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How to Change Safe Zone on Xbox

Optimize your screen display and ensure custom-built gaming experience.

To enjoy your gaming experience to the fullest, it’s important to know how to change the safe zone on your Xbox. Modifying the display settings allows you to align the screen perfectly and avoid any parts of the game being cut off. In our step-by-step guide, you will learn the process of doing so easily. So, let’s begin and enhance your gaming visuals!

how to change safe zone on xbox

How to Change Safe Zone on Xbox

The safe zone on a video game console is the part of the screen that isn’t covered by the console’s on-screen menu. It’s important because it lets players see the game clearly without the menu blocking the view. On Xbox, the safe zone is set at 80%, leaving 20% of the screen for menus and system information. If you want to adjust this zone, keep reading our guide!

Does Xbox Series S have a Safe Mode?

Yes, the Xbox series S have a safe mode. Just like any other Xbox console Xbox Series S also has a safe mode, which is used for diagnosing and fixing issues with the console, such as problems with the system software or hardware.

To change the safe zone on Xbox One or Xbox Series S, you can follow the below-mentioned steps:

1.Open the Guide menu with the Xbox button on your controller.

Press the Xbox button from the controller to launch the guide.

2. From the guide menu go to Settings.

3. In settings, go to General and then to TV & display options.

From General, go to TV & display options | how to change safe zone on xbox

4. Under TV & display options, select Calibrate TV.

5. Read the instructions and click on Next > Next to open the Aspect ratio & sharpness settings.

6. From your display either TV or monitor adjust the aspect ratio according to the layout shown on your display.

Once you have adjusted the aspect ratio on your display now you can save it and enjoy gaming without any inappropriate display settings.

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How Do You Get Out of Safe Mode on Xbox One

To get out of safe mode on Xbox One, just follow these steps:

1. Press and hold the Xbox button on the front of the console for about 10 seconds.

2. Your Xbox One console will turn off.

3. After a few seconds, again press the Xbox button on your console to turn it back on.

4. Now, your Xbox One console will boot up normally and it is out of safe mode.

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Why Does My Xbox Screen Not Fit My TV?

The reasons why your Xbox screen is not fitting in your TV are listed below:

  • Incorrect display settings are set on your Xbox console.
  • The aspect ratio set on your TV is incorrect.
  • The zoom feature must have been enabled in your TV making the Xbox screen not fit in your TV.
  • You have connected your Xbox to the incorrect HDMI input on your TV.
  • Disable the over scan settings on your TV, if enabled and available.
  • You have an old TV that could not be able to show your Xbox Screen properly.

We hope that this article has helped you learn how to change safe zone on Xbox One and Series S consoles. We’re eager to hear how your experience was reading this article. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to share them in the comments section below. We value your feedback!

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