How to Add the Pancake Bot on Discord

Use the Pancake bot on your server to enjoy fun commands and games with friends.

If you are looking to level up your Discord server management, the Pancake bot should be your go-to solution. It empowers server administrators to streamline tasks, entertain members with interactive games and music, and customize the server experience. Curious how to add and set it up? If so, read on to learn how to do so to use Pancake bot with its easy-to-use commands as well as the extensive feature set on Discord.

How to Add the Pancake Bot on Discord

How to Add the Pancake Bot on Discord

A Pancake Bot is a multipurpose bot available for Discord. It provides features to manage music controls, generate random memes and images, play games, manage users, etc. All these features can be accessed by using the Pancake bot commands (p!command).

Moreover, this bot provides basic music controls such as play, pause, repeat, resume, seek, skip, and stop, along with volume, lyrics, and bass controls. To know how to add the Pancake bot on Discord, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the Pancake Discord Music Bot website on your phone browser.

2. Tap on the Invite Bot option.

Tap on the Invite Bot option.

3. Enter your email or phone number and password in the given fields.

4. Then, tap Log In.

Enter your email or phone number and password after that tap Log In.

5. Select the desired server and tap on Continue.

Select a server and tap Continue. | How to Add the Pancake Bot on Discord

6. Now, tap on the Authorize option to successfully add the Pancake bot to your Discord server.

tap on the Authorize option to successfully add the Pancake bot to your Discord server.

Also Read: How to Add a Translator Bot to Discord

How to Use the Pancake Bot on Discord?

To learn how to use the Pancake bot on Discord, you can follow the below-mentioned steps:

Note: Ensure you have added the Pancake bot to your Discord server; if you have not, follow the steps from the above heading.

1. Open the Discord app on your phone.

2. Tap on the desired server from the left pane where you added the Pancake bot.

Tap on the server icon.

3. Tap on the desired channel.

Tap on the channel name. | How to Add the Pancake Bot on Discord

4. In the text box, type in the Pancake bot command starting with p! (example: p!play, p!lyrics, p!role, etc.) and enter the desired item argument.

5. Tap on the send icon to execute the command.

type in the Pancake bot command starting with p! and enter the desired item argument

What are the Pancake Bot Discord Commands?

Listed below are the Discord commands for this bot for different purposes:

  • Currency: p!addbalance, p!balance, p!blackjack, p!buy, p!claimrewards, p!daily, p!deposit, p!fish, p!give, p!giveitem, p!highlow, p!inventory, p!iteminfo, p!leaderboard, p!lottery, p!removebalance, p!resetbalance, p!rob, p!russianroulette, p!sell, p!shop, p!slots, p!trivia, p!use, p!withdraw, p!work
  • Fun: p!8ball, p!akinator, p!bigtext, p!coinflip, p!embed, p!fml, p!higherlower, p!roast, p!say, p!ship, p!xkcd
  • Images: p!beautiful, p!birb, p!byemom, p!cat, p!meme, p!dog, p!f, p!facts, p!gmagik, p!illegal, p!sepia, p!saturate, p!darken, p!brighten, p!invert, p!grayscale, p!implode, p!explode, p!magik, p!present, p!kiss, p!hug, p!slap, p!cry, p!smile, p!blush, p!lewd, p!weebsh, p!wizard
  • Info: p!avatar, p!donate, p!help, p!invite, p!ping, p!roleinfo, p!serverinfo, p!stats, p!support, p!userinfo
  • Leveling: p!level, p!levelcalculator, p!levelleaderboard, p!levelmessages, p!levelroles, p!resetlevel, p!userlevelsettings, p!xpchannel, p!xp
  • Moderation: p!ban, p!clearinfractions, p!duration, p!infractions, p!kick, p!mute, p!purge, p!reason, p!removeinfractions, p!softban, p!unban, p!unmute, p!vckick, p!warn
  • Music: p!autoplay, p!bassboost, p!join, p!lyrics, p!move, p!nowplaying, p!pause, p!play, p!queue, p!remove, p!repeat, p!resume, p!search, p!seek, p!shuffle, p!skip, p!stop, p!volume
  • Settings: p!lockdown, p!channeltoggle, p!currencysettings, p!customreplies, p!deletelog, p!editlog, p!farewell, p!forceend, p!greeting, p!itemsetup, p!lotterysetup, p!modlog, p!perms, p!prefix, p!setcurrency, p!togglenowplaying
  • Roles: p!autorole, p!getrole, p!reactionroles, p!role, p!selfrole
  • Utility: p!addtag, p!botlist, p!calc, p!choose, p!edittag, p!embedcreate, p!embededit, p!giveaway, p!notifications, p!poll, p!removetag, p!reroll, p!suggest, p!tag, p!translate, p!urban

Also Read: How to Use FredBoat on Discord: Enhance Your Music Experience

So, this article has provided you with the necessary steps on how to add and use the Pancake bot on Discord. With simple commands at your disposal, managing your server will be a breeze. If you have any doubts about this tutorial, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we’ll gladly address any further assistance you may require.

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