Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

Error 0X800703ee is a common issue that Windows users face while copying a file to or from an external storage device. This error indicates that the file’s volume has been externally altered, rendering it invalid and prompting the error code. This problem has been observed across various Windows OS, including Windows 7, 8.1, and 10. If you are also dealing with the same problem, read below to fix the 0X800703ee error on Windows 10 PC.

Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

How to Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

Usually, the error is caused by other programs that don’t allow the file to open on the system. Other causes are:

  • Antivirus blocking files
  • File is corrupt 
  • Windows backup and volume shadow copy disabled
  • USB device not connected or installed correctly

Method 1: Perform SFC and DISM Scans

One of the main reasons behind the 0X800703 error code occurring on Windows is corrupt files which can be repaired by scanning SFC and DISM tools on your PC. Read our guide to Repair System Files on Windows 10 then, restart your system to check if the error is resolved.

Type another command Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /restorehealth and wait for it to complete

Method 2: Enable Windows Backup and Volume Shadow Copy

If Windows Backup and Volume Shadow Copy on your system are turned off due to manual settings or due to third-party app interference, it can also cause the file error to show up. So, enable these two services as follows:

1. Press Windows + R key to open the Run dialog box on your PC.

2. Type services.msc in the given field and click on OK.

Enter services.msc and press OK. | Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

3. Scroll down and right-click on Volume Shadow Copy.

4. Click the Properties option.

Open properties

5. In the General tab, change the Startup type to Automatic, as shown.

Change startup type to automatic | Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

6. Click on OK.

Select ok

7. Now, scroll down to Windows Backup in the Services and right-click on it.

scroll down to Windows Backup in the Services and right-click on it

8. Click on Properties, and set the Startup type to Automatic. Click on OK.

Set automatic startup type and select ok | Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

Also Read: Fix Windows Backup failed with error 0x807800C5

Method 3: Check & Repair File Errors

It is rare, but sometimes errors with the drive and file system can also be the cause behind why you are unable to transfer the files from or to an external device. You can use the built-in file checking system:

1. Type File Explorer in the Windows search bar and click on Open, as shown.

Open the file explorer

2. Right-click on a Local Disk and click on Properties, as shown.

Right-click on disk and open properties

3. From the Tools tab, click on Check.

Select tools and click check | Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

4. The file system will be scanned and if any problem persists within it, it will be automatically resolved.

Method 4: Reinstall USB Drivers

Another reason that many users have reported causing error 0X800703ee Windows 10 is faulty USB controllers which can become corrupt during file transfer. The error that occurred due to USB controllers can be resolved by reinstalling them:

1. Press Windows + X key, and click on Device Manager to open it.

Open device manager | Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

2. Click on Universal Serial Bus Controllers from the list, as shown.

Click on Universal Serial Bus Controllers from the list

3. Right-click on each device under it and click on Uninstall one by one.

Right-click on each device under it and click on Uninstall one by one

4. Restart your PC once done.

Also Read: Fix BCM20702A0 Driver Error in Windows 10

Method 5: Delete Filter Drivers

While transferring a file or files from an external device like an SD card or a pen drive to your system, it is most likely that the error appears due to a conflict between your burner software and the external device used. Hence, you must delete the Filter Driver on your system from Registry Editor, as demonstrated in the steps below:

1. Press Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog box.

2. Enter regedit in the field and click OK.

Enter regedit and select ok

3. Enter the following path in the navigation bar and press the Enter key on the keyboard, as illustrated below.


Search the local machine system in the search bar

4. Locate and right-click on the 4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 file from the list. Then, click on Export and transfer your files to a suitable location to back them.

Select the stated file and export it

5. Next, click on 4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 file.

6. Locate and double-click on the LowerFilters and UpperFilters one by one.

Select lowerfilters and upperfilters | Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

7. Click on the Delete option from the context menu, as shown.

Right-click to delete | Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

8. Once done, Restart your PC to check if the error has been resolved or not.

Method 6: Disable Antivirus Temporarily (If Applicable)

Antivirus in the system can be one of the first reasons to cause the error for a file that you want to transfer or copy. Read our guide on How to Disable Antivirus Temporarily on Windows 10 to learn the same.

Disable Antivirus Temporarily | Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

Method 7: Restart Windows Update Service

The reason for the files not being able to transfer from or to an external device occurs is majorly due to a problem with the Windows update service. Restarting it has been seen to cancel out the error for many users.

1. Press Windows + R keys to bring up the Run dialog box.

2. Type out services.msc in the dialog box field and hit Enter key.

Enter services.msc and hit enter

3. Scroll down and right-click on Windows Update from the list, as shown.

right-click on Windows Update

4. Click on Properties from the context menu.

Select properties | Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

5. Set the Startup type as Disabled and click OK, as highlighted below.

Set startup as disabled and select ok

6. Restart your computer and follow steps 1 to 4 as instructed in this method.

7. Finally, set the Startup type to Automatic and click on OK.

Set startup as automatic

Method 8: Uninstall Backup Program

Each system has a backup program running in the background, which helps to restore and save files for later use. Sometimes, while copying a file to or from an external device, such programs can cause the issue of the file not being able to transfer. This issue can be resolved by uninstalling the backup program and restarting the system as explained below:

1. Press Windows + R keys to launch the Run dialog box.

2. Type appwiz.cpl in the given field and click OK, as shown.

Enter appwiz.cpl and select ok

3. Locate the backup program from the list.

Locate backup software

4. Right-click on it and click Uninstall option, as shown.

Right-click to uninsatll | Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

5. Finally, Restart your PC.

Also Read: How to Fix File System Error 789839862 on Windows 11

Method 9: Perform Disk Cleanup

Launching programs or files results in temporary files that are stored on the disks. These files accumulate or become corrupt to prompt an error while a file is being copied to or from an external device to your system. Hence, cleaning the disk is important to get rid of the issue.

1. Type  Disk Cleanup in the Windows search bar and click on Open.

Open the disk cleanup

2. Select the desired drive to clean from the Disk Cleanup : Drive Selection drop-down menu, as shown.

Select the disk and click ok

3. Select the Files to delete and click OK.

Select the files and click ok | Fix Error 0X800703ee on Windows 10

4. Finally, Restart your PC to see the changes.

Method 10: Perform Clean Boot

If none of the methods have resolved the error 0X800703ee Windows 10 popping up, Perform Clean boot in Windows 10 and see if it can fix the issue for you.

Perform clean boot

Also Read: Fix Windows 10 File Explorer Working on it Error

Method 11: Perform System Restore

If you have come till here and are still struggling with the issue, it is time to restore the system. Read our guide on How to use System Restore on Windows 10 to learn all the steps required to complete the process.

Select finish

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What does it mean by error 0X800703ee?

Ans. Error 0X800703ee is an error code that shows the volume for a file has been externally altered. So, the opened file is no longer valid on the screen of your system when you try to copy a file to or from an external device.

Q2. Does error 0X800703ee show up on Windows 10?

Ans. The error 0X800703ee has been showing up on Windows 7, 8.1, and 10. It is not specific to Windows 10 in any manner.

Q3. Is copying a file from an external device corrupting my system?

Ans. Yes. Copying a file using an external device like an SD card or a pen drive can corrupt your system if the device is corrupted with a bug. Nonetheless, the issue can be resolved using an antivirus system or by scanning the device before transferring the file. Read this article from the start again to get your doubts resolved instantly.

Q4. How can I prevent error 0X800703ee from recurring?

Ans. If you see the error on your system every time you transfer a file to or from an external device then it is best suggested to run a clean boot on your system. Read and follow the methods mentioned above in this article carefully to prevent this error from recurring.

Q5. Can Windows update be a reason behind the 0x800703ee error on my system?

Ans. Yes. A corrupted Windows update can be a reason behind the error code on your system. You can resolve the issue by updating your Windows again with a bug-free version.

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We hope that this article was a great help for you in finding out how to fix the 0X800703ee error on Windows 10 and other versions as well. Let us know which one of the methods was a saving grace for you. If you have any further questions or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comments section below.

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