How to Create Your Own Chrome Theme with AI

Revolutionize your browsing experience with personalized themes using AI!

Making your own Chrome theme can be fun as you can personalize how your browser looks, and guess what?

Now, you can use the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to make it even cooler by incorporating your favorite colors or generating abstract patterns.

In this guide, we will explore how you can create a Chrome homepage theme with AI to express your style and preferences.

how to create your own chrome theme with AI

How to Create Your Own Chrome Theme with AI

Google is bringing AI technology to its Chrome web browser in the newest update.

The company recently released Chrome (M121), which is integrated with three new AI-powered features to enhance the browsing experience on Mac and Windows.

One of them is the text-to-image diffusion model enabling you to further personalize your browser.

With this update, crafting custom themes becomes a breeze as you pick a subject, mood, visual style, and color.

To customize the Chrome homepage theme with AI, you first need to turn on Experimental AI:

Note 1: You’ll be able to try out these new features in Chrome over the next few days, and these features are in early public experiments. Also, they’ll be disabled for enterprise and educational accounts and have to be enabled manually.

Note 2: Ensure that you use the latest Chrome version on your device (Mac and Linux: 121.0.6167.85 and Windows: 121.0.6167.85 or 121.0.6167.86).

1. Open Chrome and click on the three dots.

2. Select Settings > Experimental AI.

3. Turn on the toggles for Try out experimental AI features and Create themes with AI.

Turn on the toggles for Try out experimental AI features and Create themes with AI

4. Open a New Tab, and at the bottom right corner, click on Customize Chrome.

5. Select Change theme and then Create with AI.

6. Choose a subject, style, mood, and color.

7. Click on Create and a set of themes will be generated by AI based on your selections.

click on create

8. Finally, select a theme that is generated to apply.

Note: This may take up to 10 seconds. So, wait patiently.

Also Read: How to Enable and Disable New Chrome UI Refresh 2023

What are Some Available Chrome Web Store Themes?

The feature of customizing the Chrome background using AI is currently available in the United States only. But hopefully, it will be launched worldwide soon. A few AI-generated themes made by Chrome are available for users to try that were voted as top choices by their team.

How to Use Themes from the Chrome Web Store

There are hundreds of amazing themes available on the Web Store that you can use to customize your Chrome homepage. To add an AI-generated or any other theme to your Chrome:

1. Go to the Chrome web store and select a theme of your choice.

2. Now, click on Add to Chrome option on the screen.

click on Add to Chrome

Now, your Chrome browser will be customized according to the theme.

Also Read: How to Remove Chrome Themes

Other New Generative AI Features on Chrome

Other than creating your themes with AI, Google Chrome has planned to release two more AI-generated features to simplify your browsing experience.

1. Tab Organizer

With this feature, new tab groups based on your open tabs on Chrome will be created automatically.

For example, if you’re planning a trip, doing research, and shopping all at once, Chrome will put those tabs in separate groups.

All you have to do is just right-click on a tab and pick Organize Similar Tabs or click the drop-down arrow near your tabs.

Chrome will even come up with names and emojis for these groups to make them easy to find later when you need them.

2. Writing Helper

In next month’s Chrome release, they’re trying out a new feature that uses smart AI to help you write better on the web.

Whether you’re leaving a review for a restaurant, responding to a party invite, or asking about renting an apartment, Chrome will assist you.

Just right-click on a text box on any website, choose Help me write, type a few words, and let the AI give you a hand in getting started with your writing.

With the integration of text-to-image diffusion models and other features, you can create and customize Chrome homepage themes with AI. Stay connected to Techcult for more such feature updates and drop your queries or suggestions in the comment section.

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