Fix Pin to Taskbar Missing in Windows 10

Fix Pin to Taskbar Missing in Windows 10: In Windows 10 when you right-click on any running program or application icon, the context menu will give you an option to Pin the program to Taskbar, however, quite a lot of users are complaining about an issue where the Pin to Taskbar is missing and they can’t pin or unpin any application to the Taskbar. Well, this is a very serious issue as users day to day work depends on these shortcuts and when one isn’t able to use these shortcuts they get irritated by Windows 10.

Fix Pin to Taskbar Missing in Windows 10

The main problem seems to be corrupted registry entries or some 3rd party app may have messed up the registry because of which this problem seems to occur. The simple fix would be to restore your PC to earlier Working time and see if the issue is resolved or not. It seems the settings can be messed up via Group Policy Editor also, so we need to verify that this is not the case here. Anyway, without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Fix Pin to Taskbar Missing in Windows 10 with the below-listed guide.

Pin to Taskbar Missing in Windows 10

Fix Pin to Taskbar Missing in Windows 10

Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.

Method 1: Run System Restore

1.Press Windows Key + R and type”sysdm.cpl” then hit enter.

system properties sysdm

2.Select System Protection tab and choose System Restore.

system restore in system properties

3.Click Next and choose the desired System Restore point.


4.Follow on screen instruction to complete system restore.

5.After reboot, you may be able to Fix Pin to Taskbar Missing in Windows 10.

Method 2: Remove Shortcut Arrow Overlay Icon in Windows

1.Press Windows Key + R then type regedit and hit Enter to open Registry Editor.

Run command regedit

2.Navigate to the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Icons

3.Make sure you have highlighted Shell Icons in the left window pane and then in the right window pane, right-click in an empty area and select New > String.

Select Shell Icon then right-click and then select New then String Value

Note: If you can’t find Shell Icons then right-click on Explorer and select New > Key and name this key as Shell Icons.

4.Name this new string as 29 and double-click on the 29 string value to modify it.

5.Type in C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll,29 and click on OK.

change the value of string 29

6.Reboot your PC and see if Pin to Taskbar option is available or not.

7.If Pin to Taskbar is still missing then again open Registry Editor.

8.This time navigate to the following key:


9.Delete the IsShortcut registry value in the right pane.

Go to lnkfile in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and delete IsShortcut Registry Key

10.Reboot your PC to save changes.

Method 3: Registry Fix

1.Press Windows Key + R then type notepad and hit Enter.

2.Copy the following text and paste it in the notepad file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





3.Now click File > Save as from the notepad menu.

Click File then select Save as in Notepad

4.Select “All Files” from the Save as type dropdown.

Select All Files from the Save as type dropdown and then name it as Taskbar_missing_fix

5.Name the file as Taskbar_missing_fix.reg (The extension .reg is very important) and save the file to your desired location.

6.Double-click on this file and click Yes to continue.

Double click the reg file to run and then select Yes in order to continue

7.Reboot your PC to save changes.

This should Fix Pin to Taskbar Missing Option but if not then continue with the next method.

Method 4: Change the Settings from Group Policy Editor

Note: This method won’t work for Windows Home edition users.

1.Press Windows Key + R then type gpedit.msc and hit Enter to open Group Policy Editor.

gpedit.msc in run

2.Navigate to the following setting by double clicking on each of them:

User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Start Menu and Taskbar

Find Remove pinned programs list from the Start Menu and Remove pinned programs from the Taskbar in gpedit.msc

3.Find Remove pinned programs list from the Start Menu and Remove pinned programs from the Taskbar in the settings list.

Set Remove pinned programs from the Taskbar to Not Configured

4.Double-click on each of them and make sure both settings are set to Not configured.

5.If you have changed the above setting to Not configured then click Apply followed by OK.

6.Again find the Prevent users from customizing their Start screen and Start Layout settings.

Prevent users from customizing their Start screen

7.Double-click on each of them and make sure they are set to Disabled.

Set Prevent users from customizing their Start screen settings to Disabled

8.Click Apply followed by OK.

9.Reboot your PC to save changes.

Method 5: Repair Install Windows 10

This method is the last resort because if nothing works out then this method will surely repair all problems with your PC and will Fix Pin to Taskbar Missing option in Windows 10. Repair Install just uses an in-place upgrade to repair issues with the system without deleting user data present on the system. So follow this article to see How to Repair Install Windows 10 Easily.

Recommended for you:

That’s it you have successfully Fix Pin to Taskbar Missing in Windows 10 but if you still have any questions regarding this guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.

4 thoughts on “Fix Pin to Taskbar Missing in Windows 10”


  2. Unfortunately I tried #2 before talking to my IT department. They fixed the Pin to Taskbar permission but now when I pin to the taskbar I get an error:

    C:\Users\kjenkins\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\Tas..

    This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action. Please install an app or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Apps Settings page.

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