How to Find Someone’s Comments on Instagram

Instagram is one of the top social networking sites right now. It allows us to communicate in brand-new and fascinating ways, enabling people to share small elements of their daily life. Every second, a new story or post is added. Each day, the app gains thousands of new users. Because it allows users to interact and share life events, Instagram is very popular among individuals of all ages, from young children to senior citizens. Are you an Instagram user and wondering how to find someone’s comments on Instagram? Or how to see someones likes and comments on Instagram? We are bringing you a helpful guide that will resolve all your queries, like how to see hidden comments on Instagram or if is there any app to see someone’s activity on Instagram.

How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

How to Find Someone’s Comments on Instagram

Instagram is one of the most famous social media platforms with over 1.3 billion active users. Instagram’s creators nonetheless respect their users’ privacy and won’t give access to the activity status of other users. So, finding other users’ activity status is more of guesswork. And if you want to find out what someone has commented on your recent post on Instagram, there is no direct way to check anyone’s activity. But there are still a few workarounds you can try. Keep reading further to find the steps explaining those workarounds in detail with useful illustrations for better understanding.

Can You See Someones Likes and Comments on Instagram?

No, there is no direct way you can see the activity status of other Instagram users whose posts they liked and commented on Instagram. An earlier version of the app had the following option that provided users with updates on the activities of people they were following, such as postings they liked and commented on. Read this article further to learn various ways to see hidden comments on Instagram.

How Do You See All the Comments on Instagram?

Instagram provides you with an option of downloading activity data in case, you are interested in seeing all the comments you have made on Instagram. And here is a guide on how can you see all the comments on Instagram in a few easy steps.

1. Visit the Instagram Log in page in your web browser and Log In to your account.

Visit the Instagram Log in page in your web browser and Log In to your account | | see hidden comments on Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

2. Click on the Profile icon > Profile option.

Click on the Profile icon and select the Profile option | see hidden comments on Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

3. Click on Edit Profile.

Click on the Edit Profile button | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

4. Select the Privacy and Security option.

Select the Privacy and Security option | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see hidden comments on Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

5. Under the Privacy and Security menu, find the Data Download section and click on the Request Download option.

Under the Privacy and Security menu, find the Data Download section and click on the Request Download option | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

6. Enter your email address and select HTML or JSON as per your preference under the Information Format section.

7. Click on Next.

Click on Next | see hidden comments on Instagram

8. Enter your password and click on the Request Download button.

9. Wait for Instagram mail to appear in your provided email.

Note: It might take 14 days to get the recovery mail.

10. Open mail sent to you by Instagram with the title Your Instagram information and click on the Download information option.

Open mail sent to you by Instagram with the title Your Instagram information and click on the Download information button | | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

11. After being redirected to the login page, enter your account credentials and click on Log In.

12. Click on the Download Information option to download the zip file.

Click on the Download Information option to download the zip file | see hidden comments on Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

13. Unzip the downloaded file using 7-zip or WinRAR at your preferred location.

14. Open extracted folder and search for the comments folder.

15A. If the message file is in HTML format, double-click on it, and it will open in your default browser.

15B. If the message file is in JSON format, right-click on it, select Open with, and choose your default browser.

Here, you can see all the comments you made through your profile. Now, let’s see the steps to learn how to see someones likes and comments on Instagram.

Also Read: How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post

How to Find Someone’s Comments on Instagram?

You can use some of the indirect ways, like Window finder to find someone’s comment on Instagram posts. Here is a guide on how to find someone’s comments on Instagram in a few easy steps. Read this article further understand how can you see hidden comments on Instagram.

Option I: Use Search Tool

You can use the browser’s search tool to finds the comment of the desired profile on Instagram with the help of the following steps:

1. Log in to your Instagram account in your web browser.

2. From the timeline page, click on the profile icon from the top right corner of your screen.

After you land on your Timeline page, click on the profile picture icon present at the top right corner of your screen. | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see hidden comments on Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

3. Now, select the desired post you think you can find that particular comment that you are looking for.

Now select the post you think you can find that particular comment that you are looking for | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see hidden comments on Instagram

4. Press Ctrl + F keys on the keyboard together and type the username or part of the comment you are looking for. You will find all the comments made by that user on that post.

Note: You can follow these steps to find someone’s comments on any other post. You just have to search for the user who has uploaded that post and repeat the same steps.

Let the comments load and then press Ctrl + F on the keyboard and then type the username of that person whose comments you are looking for. | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram

Option II: Use Google Search

You can also take help from the Google search engine to search for someone’s comment on Instagram. This method is quite helpful if you don’t want to log into Instagram.

1. Navigate to the Google search engine page on any of your favorite browsers.

2. Now, search the following term on the Google search bar:

Keyword (which includes the Instagram username of the user whose comments or a part of the comment you are looking for):

Now search the following term on Google Search Bar. Keyword ( which includes the Instagram username of the user whose comments you are looking for or a part of the comment you are looking for): | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

3. Once the search result is loaded, locate the desired comment you were looking for.

Note: Keep in mind that not all Instagram posts will be indexed by Google. The search engine will look up profiles that it thinks are relevant to your request.

Once the search result is loaded, search for the comment you were looking for. | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

This is how to see someones likes and comments on Instagram and how to find someone’s comments on Instagram.

How Do You Find a Post that Your Friend Commented on?

You can find a post that your friend has commented on with the help of the above-mentioned steps. Use any of those two methods to find your desired comment instantly!

Is There Any App to See Someone’s Activity on Instagram?

Yes, you can download a third-party extension and app to see someone’s activity on Instagram. Snoopreport is a famous activity status tracker tool available for tracking the activities of Instagram users.

Snoopreport website | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

Why Can’t You See All Comments on Someone’s Instagram Post?

If you can’t see all the comments on someone’s post on Instagram, there could be that the account owner may have disabled the comments on that specific post. They may have turned off the commenting feature. Also, sometimes some technical issues like fault in Instagram’s server, poor internet connection or a bug can cause issues in loading comments on a post. Read this article from the start to learn how to see someones likes and comments on Instagram.

How Do You See Hidden Comments on Instagram?

The reason why some comments are hidden from you is that Instagram users have restricted you. So, you can create a new Instagram account and search for the account whose comments you want to read and which were earlier hidden from you. Those comments would no longer be hidden from your newly created account.

1. Navigate to the Instagram website on your browser.

2. Click on the Sign up option.

click on sign up | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

3. Enter the following details and click on Sign up.

  • Mobile Number or Email
  • Full Name
  • Username
  • Password

Enter the following details and click on Sign up | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

4. Add your birthday on the next screen and click on Next.

5. Then, enter the confirmation code you have received on your email address and click on Next.

enter the confirmation code you have received on your email address and click on Next | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram

6. Lastly, search for the desired account and post which comments you want to see.

Read this article from the start to learn how to see hidden comments on Instagram.

Also Read: How to See Hidden Posts on Reddit

How Do You See Who Someone Interacts with the Most on Instagram?

Let’s see a few ways that can tell you who someone on Instagram interacts with the most:

Option I: Look for Comments

To see with whom a user has interacted the most on Instagram, you must check all their uploaded posts and comments on them. Try to look for users who have commented on most of the recent posts and also the kind of replies to their comments. Seeing all the comments, you can easily get a rough idea of the users with whom he interacted the most.

Option II: Inspect Stories

Check all of a user’s posted stories to see who they have interacted with most on Instagram. Try to find users who have been mentioned in their stories in the majority of recent stories and pay attention to the type of responses in stories. You can quickly determine the folks with whom he interacted the most by looking at all of their stories. Read this article from the start to learn how to find someone’s comments on Instagram.

How Do You See Someone’s Most Recent Following on Instagram?

There is no direct way to do this because Instagram respect the privacy of their users and they don’t provide details about someone’s Instagram activity. But here is a guide on how can you see someone’s most recent following on Instagram in a few easy steps.

Option I: Use Snoopreport Tool

One of the prominent tools for staying updated about the target account’s follower list is Snoopreport. It shows the latest followers and delivers other information such as most liked posts, recent posts, people they have followed newly, etc. The plus point is that the tool does not require installation and is available on a website.

However, it does not do all of this for free and requires a paid subscription of $4.99/month.

Snoopreport website | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see hidden comments on Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

Option II: Use KidsGuard Pro

Explicitly developed for tracking kids’ activities, KidsGuard Pro has extensive features like notifying you about recent followers, who the child followed, what they liked, and much more. The only demerit is that it must be manually installed on the target user’s device.

It’s important to remember that this app is for monitoring your children’s activities. If you use it to track an adult, they will likely find it out. Tracking an adult is considered an infringement of privacy and illegal in the eyes of the law.

KidsGuard Pro website | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

Option III: Verify Manually

This method might work if you are willing to work hard.

Note: For both Android and iOS Instagram users.

1. Open the Instagram app and navigate to the desired Instagram profile whose recent followers you want to see.

Open the Instagram profile of the user | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram

2. Tap on Followers to see the followers list of the profile.

Tap on Followers to see the followers list of the person | see hidden comments on Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

3. Now, you can see all the recent followers in the followers tab.

you can see all the recent followers in the followers tab | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram

You will have to regularly check the list and update your noted followers to see if someone has recently followed their account. But this method takes more time and effort. You can take a look at the other methods, which could be more convenient for you. read this article from the start to learn how to find someone’s comments on Instagram.

Option IV: Use Instagram Follower Trackers (Not Recommended)

There are abundant apps available on the Google Play Store or App Store which claim to track followers and following lists of users. It’s crucial to carry out thorough research before using any of these apps to view recent followers on Instagram.

Although they might get the work done, many apps have been reported for data stealing and scamming users. We are against the use of such apps.

Also Read: How to Find Old Instagram Posts

How Can You See Who Your Boyfriend Recently Followed on Instagram?

There is no direct way to see who your boyfriend recently followed on Instagram. You have to use a third-party chrome extension and here is a method you can follow to find your boyfriend’s recent following in a few easy steps.

1. Navigate to the Google search engine page on any of your favorite browsers.

2. Now, search for and click on the IGExport extension link from the Chrome web store.

Now search for the IGEXPORT extension term on Google Search Bar and wait till the search result load | how to find someone's comments on Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

3. Click on the Add to Chrome option to download and install the Igexport extension to your Chrome browser.

Click on the first result that directs you to Chrome Webstore and then click on the Add to Chrome option to download and install the Igexport extension to your Chrome browser | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

4. Then, Visit the Instagram website in your web browser and Log in to your account.

5. Click on the search bar and search for your boyfriend’s username.

6. Then, click on the correct result directing to its Insta profile.

 After you land on your Timeline page, click on the Search bar present in the middle of the navbar present at the top of your screen. And Search for your boyfriend’s username and click on the option directing to its profile

7. Select his Instagram username and then right-click on it.

8. Click on Copy from the context menu.

You will then be taken to that person's profile page, Then you have to copy his username which can be easily copied by selecting it, right-clicking, and then selecting the Copy option. | how to find someone's comments on Instagram

9. Click on the IGexport extension from the taskbar and paste the copied username in the given box.

Click on the IGexport extension from the taskbar and paste the copied username in the box given | how to find someone's comments on Instagram | see hidden comments on Instagram

10. Then, click on the EXPORT FOLLOWING option to get a list of users followed by your boyfriend.

Then click on the Export Following option to get a list of users followed by your boyfriend | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see hidden comments on Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

11. After the page reloads successfully, a list of the usernames the Instagram user follows will appear, organized by date. The most recent followers are the ones you’ll notice are listed at the top of the list.

Note: If you want to download this list, you can click on the DOWNLOAD FOLLOWING option.

 | How to Find Someone's Comments On Instagram | see hidden comments on Instagram | see someones likes and comments on Instagram

Read this guide from the start to find out how you can see someones likes and comments on Instagram.


So, we hope you have understood how to find someone’s comments on Instagram and see hidden comments on Instagram with detailed steps to your aid. You can let us know any queries or suggestions about any other topic you want us to make an article on. Drop them in the comments section below for us to know.

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