Fix A Specified Logon Does Not Exist in Windows 10

While trying to connect your PC to a device or a Network Attached Device (NAS), you may receive a specified logon does not exist error. Generally, this error was received by the users with earlier Windows 10 updates. However, the root cause of this error appearing n your system can be due to system updates. The users who received this error also received error messages such as Task Scheduler errors and scheduled tasks do not run without a logon session. There are a few methods that you can try to fix this issue on your system.

Fix A Specified Logon Does Not Exist in Windows 10

How to Fix A Specified Logon Does Not Exist in Windows 10

There could be various reasons for Task Scheduler error to appear on your computer. Some of the possible reasons for this error are listed below.

  • Using an earlier version of the Windows 10 update
  • A possible new faulty system update
  • Inadequate network settings
  • Incorrect configuration of the system group error

Method 1: Change Windows 10 Sign-in Method

If you receive a specified logon does not exist error while trying to connect your system with a NAS network, you can try to fix this error by changing the signing-in methods on your system. You can follow these simple steps to use this method.

1. Press Windows + I keys together to open the Settings.

2. Click on Accounts setting.

Click on Accounts. Fix A Specified Logon Does Not Exist in Windows 10

3. Click on Sign-in options on the left pane.

click on sign in options. Fix task scheduler error

4. Click on Windows Hello PIN.

clcik on Windows hello PIN. Fix A Specified Logon Does Not Exist in Windows 10

5. Click on the Add option.

click on add. Fix A Specified Logon Does Not Exist in Windows 10

6. Set your password PIN.

set your password PIN. Fix task scheduler error

After you have changed your login method, you should not receive the same error again. If you continue to get scheduled tasks that do not run without a logon session error, you can try following the next method.

Also Read: Fix Task Scheduler Not Running In Windows 10

Method 2: Change Network Access Settings

One of the methods that you can use to avoid a specified logon does not exist error on your computer is to change your system’s network access settings. You can change your network access settings by following the instruction below.

1. Press the Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box.

2. Type Gpedit.msc and hit the Enter key to open the Local Group Policy Editor.

type gpedit.msc

3. In the Local Group Policy Editor, go to Computer Configuration.

locate computer configuration. Fix task scheduler error

4. Then, open the Windows Settings.

locate Windows settings. Fix A Specified Logon Does Not Exist in Windows 10

5. Next, double-click on the Security Settings.

locate security settings

6. Now, go to the Local Policies folder.

locate local policies. Fix task scheduler error

7. Finally, open the Security Options folder.

locate security options. Fix A Specified Logon Does Not Exist in Windows 10

8. In the Policy tab, locate Network access: do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication.

locate network access do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication

9. Right-click on Network access: do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication and click on Properties.

right click on network access do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication and click on properties. Fix A Specified Logon Does Not Exist in Windows 10

10. Select Disabled and click on OK and then click on Apply.

select disabled and click on ok and then click apply. Fix task scheduler error

After completing all the mentioned steps, restart the PC and check if scheduled tasks do not run without a logon session error has been resolved. If the issue remains, try moving on to the next method.

Also Read: 16 Best Free Network Monitoring Software for Windows 10

Method 3: Use Credential Manager

Credential Manager is a utility provided by Microsoft; this utility provides you with the options that let you check and edit credentials such as passwords and usernames for signing in to various websites, computer applications, and other such networks. You can use this utility to avoid this Task Scheduler a specified logon does not exist error and perform this function by following these simple steps.

1. Press the Windows + S keys together to open the Windows Search menu.

2. Type Credential Manager in the search bar and click on Open.

open Credential Manager

3. Click on Windows Credential.

click on Windows credential. Fix A Specified Logon Does Not Exist in Windows 10

4. Locate the NAS device that may be causing the error on your system.

5. Delete the entry to remove credentials.

6. Click on Add a Windows credential to add a new Windows credential value.

click on add a windows credential. Fix task scheduler error

7. In the Internet or Network Address section, type \servername (add the IP address or Netbios-name of your Cloudstation).

in the internet or network address type servername. Fix A Specified Logon Does Not Exist in Windows 10

8. In the Username section, enter servernameusername (name of the Netbios name you are connecting your device to).

in the user name section type servernameusername. Fix task scheduler error

9. Leave the Password section blank and click OK.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Why does login failure occur on my computer?

Ans. There could be multiple reasons for login failure on your computer, including an old Windows version, a corrupt Windows update, wrong network settings, or wrong configuration settings. You can fix these issues by changing the Windows group policy’s login methods or computer configuration.

Q2. How can I change my login credentials on my computer?

Ans. You can use Windows Credential Manager to change login credentials saved on your Windows device. The credential manager utility was developed to let users check and edit their credentials, such as usernames and passwords saved in the Windows 10 system.

Q3. Does my Network Settings affect Login issues?

Ans. One of the reasons for login errors to occur on your computer is due to wrong network settings. To edit your network settings, you can go to the Local Group Policy Editor utility n your computer.


We hope this guide was helpful, and that you were able to fix a specified logon does not exist issue on your computer. Comment down and let us know which method worked for you. Also, if you have questions, queries, or suggestions, feel free to share them with us.

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