Facebook allows friends and followers to tag you in posts, photos, and comments. While being tagged can help you easily see the content you’re mentioned in, it can also lead to unwanted visibility if you’re tagged in something embarrassing. In this guide, we’ll explore how you can prevent people from tagging you on Facebook.
How to Prevent People from Tagging You on Facebook
By preventing people from tagging, you can help protect your privacy on Facebook. By limiting the visibility of your profile, you can control who can see your posts and photos.
Method 1: Review Tags Before They Appear
- Open the Facebook app and tap on the hamburger icon.
- Tap on Settings & Privacy then tap on Settings.
- Tap on Profile and tagging.
- Scroll down and enable the Review posts you’re tagged in before the post appears on your profile? option.
With this enabled, any time someone tries to tag you in a post, that post will go into a review queue for you to approve or deny before it’s visible on your Timeline. You’ll get a notification about the pending post tag.
Method 2: Manage Past Tags
- On your Facebook profile, view your Timeline, and select the post you’re Tagged in.
- Tap on the three dots icon given next to the targeted post and select Remove tag.
Method 3: Restrict Tagging Ability
You can also customize exactly who is allowed to tag you on Facebook, rather than leaving it open to all friends.
- Open Facebook, go to Settings & Privacy then tap on Settings.
- Tap on Profile and tagging.
- Tap on Who can see posts you’re tagged in on your profile?
- Change this to Only me if you want maximum control over tagged posts.
- For the Who can tag you in posts? setting, you can limit it to just Friends or go a step further to only allow tags from specific friends.
Method 4: Block Problematic Tagging
In case someone repeatedly tags you in unwanted posts then you can block that person from tagging you:
- Open the Facebook app and go to their profile.
- Tap on the Friends button to open the drop-down menu.
- Select Edit Friend Lists and tap on Restricted.
Also Read: How to Untag Yourself from a Facebook Comment
So, this is how you can prevent people from tagging you on Facebook. If you have any queries or suggestions, do let us know in the comments section below. Stay tuned to TechCult for more helpful guides.
I’m being tagged in inappropriate FB posts of you tube videos. I can’t find the area you talk about to restrict who can tag me.
My issue, too. People I don’t know are tagging me with inappropriate posts. How do i prevent this?
Every day someone is creating a new different profile and then tagging me. I have my privacy set “Who can see posts you’re tagged in on your profile?” to “Only Me” and “When you’re tagged in a post, who do you want to add to the audience of the post if they can’t already see it?” to “Only Me”, but they keep tagging me every day from a new profile they make up and I have to remove the tag and then block them. But the next day they create a new profile and tag me again. Is there a way to only allow ‘friends’ to tag me?
I have the same problem. There is no control of who tags you or what they tag you with in Facebook. I submitted problem to Facebook and they said it wasn’t a problem, to just block them. And then they change their name again. Facebook needs to step up and put some protection into posting.
this article is outdated, because the who can tag me in posts option is no longer available.
How can I have prevent non-friends from tagging me on FB. I keep getting tagged in spam inappropriate spam posts
I’m experiencing the same issue with random accounts tagging me in inappropriate and spam posts. There seems to no longer be the option to change the setting for “Who can tag you.” I’m getting tired of having to delete them constantly ðŸ˜