our guide on 10 Ways to Speed up your Internet to fix network issues on PC and in common usage.

Method 2: Ensure Necessary Requirements are Met

To access your wrap up, you need to meet a few criteria:

  • The age must be 18 years or above.
  • You must have played more than 10 hours on PS4 and/or PS5 between January 1 and December 31, 2023.
  • You must be located in Europe, Middle East, Africa, or Australasia.
  • You must provide requisite consent for data collection by opting in Full Data in PS5 and Additional Data in PS4.

Are you unaware of how to provide data collection permission? Follow the below steps:

Note: You cannot find the following options in regions like the US and Canada.

Option 1: On PS4

Follow the below steps to enable Additional Data in PS4 settings.

1. Go to Settings and choose Device Data/Health & Safety.

Note: This option may be found as Data Collection/Health & Safety depending on the region.

choose Device Data or Health and Safety | Fix PlayStation Wrap Up 2023 Not Working

2. Choose Device Data.

3. Enable the option Additional Data.

Option 2: On PS5

Follow the below steps to enable Full Data in PS5 settings.

1. Go to Settings and choose Users and Accounts.

2. Select Privacy and then Data You Provide.

3. Choose Full.

choose full

Method 3: Update Console

There are chances that your 2023 wrap up may not be playing due to an outdated console. So, make sure your PS4 or PS5 is running on the latest version. If not, you can do so by reading our guide on How to Update PS5. To update the PS4 console, follow the below steps:

1. Go to Settings and select System Software Update.

2. If the latest version file was downloaded, select Next > Update.

Select update | PlayStation wrap up not working

Method 4: Sign in via PlayStation Store

If you are using a PC and still PlayStation Wrap Up 2023 is live but not working for you, this might be due to the client-side loading error. Then, you can try signing through the PlayStation Store.

1. Go to the PlayStation Store and click on Sign In at the top right corner.

2. Enter your Sign-IN ID and click on Next.

Enter your Sign-IN ID and click on Next

3. Enter your Password and click on Sign In.

4. Enter the verification code sent to your email and click on Verify.

5. Now, go back to the PlayStation Wrap Up page and refresh the page.

Note: If it takes too long to load, click on View My Page at the top.

Method 5: Clear Browser Cache

If you are using a PC and facing trouble with PlayStation 2023 Wrap Up, then you can try clearing the browsing cache to fix the issue. To clear your browser cache, you can read our guide for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge and implement the same.

Clear Browser Cache

Method 6: Contact PlayStation Support

If the issue persists even after trying above methods, then you can contact PlayStation support. They would help you with possible troubleshooting method or reason why PlayStation Wrap Up 2023 is live but not working for you.

Contact PlayStation Support | PlayStation wrap up not working

We hope this article has helped you fix PlayStation wrap up 2023 not working issue. Now, you will be able to find your gaming details and statistics like top games played, earned trophies, monthly gaming statistics, and total hours you played in 2023. If you have any doubts or suggestions, please let us know in the comment section. Stay tuned with Techcult for more information!

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