Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac (2023)

Unlock the full potential of Discord with the power of keyboard shortcuts!

Want to enjoy the seamless experience by unlocking all the potential of Discord with just your keyboard? Whether you’re a Windows or Mac user, you can navigate and experience better gameplay using hotkeys. This guide will give you a complete list of Discord keyboard shortcuts for mobile, Windows, and Mac. So, keep engaged till the end!

Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 2023

Discord Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 

Using shortcuts on Discord can help you improve daily productivity. Now you don’t have to waste your time taking the long route to just do a job that can be done within a couple of seconds.

What are Discord Shortcuts or Discord Hotkeys? 

Discord shortcuts are also called Discord hotkeys. They are generally the combinations of keyboard buttons to perform certain actions. Using the shortcuts or hotkeys enables easy navigation and performance. There are various shortcuts available like general, navigation, chat, and voice commands. You can refer to the sections below for Discord keyboard shortcuts for mobile, Windows, and Mac:

Option 1: For Windows

Use the following shortcuts to unlock Discord hotkeys on Windows:

A. General Shortcuts

Here are different general shortcuts for Windows on Discord:

1. View all Discord keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + /

2. Search for servers, channels, or DMs: Ctrl + K 

3. Creating a new server/ joining an existing server: Ctrl + Shift + N

4. Search in servers, channels, or DMs: Ctrl + F (works within the server)

5. Open Help: Ctrl + Shift + H

6. Upload a file: Ctrl + Shift + U (works within the server)

B. Navigation Shortcuts

Below is a list of some navigation shortcuts on Discord:

1. Scroll chat up/down: Page Up/Page Down

2. Go to the oldest unread message: Shift + PageUp

3. Jumping between servers: Ctrl + Alt + Up/down arrow key

4. Jumping between channels: Alt + Up/down arrow key

5. Go back to the previous text channel: Ctrl + B

6. Go back to the active audio channel: Ctrl + Alt + A

7. Go to the next screen: Alt + Left arrow key  

8. Go to the previous screen: Alt + Right arrow key 

9. Jumping between unread channels: Alt + Shift + Up/down arrow key

10. Jumping between unread channels with mentions: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Up/down arrow key

11. Go to an ongoing current call: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + V 

12. Switch between the last server and DMs: Ctrl + Alt + Right arrow key

C. Hotkeys for Messages

You can also use these shortcuts on messages:

Note: The below shortcuts 1-7 work only if the message is focused. To focus a message, use Tab + Up/Down arrows

1. Editing a message: E

2. Deleting a message: Backspace

3. Message Reply: R

4. Message Pin: P

5. Reacting to a message: +

6. Copy a message: Ctrl + C 

7. Marking a message as Unread: Alt + Enter 

8. Marking server as read: Shift + Esc

9. Focus text area: Tab

10. Marking top inbox channel as read: Ctrl + Shift + E 

11. Marking a channel as read: Esc

12. View channel members list: Ctrl + U 

13. Open emojis: Ctrl + E 

14. Making a private group: Ctrl + Shift + T 

15. Open inbox: Ctrl + I 

16. View pinned messages: Ctrl + P 

17. Open GIFs: Ctrl + G 

D. Voice Shortcuts 

Below are some voice shortcuts to use for Windows on Discord:

1. To mute: Ctrl + Shift + M

2. To deafen: Ctrl + Shift + D

3. Creating a new call: Ctrl + ‘ 

4. Answering incoming call: Ctrl + Enter

5. Declining an incoming call: Esc

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Option 2: For Mac

After knowing the shortcuts on Windows, let’s check out the Mac shortcuts on Discord:

A. General Shortcuts

Here are different general shortcuts for Mac on Discord:

1. View all Discord shortcuts: Cmd + /

2. Search for servers, channels, or DMs: Cmd + K

3. Create a new server/join an existing server: Cmd + Shift + N

4. Search: Cmd + F

5. For Help: Cmd + Shift + H

6. Scroll a chat up/down: PageUp/PageDown

7. Upload file: Cmd + Shift + U

B. Navigation Shortcuts

Let’s see some navigation shortcuts for Discord on Mac:

1. Navigating between servers: Cmd + Opt + Up/down arrow key

2. Navigating between channels: Opt + Up/down arrow key

3. Go to the next screen: Cmd + [

4. Go to the previous screen: Cmd + ] 

5. Switching between unread channels: Opt + Shift + Up/down arrow key

6. Switching between unread channels with mentions: Cmd + Shift + Opt + Up/down arrow key

7. Go to an ongoing current call: Cmd + Shift + Opt + V

8. Navigating between the last server and DMs: Cmd + Opt + Right arrow key

C. Hotkeys for Messages 

You can also use these shortcuts on messages:

Note: The below shortcuts 1-7 work only if the message is focused. To focus a message, use Opt + Up/Down arrows

1. Edit a message: E

2. Deleting a message: Backspace

3. To pin a message: P

4. Viewing inbox: Cmd + I

5. Mark the top inbox channel as read: Cmd + Shift + E

6. Reply to a message: R

7. Reacting to a message: +

8. Copying a message: Cmd + C

9. Show channel members list: Cmd + U

10. Marking a message as Unread: Opt + Enter

11. Focusing on a text area: Escape

12. Open emojis: Cmd + E

13. Open GIFs: Cmd + G

14. Marking a server as read: Shift + Esc

15. Marking channel as read: Esc

16. Creating a private group: Cmd + Shift

D. Voice Channel Shortcuts 

Follow these voice shortcuts to use for Mac on Discord:

1. To mute: Cmd + Shift + M

2. To deafen: Cmd + Shift + D

3. Answering an incoming call: Cmd + Enter

4. Declining an incoming call: Esc

5. Starting a new call: Cmd + ‘

Also Read: How to Use Push to Talk on Discord

What are Discord Shortcuts on Mobile?

There are no specific shortcuts on Discord on mobile as there are on Windows and Mac. However, users can try some basic swipe gestures for easy navigation. You can use an external keyboard and follow the shortcuts given above.

However, you can create a shortcut/widget for a particular server, channel, or a person’s chat on your home screen. Just hold the Discord app for a while and you’ll see a pop-up of the drop-down menu with app info, remove, names of channels, person, etc. Drag the chat you want to the home screen and it’ll be added to your home screen as a shortcut. 

In all, if you master the shortcuts of Discord on your PC, it can save you a ton of time. Hope this article helped you with Discord keyboard shortcuts for Windows and Mac. Keep reading our blogs for more information.

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