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How to Export Contacts from Gmail

Exporting contacts from your Gmail is an important tool for businesses and individuals who often need to keep track of a large number of contacts. The Export Contacts feature allows you to easily export all your contacts from your Gmail address book and store them in a format of your choice on your computer or phone, ensuring that your contact information is always readily available. If you do not know how to export contacts and email addresses from Gmail on your PC, then this step-by-step guide will help you download these easily and quickly.

How to Export Contacts from Gmail

How to Export Contacts from Gmail

With Gmail, you can export contacts in both CSV and vCard formats, making it easy to transfer your contacts to other applications or services. It can help you keep your contacts organized and up to date and isalso a great way to transfer your contacts to another email service or device if you’re switching to a new one. In this article, we have explained how to download contacts from Google as well as how to export Gmail contacts to Outlook.

Follow these steps to export email addresses from Gmail.

1. Log in to your Google email account and click on the Google App icon at the top right corner.

2. Now, click on the Google Contacts option.

click on the Google Contacts option

3. In the next screen, select All the contacts.

Note: You can even select the contact individually if you don’t want to select All contacts.

select all the contacts

4. Click on the three-dotted icon in your Contacts folder and select the Export option as depicted.

Contacts folder and press the Export option

5. In the next Export contacts pop up window, click on Selected contacts or particular contacts and select GOOGLE CSV.

Note: Google CSV: This format is a standard way of exchanging data between different applications, and as such, it’s perfect for transferring contact information from one platform to another. Outlook CSV: This makes it simple for you to quickly create contact lists for email campaigns or for sharing. vCard file: vCard is a file format for digital business cards that is used to store contact information.

Selected contacts or particular contacts

6. Finally, click on the Export button to transfer the contacts. Now, the download begins automatically.

Hence, this is how you can download contacts from Google.

Also Read: How to convert Excel (.xls) file to vCard (.vcf) file?

How to Export Gmail Contacts to Outlook

If you’re switching to Outlook from Gmail, you’ll need to make sure you have all your contacts transferred. The steps to export Gmail contacts to outlook is a simple process as instructed below.

1. Go to your Gmail account, and go to the Gmail contacts as you did earlier.

2. Now, select all the contacts (or contacts needed), and click on More followed by Export.

click on More then Export. How to Export Contacts from Gmail

3. Then, click on Outlook CSV and click on Export.

click on Export

4. Now, to import contacts, open Outlook and navigate to File followed by Open & Export.

open Outlook and navigate to File then Open & Export

5. Now, click on Import/Export option.

click on Import/Export option

6. Now, click on Import from another program or file and click on Next.

click on Import from another program or file and click on Next

7. Then, click on Comma Separated Values and click on Next.

click on Comma Separated Values and click on Next

8. Then, use the Browse… button to navigate to the CSV file downloaded. Then, click one of the following:

  • Replace duplicates with items imported
  • Allow duplicates to be created
  • Do not import duplicate items

9. Later, click on the Next button.

click on the Next button. How to Export Contacts from Gmail

10. Choose the destination folder in your Outlook and click on Next.

11. Select the Finish button to complete the process.

12. To view your contacts in Outlook, click on Address book, click on the name of your mailbox, and click on Contacts.

Also Read: How to Recover Deleted Draft in Outlook 365

How to Export Outlook Contacts to Gmail

Export Outlook contacts to Gmail is a simple process that can help you keep all your contacts stored in one place. With only a few clicks as instructed below, you can have all your contacts imported into your Gmail account.

1. Open Outlook and select the File tab.

2. Then, click on Options followed by Advanced.

3. Now, go to the Export tab and click on Export.

go to the Export tab and click on Export. How to Export Contacts from Gmail

4. In the Import and Export Wizard, select Export to a file, and then click on the Next button.

press the Next button

5. Select the Comma Separated Value (DOS) option, and then click on Next.

Press the Comma Separated Value DOS option. How to export email addresses from Gmail

6. Select the contacts folder you want to export and then click on the Next button.

Select the contacts folder you want to export and then press the Next button

7. Then, choose the destination location on your PC to save your file temporarily. Then, click on Next.

Note: You may delete this file once you have imported your contacts into Google Gmail.

choose the destination location on your PC

8. Then, click on the Finish button.

click on the Finish button

9. Open your browser and navigate to Google Contacts.

10. Go to the left menu and select the Import option.

Go to the left menu and press the Import option. How to export email addresses from Gmail

11. Then, under Import contacts, click on Select file.

click on Select file

12. Then, choose the exported file and click on Open.

13. Finally, click on Import.

click on Import. How to export email addresses from Gmail

Also Read: How to Archive in Outlook 365

How to Export Email Addresses from Gmail

Exporting Email addresses from Gmail is the same as downloading contacts from Google which has been explained previously.

Note: To export email addresses from Gmail, you must have already saved the contacts along with their mail IDs on your device. Else, they will not appear in the contacts app.

Where are My Phone Contacts Stored?

When you think about it, it’s kind of amazing that our phones can store all of our contacts in one spot. We no longer have to carry around a bulky address book or remember all of our friends’ phone numbers. Instead, we just open our contact list and search for the person we want to call. But, have you ever wondered where your phone contacts are actually stored? The answer is a bit complicated, as it depends on the device and the operating system you’re using.

  • For Apple devices, contacts are stored in the Contacts app on your iPhone or iPad. This app is connected to your iCloud account, which stores all of your contacts’ information in the cloud. This way, your contacts are stored securely and can be accessed from any device that’s connected to your iCloud account.
  • If you’re using an Android device, contacts are stored in the Contacts app. This app is connected to your Google account, which is how all of your contacts’ information is stored in the cloud. This way, your contacts are always up-to-date and can be accessed from any device that’s connected to your Google account.
  • It’s also possible to store contacts on your device’s memory card. This is a great option if you want to keep your contacts secure and don’t want them to be stored in the cloud. However, if you switch phones, you’ll need to transfer the contacts from the old phone’s memory card to the new one.

Why Would You Want to Export Contacts from Gmail?

  • First, it allows you to back up your contacts in case something happens to your Gmail account. If your account is hacked or deleted, your contacts can be lost forever. Exporting your contacts to another location ensures that you won’t lose them.
  • Exporting contacts from Gmail also allows you to switch to a different email provider. If you decide to switch from Gmail to another email provider, such as Outlook or Yahoo, you’ll need to export your contacts from Gmail and import them into the new provider. This ensures that your contacts are still accessible, and you won’t have to start from scratch.
  • Finally, exporting contacts from Gmail allows you to keep them organized. You can export your contacts to a spreadsheet, where you can sort and organize them as you like. This makes it easier to find the contacts you need when you need them.

Also Read: How to Delete Email Addresses from Gmail Autofill on Android

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How do Gmail contacts work?

Ans. Gmail contacts are a feature of Gmail that allows you to store contact information for people you communicate with. You can store names, email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, and other contact information. You can use Gmail contacts to quickly add people to your emails and to quickly find contact information for people you are communicating with.

Q2. What’s a CSV file?

Ans. A CSV (Comma Separated Values) file is a type of text file that stores tabular data in plain text form. Each line of the file is a data record, and each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. These files are commonly used for exchanging data between different applications and for importing and exporting data from databases.

Q3. Are Google contacts automatically backed up?

Ans. No, Google contacts are not automatically backed up. To back up your Google contacts, you will need to use the Google Takeout service. This will allow you to export your contacts to a file that you can download and save.

Q4. Can I Access Contacts Automatically Added By Gmail?

Ans. No, you cannot access contacts automatically added by Gmail. However, you can access and manage the contacts that you manually add to your Gmail account.

Q5. Do I have contacts in Gmail?

Ans. No, Gmail does not have a contacts feature. However, you can use the Google Contacts app to store and manage contacts, which is accessible from Gmail.

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In conclusion, Exporting contacts with email addresses from Gmail is an easy process that can be completed in a few simple steps. If you have any further queries or suggestions leave it down in the comment section below.

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