VLC Keyboard Shortcuts On Mac

Efficiently control VLC Media Player on Mac with some user-friendly keyboard shortcuts.

Knowing keyboard alternatives is essential to boost productivity on a Mac system. This guide on VLC keyboard shortcuts for Mac provides quick and efficient ways to adjust volume, play and pause media, and take screenshots. By learning these alternate approaches, you can save time and have a smoother experience while using VLC. So, keep reading to learn more.

VLC keyboard shortcuts Mac

VLC Keyboard Shortcuts On Mac

VLC media player is a popular media player for Mac that can play various video and audio formats with a user-friendly interface. By using these alternatives, users can boost their productivity and perform tasks quickly without the need for a mouse. To learn about it more and improve your experience with VLC, refer to the table below.

VLC Shortcut Mac Function
Command+F With this enter Fullscreen mode.
Esc It exits the Full Screen mode.
Spacebar With this key pause or play the video.
S Turn On/Off Subtitles with it.
Command+Ctrl+Left/Right (short), Command+Option+Left/Right (Medium), Command+Shift+Left/Right (Long) Jump Forward/Backward with this keyboard shortcuts. In this short means 3 seconds, medium means 10 seconds and long means 1 minute jump.
Command+Up/Down arrow With this control the volume.
Command+Option+Down Press and hold these keys to Mute the volume.
Command+O Open File with this shortcut.
A It changes the Aspect ratio.
Decrease “H”, Increase “J” This controls the subtitle delay.
Decrease “F”, Increase “G” With this control the audio delay.
E It makes video move frame by frame.
Command+H To hide the controls, use this shortcut.
Command+P Use this shortcut to access the preferences.
Command+B This controls the bookmarks.
Open “Command+L”, Save “Command+Y” To open and save the playlist.
Next “Command+Right Arrow Key”, Previous “Command+Left Arrow Key” With this play the next or previous track.
Z Change the zoom mode with this VLC keyboard shortcut.
Command+E Get hold of effects and filters menu.
T To view the playback time use this.
Increase “Command and+”, Decrease “Command+-” Use this to increase and decrease the playback speed.
Shift+S Capture screenshot with this keyboard shortcut.
Command + D To launch the Disc menu.
Ctrl + m With this navigate to DVD menu.
Ctrl + p You can choose the earlier DVD title using this shortcut keys.
Ctrl + n To choose the next DVD title.
Cmd + q Quit using this shortcut.
l To cycle audio track.
Opt + o With this, escalate the scale factor.
Opt + Shift + o Reduces the scale factor.
Cmd + Shift + r To record, use this shortcut.
Opt + i From the top of the video crop one pixel.
Opt + Shift + i Use this to uncrop from the top of the video one pixel.
Opt + k From the bottom crop one pixel of the video.
Opt + Shift + k To uncrop one pixel of the video from the bottom.
Opt + j With this keyboard shortcut, from the left crop one pixel of the video.
Opt + Shift + j Use this to uncrop from the left of the video one pixel.
Opt + Shift + l To uncrop one pixel of the video from the right.
Opt + l To crop one pixel of the video from the right.
Cmd + z Random
Shift + l Normal/Loop/Repeat
Cmd + 0 To reset subtitles text scale.
Cmd + Scroll up To reduce the subtitles text use this.
Cmd + Scroll down Increase the subtitles text with these keys.
Cmd + F1 It sets the playlist bookmark 1.
Cmd + F8 This sets the playlist bookmark 8.
F1 It plays the playlist bookmark 1.
F5 This plays the playlist bookmark 5.
Shift + j Subtitle sync/bookmark subtitle timestamp

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We hope our guide on VLC keyboard shortcuts on Mac was helpful in enhancing your productivity. If you have any feedback or queries, feel free to leave them in the comments section below. We would also love to hear about any topics you would like to see covered in our future articles. Thank you for reading!

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