How to Hide Someone on Messenger Without Blocking Them

Keep digital distance without severing ties on Messenger.

Messenger offers a way to create meaningful connections, but not every interaction requires constant communication. If you find yourself in such a situation, you might want to create some distance without causing conflict. Let’s find out how to hide someone on FB Messenger without blocking them while still keeping your online connections intact.

How to Hide Someone on Messenger Without Blocking Them

How to Hide Someone on Messenger Without Blocking Them

Facebook Messenger offers a feature to hide someone without blocking them, reducing their ability to engage in conversations without their knowledge. There are two methods to do this: restriction and hiding the contact from Messenger’s list. Let’s explain both methods with simple steps below.

Quick Answer

Below are the quick steps to perform and hide any profile on Messenger.

1. Open Messenger app.

2. Access People tab.

3. Hold active contact that has a green dot.

4. Choose Hide contact from the menu.

5. Tap on HIDE on the popup to conceal the contact.

Method 1: Restrict User from Chat

If you don’t want to talk to someone on FB Messenger for a while but don’t want to block them, the only option you have is to hide them. To do this on Messenger for Android, follow these steps:

1. Open the Messenger app on your Android phone.

Note: Make sure you are logged into your Messenger account.

2. Tap on the People tab from the bottom of the screen.

Tap on the People icon at the bottom of the screen.

3. Select the desired contact that you want to hide.

Select the contact that you want to hide and tap on it.

4. Tap on the info icon (i) from the top-right corner of the screen.

Tap on the info icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

5. Swipe to the bottom and tap on the Restrict option under the Privacy & support section to hide the contact.

Tap on the Restrict option under the Privacy and support section to hide the contact.

Also Read: What Does a Grey Check Mark Mean on Messenger?

Method 2: Hide User from Active List

To maintain your privacy and minimize distractions on Messenger, you can hide someone from the active list. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Launch the Messenger app on your phone.

2. Tap on the People tab from the bottom of the screen.

3. Tap and hold that desired active contact.

Note: Look for the active contact with a green dot on it.

Tap and hold that contact to open the menus.

4. Tap on the Hide contact option from the drop-down menu.

Tap on the Hide contact option from the drop down menu.

5. Tap on the HIDE option from the popup to hide the contact from your Messenger’s active list.

Tap on the HIDE option from the dialog box to hide the contact from your Messenger’s active list.

Also Read: How to See Archived Messages on Facebook Messenger

What Happens When You Hide Someone on Messenger?

Hiding someone on Messenger provides a way to maintain distance without blocking them completely. It’s essential to understand what happens when you hide someone to make informed decisions about your online interactions.

Listed below are the things that happen when you hide someone on Messenger:

  • You will not see their contact in your Messenger contact list.
  • The user will not be notified when you hide them.
  • You will not receive any notifications for new calls or messages from the person.
  • They will still be able to view your profile and its status.
  • If you have hidden them via the restriction method, then you will not be able to chat with them until you have unrestricted them.

This article has explained how to hide someone on Messenger without blocking them. Now, you know very well how to tactfully manage your online interactions. Share your thoughts below, and keep exploring our website for new insights.

1 thought on “How to Hide Someone on Messenger Without Blocking Them”

  1. question is: can they see me when I am online? because the option does not apply in facebook on Windows devices… I can still see the contacts hidden on mobile device. the best option would be “to hide from certain contacts” so they can`t see me when I am online without disabling the visibility for all contacts on all devices… the option would be easier than restricting, because when you restrict them the messages that you receive will be ignored, and that is a sign for them that you do not want to speak with them, but if you receive the message and reply they will think that you just were offline for all. it would be nicer if it had 3 options: block, restrict and appear offline for selected contacts…

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