How to Fix Error 0x80300024 While Installing Windows 10/11

Do you get error 0x80300024 during Windows installation? Error 0x80300024 is not restricted to any particular version of Windows and thus, can occur during installation on any/all of these. Even though error 0X80300024 can occur on any Windows version, it is most commonly seen when installing or reinstalling Windows 11 and Windows 10 operating systems. This issue also occurs while upgrading to Windows 11. Today, we will fix Windows 10 installation error 0x80300024.

How to Fix Error 0x80300024

How to Fix Windows 10 Installation Error 0x80300024

The error 0X80300024 indicates that there is a problem, either software or hardware related, with the hard drive partition where Windows installation files are located. Many other factors can also trigger this error:

  • Insufficient space on the hard disk.
  • Corrupt or broken Windows installation medium.
  • Corrupt hard drive.
  • Installation media plugged into a damaged USB port.
  • Incompatible Hard drive and driver software.
  • Loose connection between the installation drive and the installation destination.
  • Hardware or software malfunctioning.

Now, let us discuss the various methods to fix Windows 10 installation error 0x80300024.

Method 1: Remove Supplementary Hard Drive

If you have employed more than one hard drive, either of them can be assigned as the installation location. During the installation procedure, the supplementary drive comes into conflict with the destination drive. If this is the case, error 0x80300024 may appear while installing Windows operating system. To resolve such conflicts,

  • We recommend that you remove the supplementary hard drive from the computer.
  • Then, try installing the operating system again.
  • After you’ve successfully installed Windows, you can reconnect the hard drive.

Method 2: Connect to a Different USB Port

While installing Windows using a bootable USB drive containing Windows installation media, error 0x80300024 might occur due to malfunctioning USB port. In such scenarios, you should:

  • Consider installing Windows without the USB drive.
  • Plug it into another USB port — swap the USB 2.0 port with the USB 3.0 port, or vice versa.

Connect to a Different USB Port

Also Read: Difference between USB 2.0, USB 3.0, eSATA, Thunderbolt, and FireWire ports

Method 3: Free up disk space

The Windows 10 installation error 0x80300024 can also be caused by the lack of disk space on your computer. Thus, you’ll need to free up space on your hard drive so that Windows installation files may be stored and installed properly. Listed below are two ways to resolve storage space issues.

Option 1: Delete Unrequired Data

  • Delete temporary files.
  • Delete unwanted or useless files & folders.

Option 2: Format the Hard-drive

1. Insert/plug the installation media and restart the computer.

2. After that, Accept the licensing terms and select the preferred language.

3. Choose Custom from the Which type of installation do you want? screen, as highlighted below.

Custom Windows installation. How to Fix Windows 10 Installation Error 0x80300024?

4. To format the destination drive, click Drive Options, as shown.

Where do you want to install windows Drive options. How to Fix Windows 10 Installation Error 0x80300024?

5. After selecting the appropriate partition, click Delete.

6. To restart the installation, click Next.

This will format the selected drive and free up disk space so that you can install Windows without any errors.

Method 4: Reset Boot Order

It is possible that the Windows installation destination disc isn’t specified as the primary boot disc, thus, resulting in error 0x80300024. Follow the steps below to fix the desired disk as primary hard-drive manually:

1. Start the computer and go to the computer BIOS setup.

Note: To do so, you may need to hit the F1, F2, or Del keys. The key to access the BIOS screen differs depending on the computer manufacturer & device model.

2. Look for your PC Boot order/ configuration in the BIOS setup.

Locate and Navigate to the Boot Order Options in BIOS. How to Fix Windows 10 Installation Error 0x80300024?

3. Check if the destination Hard Drive is the first choice in the boot order. If not, then set it as the First choice.

4. Save the modifications you’ve made and exit BIOS thereafter.

Also Read: 6 Ways to Access BIOS in Windows 10 (Dell/Asus/ HP)

Method 5: Use DiskPart

This Windows installation error 0x80300024 might also occur due to a corrupt hard drive partition table. Here’s how to fix it:

1. Open Command Prompt from the Start Menu by searching cmd in the Windows search bar, as shown.

2. Type Diskpart and press Enter key.

Type Diskpart in Command Prompt

3. Type List Disk as shown, to get a list of all device partitions.

Type List Disk to get a list of all partitions. How to Fix Windows 10 Installation Error 0x80300024?

4. While the setup is listing all the partitions, note the System partition.

5. Type Select Disk 1 while replacing 1 with the partition number of the system partition.

4. Select the disk where your operating system is installed. 5. Type select disk 0 and press Enter.

6. Type Clean and hit Enter to execute.

Method 6: Format the Installation Partition

If the HDD partition on which you’re trying to install Windows has not been generated recently, the installation process may get hampered by the existing data on that drive. Therefore, formatting the installation partition before installing Windows is essential to resolve the issue or avoid it altogether.

1. Restart the computer after inserting a bootable Windows installation disc.

2. In the BIOS screen, select to boot from the installation media you inserted in Step 1.

3. Now, choose your keyboard layout, language, and other settings.

4. When the notification pops up, choose the Custom: Install Windows Only (advanced) option, as depicted below.

Custom Windows installation

5. Click Drive options on the Windows Setup screen prompting Where do you want to install Windows?

Where do you want to install windows Drive options

6. Select the Hard Drive partition where you want Windows to be installed and choose Format.

7. Confirm the formatting process and let it finish.

8. Then, to continue installing Windows, click Next.

Also Read: How to Format Hard Drive on Windows 10

Method 7: Check Peripheral Connections

If you’re having trouble with error 0x80300024, you should double-check that all of your peripherals are connected properly.

1. Ensure that a steady connection is maintained between the installation drive and the installation location.

2. Determine whether the installation location has sufficient space or not.

3. Once you’ve checked everything, restart the computer to get rid of minor glitches and bugs.

Method 8: Purchase a New HDD

If none of the solutions we offered above have been able to address error 0x80300024, it may be time to consider purchasing a new hard drive. The hard drive on your PC may be defective, thereby causing problems in the Windows installation process. Buy a new hard drive and connect it to your computer. The said error should be rectified and you should no longer face errors during the installation of Windows 10.

Recommended: Fix Windows 10 won’t boot from USB

We hope you were able to Fix Windows 10 installation error 0x80300024 with the help of our guide. Let us know which method worked for you. If you have any queries/ suggestions drop them in the comment box.

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