This year internet security firm SplashData releases the Worst passwords list comprising the most common passwords of 2023. The firm releases this list every year, comprising the most common passwords of the year. The major source is the data breaches that happen during the time leaking private data on the dark web.
Our technological developments are evolving day by day. And with this, everything is going online. Only some exceptional fields have not gone online because of some concerns. Else all the things are shifting online. So all we have to access them is to register and login to the respective sites. This process has created a lot of credentials over many sites we need to manage. Because we are lazy from the start, so we keep the same passwords for most of the sites. Many of us keep simple passwords, so we don’t forget them easily. However, this habit of yours can be too dangerous for you.
Every year, we celebrate the first Thursday of May as Password Day to raise awareness about the importance of strong passwords. When we keep simple passwords, it becomes easy for hackers to break into your account. Brute force or rainbow table techniques can easily crack your passwords, and your important data and assets are in danger. They could get leaked or stolen. In both cases, you are in loss.
100 Most Common Passwords Of 2023
Now, let’s talk about the most common passwords of 2023. If your password is on this list, then you need to change your password to secure your account immediately.
SplashData’s top 10 most common passwords of 2023:
- 123456
- 123456789
- qwerty
- password
- 1234567
- 12345678
- 12345
- iloveyou
- 111111
- 123123
Other common passwords are:
- Nothing
- Secret
- Password1
- Admin
Many passwords remain common for most of the years because people ignore facts like this, and they don’t pay attention until they become victims of fraud or scam.
Also Read: How to View Saved Wi-Fi Passwords in an Android device
Other than the most common passwords of 2023, we have compiled common passwords from recent years, also published by Splashdata. Please change your password if it is present in the list below. It will benefit you in the long run.
- 987654321
- qwertyuiop
- mynoob
- 123321
- 666666
- 18atcskd2w
- 7777777
- 1q2w3e4r
- 654321
- 555555
- 3rjs1la7qe
- 1q2w3e4r5t
- 123qwe
- zxcvbnm
- 1q2w3e
- abc123
- monkey
- letmein
- football
- dragon
- baseball
- login
- sunshine
- master
- superman
- hello
Many of the most common passwords of 2023 have 6 or fewer letters, making it easy to guess and find for hackers’ algorithms.
Top 100 Worst Passwords
Here are the top 100 worst passwords. If you found your password on this list then you need to change your passwords immediately. Also, you can find the full listing of the world’s worst passwords in the NordPass report.
- 12345
- 123456
- 123456789
- test1
- password
- 12345678
- zinch
- g_czechout
- asdf
- qwerty
- 1234567890
- 1234567
- Aa123456.
- iloveyou
- 1234
- abc123
- 111111
- 123123
- dubsmash
- test
- princess
- qwertyuiop
- sunshine
- BvtTest123
- 11111
- ashley
- 00000
- 000000
- password1
- monkey
- livetest
- 55555
- soccer
- charlie
- asdfghjkl
- 654321
- family
- michael
- 123321
- football
- baseball
- q1w2e3r4t5y6
- nicole
- jessica
- purple
- shadow
- hannah
- chocolate
- michelle
- daniel
- maggie
- qwerty123
- hello
- 112233
- jordan
- tigger
- 666666
- 987654321
- superman
- 12345678910
- summer
- 1q2w3e4r5t
- fitness
- bailey
- zxcvbnm
- fuckyou
- 121212
- buster
- butterfly
- dragon
- jennifer
- amanda
- justin
- cookie
- basketball
- shopping
- pepper
- joshua
- hunter
- ginger
- matthew
- abcd1234
- taylor
- samantha
- whatever
- andrew
- 1qaz2wsx3edc
- thomas
- jasmine
- animoto
- madison
- 0987654321
- 54321
- flower
- Password
- maria
- babygirl
- lovely
- sophie
- Chegg123
Required precautionary measures
If you can’t understand what to do next, don’t worry, we have preventative measures to ensure your password is safe and strong.
These methods will give you the best security against those who want to target your accounts.
- Don’t use dictionary words as your password.
- Don’t use words that are easily guessable like the name of a place, sport, team, or any of your favorite stuff.
- Use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols for the best results.
- Create a password by combining random words.
- Use Password Manager apps like Samsung Password Manager to save passwords.
- Use Password Strength Analyzer to check your password’s vulnerability level.
- If available, use multi-step authentication. It is the best option available now.
Recommended: 13 Best Android Apps to Password Protect Files and Folders
In the current scenario, all you have to do is log on to a site to do what you want. It ranges from shopping items to booking tickets to paying bills, and everything is online so. Now, it is our responsibility to keep ourselves and our close ones safe.
We need to educate others about the importance of a safe and strong password because, in the future, when everything becomes online, and we are still using common passwords, then it is a big disadvantage for us. Those who don’t understand we need to educate them about the importance of cybersecurity because we may now consider it lightly. Still, there are people who have faced loss because of foolishness.
I find that dictionary attacks against my server tend to only try a small handful of passwords, then move on.
I guess they’re looking for an easy target.
Hi please help me
My id was hacked I don’t have any access hackar was Cheng my any access my Facebook account I can’t login
Dear Reader (Ganesh umbarsada)
First, we would like to thank you for being our reader and also appreciate you for bringing this query to us.
Please follow the methods given in our guide, (, to get your account back.
We hope this answers your query.