28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

In the pursuit of wealth, it’s tough to sift through countless articles and reports. Financial podcasts feature comprehensive knowledge of multiple aspects of finance. Whether you’re a proficient investor or a novice trader, they provide valuable resources. Considering this, we have compiled a list of podcasts available on Spotify that target both finance and investing. Let’s learn together and make reasoned decisions.

28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Let’s take a look at our curated list of financial podcasts on Spotify that will help you understand financial concepts and strategies, and gain advice from industry experts for your financial journey.

1. Millennial Investing – The Investor’s Podcast Network

Millennial Investing

Hosted by: Robert Leonard and Rebecca Hotsko (The Investor’s Podcast Network)

Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network is a popular audio program that focuses on educating people about investment strategies and financial management for millennials. It is one of best financial podcasts on Spotify. The hosts welcome industry leaders and engage with them over an extensive range of genres of entrepreneurship, stock market investing, and fundamentals of personal monetary growth. As a result of listening to this podcast, we believe it offers valuable insight into how to build wealth, manage money, and claim financial independence. Whether you are a seasoned investor or a novice looking to gain knowledge about investment decisions and welcome multiple income sources, this might be one of the best podcasts for investing.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Everyday
  • Average episode duration: 60 minutes

2. The Disciplined Investor

The Disciplined Investor

Hosted by: Andrew Horowitz (Horowitz & Company, Inc.)

Financial Advisor and author Andrew Horowitz brings his expertise to provide a detailed analysis of market and expected fluctuations. This also includes topics like investment, market trends, currency fluctuations, stocks, and finance. The host also delves thoroughly into investment principles, portfolio management, funding, risk management and empowers listeners, whether experienced investors or novices, to make on-point financial decisions and map disciplined investment strategies.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Sunday
  • Average episode duration: 45 to 60 minutes

3. So Money

So Money

Hosted by: Farnoosh Torabi (Financial expert, journalist and author)

Excellent would be a mere word for So Money by Farnoosh Torabi. This renowned one of best financial podcasts on Spotify has been named the leading podcast by The New York Times and other prominent media house publications like Time Magazine. Farnoosh is the author of “When She Makes More: 10 Rules for Breadwinning Women,” and several other books on money management. The podcast, with over 25 million downloads at present, focuses on inspiring money management strategies and stories from financial experts, bestselling authors, and entrepreneurs. It also banks the knowledge of investments, budgeting, saving, building wealth, cryptocurrency, and its impact. For anyone looking to improve their financial literacy and start a financial journey, it is a must-listen.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes on alternate days
  • Average episode duration: 30 minutes

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4. The Rich Dad Radio Show

The Rich Dad Radio Show. 28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Hosted by: Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Global LLC and the Rich Dad Company)

If you have been into reading self-help or finance books, it is improbable that you might not have read Rich Dad Poor Dad. Hosted by the author of this best-selling novel, the podcast features discussions and deep insights based on Kiyosaki’s experience with personal finance, investment, entrepreneurship, economics, and more market-oriented topics. Hence, it is another one of best financial podcasts on Spotify. Financial literacy is the key. What stands out about this investment-centered podcast is its focus on financial education and money management as they come up with experts who share practical tips about achieving financial independence and advice on building wealth through investments including real estate investing, stock market strategies, and business development.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Weekly
  • Average episode duration: 45 minutes

5. We Study Billionaires

We Study Billionaires

Hosted by: Preston Pysh (Founder – The Pylon Holding Company), Stig Brodersen (Stig Brodersen Holding), They Lockerbie (Co-founder – Better Booch), Clay Finck, and William Green.

With over 100 million downloads, We Study Billionaires is one of the largest financial podcasts on Spotify. It explores the world of ultra-wealthy investors and entrepreneurs. They study and interview billionaires like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Howard Marks, and Ray Dalio. In addition to that, they also discuss investment strategies and principles, portfolio management, and macroeconomic trends. Other topics include stock investing, value investing, real estate, trend investing, and commodities. Bitcoin Fundamentals analyzes bitcoins, cryptocurrencies, and blockchains in the financial world. This podcast offers listeners new ideas, concepts, real-world examples, and practical advice to improve their understanding of the new financial markets.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: We Study Billionaires (Tuesday, Friday and Saturday); Bitcoin Fundamentals (Tuesday); Richer, Wiser, Happier (Monthly – Saturday)
  • Average episode duration: 1 hour to 1.5 hours

6. Ditch the Suits

Ditch the Suits

Hosted by: Steve Campbell and Travis Maus (S.E.E.D Planning Group)

The tagline says it all: Start getting more from your money & life. The podcast, Ditch the Suits, explores the world of entrepreneurship and business. It’s true when they claim to talk about the reality of the finance industry. They give plain-spoken advice on financial planning, retirement plans, investment, and tax management as well as have candid discussions about current economic news and much more. This financial podcast is for those listeners on Spotify who are planning to begin their entrepreneurial journey and are looking for ideas, strategies, and inspiration.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Bi-weekly on Tuesdays
  • Average episode duration: 30 minutes

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7. The Smart Passive Income

The Smart Passive Income. 28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Hosted by: Pat Flynn

As a podcast that cultivates the seeds of entrepreneurship, the Smart Passive Income podcast focuses on people who want to ditch their 9-5 job and create their own ventures. Flynn, who has pioneered multiple online businesses since 2008, reveals strategies to establish a business on the Internet, work remotely and generate passive income streams. Through solo shows and interviews, he shares his experience as well as tips to build online authority and excel in email marketing, content marketing, and affiliate marketing. He also shares tips for building a team and outsourcing, attracting, and engaging traffic from search engines and social media, among others. For a remote business person, this is one of best financial podcasts on Spotify for your guidance.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Wednesday and Friday
  • Average episode duration: 45 minutes

8. The Fairer Cents

The Fairer Cents

Hosted by: Tanja Hester (Founder of Our Next Life) & Kara Perez (Founder of Bravely Go)

Slapping away patriarchy, it delves into issues such as the gender pay gap, racial wealth inequality, and systematic barriers between different groups of people. The Fairer Cents podcast takes you on a journey of two different financial experiences: early retirement and being an entrepreneur. They focus on exploring personal finances, budgeting, investing and pay challenges faced by women and other marginalized groups in the field. They address the influence of large societal structures and systems on the financial industry and encourage them to overcome unfair systems and embark on gender equality.

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  • Average episode duration: 50 minutes

9. Odd Lots

Odd Lots

Hosted by: Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway (Journalist – Bloomberg)

Odd Lots in trading refer to trade orders that are not of standard size, typically less than 100 shares or not a multiple of 100. Hosted by Bloomberg’s journalist duo, this podcast delivers fascination in the form of finance, economics, business, and the market. The hosts get down to brass tacks with experts and insiders for in-depth analysis of current events and trends, the workings of the global economy, and financial and investment markets. Considering the easy yet defined discussion of the variety of fields this podcast covers, we believe it deserves a place among the best podcasts on the stock market available on Spotify.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Monday and Thursday
  • Average episode duration: 40 to 50 mins

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10. Invest Like the Best

Invest Like the Best. 28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Hosted by: Patrick O’Shaughnessy (author, entrepreneur, investor, venture capitalist)

Invest Like the Best delves into the world of top-favorite investors and business leaders who discuss their stories and ideas about the stock market and investment and put forward their boardroom perspectives. Each episode engages well-learned professionals that educate listeners on various topics like venture capital, private equity, cryptocurrency, hedge funds, behavioral finance, and public markets. Tuning into this podcast would help you stay ahead of the curve and learn from the most knowledgeable about investment strategies. You will also discover new investment opportunities.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Weekly
  • Average episode duration: 60 minutes

11. The Stacking Benjamins Show

The Stacking Benjamins Show. 28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Hosted by: Joe Saul-Sehy and Josh Bannerman (Other Guy – OG)

As a podcast, The Stacking Benjamins Show offers a sea of knowledge while being goofy, amateurish, light, and friendly. They believe that people can gain financial literacy without stress. The introduction of the show includes humorous lines like “broadcasting live from Joe’s mom’s basement.” Named the Best Personal Finance podcast by Bankrate.com, and recognized by Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc., and Fast Company, the show’s playfulness comes hand in hand with a wide variety of business and financial topics divided into multiple segments of 10 to 15 minutes long. The show also features interviews with business and finance experts, authors, and influential personalities.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • Average episode duration: 60 to 90 minutes

12. The Ramsey Show

The Ramsey Show

Hosted by: Dave Lawrence Ramsey (American Personal Finance Expert)

Emphasizing living a debt-free lifestyle, the Ramsey Show has helped countless individuals and families achieve financial freedom and security. Among the most anticipated financial podcasts on Spotify with millions of daily listeners, this show covers a broad spectrum of topics such as finances, budgets, savings, investments, wealth management, retirement planning, and debt management. In addition to that, Dave encourages listeners to eliminate debts and advocates for a cash-based budgeting system, money management, avoidance of overspending, and keeping personal finance on track.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: 3 episodes daily
  • Average episode duration: 40 minutes

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13. Afford Anything

Afford Anything. 28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Hosted by: Paula Pant (Journalist, and featured author in publications including Forbes, CNBC, and US News & World Report)

Have you ever wanted to buy something for a long time? However, every time you finally decide to own it, budget constraints prevent you from doing so. You can afford anything, but not everything, this is what they say. On Afford Anything, financial experts, professors, researchers, scientists, and authors discuss and answer questions mainly about personal finance, real estate investment, financial freedom, entrepreneurship, and personal development among others. Paula educates on taking control of the financial future and making smarter decisions about allocating money, time, and energy. She also encourages listeners to create passive income streams and build wealth.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Weekly
  • Average episode duration: 60 minutes

14. How to Money

How to Money. 28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Hosted by: Joel Larsgaard and Matt Altmix

The How to Money podcast provides knowledge, resourceful tools, and unbiased practical guidance on money management, debt payoff, and DIY investing to build wealth for the common man. The hosts also share real-life experiences and illustrate financial concepts and strategies they built. Interviews with experts in the field of finance and economics include learning from financial planners, investment advisors and tax professionals.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes on alternate days
  • Average episode duration: 60 minutes

15. Money Guy Show

Money Guy Show

Hosted by: Brian Preston and Bo Hanson (Abound Wealth Management)

The Money Guy Show is brought to you by the financial experts, planners, and wealth managers. Brian is a Certified Public Accountant and Financial Planner while Hanson is a Chartered Financial Analyst. The hosts, with their knowledgeable and informative content, help listeners make impactful financial decisions to navigate the complexities of managing money and achieving financial goals. They also cater to individuals who are just starting their financial journey for long-term planning and a solid-financial foundation as well as to the listeners who are approaching their retirement.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes on alternate days
  • Average episode duration: 30 to 40 minutes

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16. Choose FI

Choose FI

Hosted by: Jonathan Mendonsa (Author) & Brad Barrett (Certified Public Accountant)

The Choose FI (Financial Independence) podcast is about Financial Independence and Retiring Early (FIRE). In an interview-styled show, the hosts discuss economic and financial matters and how one could achieve the state of financial independence, build passive income sources through online business, crush debts, settle liabilities and feel free to travel around the world.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Monday
  • Average episode duration: 60 minutes

17. The Clark Howard Podcast

The Clark Howard Podcast. 28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Hosted by: Clark Howard (Nationally syndicated radio host and consumer expert)

With the motto of Save more and spend less, the Clark Howard Podcast addresses the goals of personal finance, offers tips on budgeting and saving, advice on consumer protection, credit management, and retirement planning to help everyone achieve financial freedom. Interviewing experts in the fields, they also focus on business and consumer topics such as how to buy a car, or finance a home, and choose an insurance. The podcast that receives more than a million downloads every month is a worthy resource for anyone aiming towards financial literacy and making better financial choices.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Weekdays
  • Average episode duration: 30 minutes

18. Bankless

Bankless. 28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Hosted by: Ryan Sean Adams and David Hoffman (Bankless LLC)

The Bankless Podcast explores the future of banking and finance and how it will change over the years. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and its protocols, blockchain technology, crypto finance & cryptocurrencies, token economics, decentralized applications (dApps), NFTs, investing, and trading are some of the routes that the hosts hunt and educate at an informative granular level for everyone to learn. This podcast aims to educate on the changing landscape of the crypto ecosystem and its potential impact on traditional financial systems, straight from the experts. One of the best financial podcasts if you are interested in learning about finance’s evolving attributes.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • Average episode duration: 90 minutes

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19. I Will Teach You To Be Rich

I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Hosted by: Ramit Sethi

I Will Teach You To Be Rich is a podcast hosted by the author of the book with the same name and is about learning from real life, raw and unfiltered stories, stories like how a couple already in $400,000 debt can’t refuse their kids, how a YouTube creator’s $450,000 annual salary affects her relationship, and many more such inspired stories. Sethi empowers you to master the psychology behind money and presents an unexpected philosophy like spending lavish on things you love and cutting costs on things that you don’t. You’ll learn many more such ideas listening to his podcast.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Tuesday
  • Average episode duration: 60 to 90 minutes

20. Financial Feminist

Financial Feminist

Hosted by: Tori Dunlap (Her First $100K)

The investor and entrepreneur, Dunlap created the Financial Feminist podcast that promotes gender equality in the realm of personal finance and economic equality. She empowers women to make more and feel “financially confident in a world run by rich white men”. Through solo episodes and guest interviews, this podcast aims to promote equal access to financial resources, and opportunities as well as challenge patriarchal norms, including gender pay gap, unpaid labor and other financial disparities.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Tuesday and mini episodes every other Thursday
  • Average episode duration: 60 minutes

21. DIY Money

DIY Money

Hosted by: Quint Tatro and Daniel Czulno

DIY Money is one of best financial podcasts on Spotify that targets an audience who are unwilling to invest longer duration into listening to podcasts. The episodes cover a wide range of topics including budget, savings, investment, stocks and bonds, debt management and reduction, and insurance. Additionally, it educates listeners about managing personal finance, designing retirement plans, and prevent financial exploitation.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes on alternate days
  • Average episode duration: 15 mins

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22. Wall Street Breakfast

Wall Street Breakfast. 28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Hosted by: Seeking Alpha

The Wall Street Breakfast is the stock market podcast you need with toast and butter. Crisp and on-point podcast that informs investors, financiers, bankers, fund managers, and economists with top news, market trends, current financial situations, upcoming IPOs, earning reports of companies, and a lot more.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Daily at 8:00 am
  • Average episode duration: 10 to 15 minutes

23. BiggerPockets Money

BiggerPockets Money

Hosted by: Mindy Jensen and Scott Trench (CEO – BiggerPockets)

For those who have money or want more for it, that’s what they say at BiggerPockets Money podcast. In this part of the BiggerPockets network of five podcast shows, the hosts guide listeners on how they can earn more, save more, and spend wisely. In interviews with powerful thought leaders, the very dynamic and friendly hosts aim to bring in strategies for everyday people and lay down their opinions and perspectives over it. Visual audiences gain clarity over taxes, debts, investment, and money relationships to build a financially secure future.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Monday and Friday
  • Average episode duration: 60 minutes

24. Motley Fool Money

Motley Fool Money

Hosted by: Scott Phillips and Andrew Page

A panel of analysts on Motley Fool Money sit together to analyze and discuss business, finance, and stock investing news from Australia and around the world. It can be a resourceful financial podcast on Spotify for traders and investors as the panel review and provide actionable insights and commentary on financial incidents and structure, both good and bad, business news, investment opportunities and so on.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Friday and Saturday
  • Average episode duration: 60 to 80 minutes

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25. Money For the Rest of Us

Money For the Rest of Us. 28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Hosted by: J. David Stein (Experienced investor, former Chief Investment Strategist and Chief Portfolio Strategist)

Money For the Rest of Us teaches about money, how it works and how to invest it for long term financial planning in a simple conversational approach. It also covers subjects such as investment strategies, portfolio management, risk management, and macroeconomic trends. In-depth discussions on investment, assets, and liabilities from the standpoint of individual investors for beginners are also a feature of the show.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Wednesday
  • Average episode duration: 30 minutes

26. CNBC’s Fast Money

CNBC’s Fast Money

Hosted by: Melissa Lee (Journalist for CNBC), Guy Adami (American trader and investor), Tim Seymour (Chief Investment Officer at Seymour Asset Management)

Produced by CNBC, the Fast Money podcast steers investors through the latest market news, analysis, and investment strategies for stocks, bonds, and other monetary instruments. The hosts and guests also discuss and offer timely information on current events and trends in the financial industry.

  • Listen to this on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Daily
  • Average episode duration: 40 minutes

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27. Bloomberg Surveillance

Bloomberg Surveillance

Hosted by: Tom Keene (American Journalist and Chartered Financial Analyst) and Jon Ferro, Lisa Abramowicz, and Paul Sweeney (U.S. Director of Research and Senior Media Analyst)

The Bloomberg Surveillance has the market “under surveillance,” they say as the up-to-the-minute show features interviews with industry leading economists, policymakers, investors, and business leaders. Get ready to be engaged in influential news and in-depth analysis of current global financial markets, economic trends and developments, investment, and politics including trade, monetary policy, and other global events. It is an excellent resource to stay informed about the world of finance and the ever-changing landscape of global economics.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify
  • New episodes released: Daily
  • Average episode duration: 40 minutes

28. Thoughts on the Market

Thoughts on the Market. 28 Best Financial Podcasts on Spotify

Podcast with a cup of tea? The Thoughts on the Market podcast aims for listeners who look for insights, overall thoughts, and a brief overview of recent events in the world of business, finance, and technology.

  • Listen to the podcast on Spotify.
  • New episodes released: Monday to Friday
  • Average episode duration: 5 to 10 minutes


Learning is a never-ending process and the money market is ever-changing. These financial podcasts on Spotify serve their purpose and educate people about money. We hope you liked our picks. If we overlooked any of your preferred podcasts, feel free to drop its name in the comments box. Thank you.

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