How to Check Facebook Page Messages on iPhone

Stay connected to your FB messages on the go, all through your iPhone!

Facebook is one of the most well-known social media apps that keeps us connected to our friends and family. A crucial element of the app, the messaging feature, enables smooth discussions wherever we are. If you’re an iPhone user looking to check Facebook Page messages on your iPhone, you’ve come to the right place.

How to Check Facebook Page Messages on iPhone

How to Check Facebook Page Messages on iPhone

Messaging is one of the major pros of Facebook as it helps to chat with people and keep in touch. The best part about it is that you can use the FB app to use it while on the go from your iPhone. To check the messages on Facebook, two methods can be followed.

Method 1: Via Message Dialog Box

The steps to check Facebook messages normally are as follows:

1. Open Facebook on your device and Log In to your account.

2. Tap the messages icon at the top-right corner of the page.

Tap on messages icon

3. Your message list will appear and you can easily view all your desired messages.

Your message list will appear | How to Check Facebook Page Messages on iPhone

Method 2: Via Messenger App

Facebook Messenger is used to send messages and exchange photos, videos, audio, etc. along with reacting to other people’s messages on it. It is a standalone app, developed by Meta Platforms therefore, if you wish to check Facebook messages on the Messenger app, follow these steps below:

1. Download the Messenger App and open it.

2. Add your Mobile Number and tap on Next.

Add your Mobile Number and tap on next.

3. Now, Log In using your Facebook account.

4. Your Facebook messages section will open.

Your Facebook messages section will open | How to Check Facebook Page Messages on iPhone

Also Read: 5 Ways to Delete Multiple Facebook Messages

How to Turn on Messages on Facebook Business Page

A Facebook Page is a public social media profile made for economic organizations. It helps users send messages to various Business Pages. For you to check messages on Facebook Business Page, the following steps need to be followed:

1. Log In to Facebook on the Safari browser.

2. Tap the three lines at the top right corner of the home page.

Tap the three lines at the top right corner of the home page.

3. Scroll down and tap on Settings.

4. Now, tap and open Page settings.

Tap and open Page Settings.

5. Tap on the Privacy option.

6. Scroll down and tap on the Allow people and pages to message your Page.

Scroll down and tap on the Allow people and pages to message your Page | How to Check Facebook Page Messages on iPhone

7. Check whether the option is turned on, if it is turned off, choose the On option.

Check whether the option is turned on, if it is turned off, choose the On option.

And that’s it, you will able to check messages on your Facebook business page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Can I Check Facebook Page Messages on my iPhone?

Yes, you can check Facebook Page messages on your iPhone.

Q. Where is my Inbox on Facebook Page?

The inbox on your Facebook page is located in the top-right of your profile both in Facebook dialog box and Messenger App.

Q. How do I allow messages on my Facebook page?

On your Page Settings, tap Messages. Checkmark the box titled Allow people to contact my Page privately by showing the Message button.

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We hope this article helped you learn how to check Facebook page messages on your iPhone. Keep reading our blog for such helpful guides! Feel free to leave your suggestions & and queries in the comment section below. 

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