Fix The Requested Resource Is In Use Error

Who does not want to perform college, office and school work fast? We know you want to do it as soon as possible. Your boss expects you to prepare the documents he asked for in the shortest possible time. While you are rushing to copy the particular file, you want to use and ensure everything gets done, an error message appears on your screen: the requested resource is in use. When this occurs, you will not be able to access a particular file. If you are facing the same problem, then you are at the right place because here we will be telling you how to troubleshoot the requested resource is in use in Windows 10, Windows 7 and other versions.

Fix The Requested Resource Is In Use Error

How to Fix The Requested Resource Is In Use Error

So, what does the requested resource is in use mean? The error appears when an action to be performed by Windows on a certain file is restricted and cannot be accessed because the file is already being used in the background.  It can be related to difficulty in copying a file or folder, particularly Windows files or difficulty in accessing the file path itself.

Reasons for Fix The Requested Resource Is In Use Error

The reasons why users see the pop-up message while trying to do a certain task are:

  • The file or folder you are trying to move or copy from one source to another destination is used by another program.
  • Unavailability of memory space on disk.
  • The device is infected by Trojan Horse Smart Service.
  • Some malware or virus has affected the system.

Now that you know what does the requested resource is in use mean, let us move on to the troubleshooting methods. Below we have mentioned the most effective methods that will help you in fixing the error.

Method 1: Close File

If the file is opened somewhere, you will not be able to copy it elsewhere. So, the easiest method to fix the error is to cross-verify once if the file is accidentally left open. Then, close the file and you should be able to copy or access it.

Method 2: Restart PC

The requested resource is in use in Windows 7 can occur because of temporary glitches in your system. You can restart your PC to get rid of these temporary glitches on your computer. Use these steps to restart the PC:

1. Press the Windows key.

2. Now, click on the Power icon and select Restart.

click on the Power icon and select Restart

Method 3: Disable Preview Pane

You can view a thumbnail of an image or document contents and a detailed summary of the file metadata in the Preview pane of a Finder window. It is helpful in verifying information such as the creation date of a document, the type of camera or lens model used for a photo, and more. But sometimes, it can lead to error, and you may see the requested resource is in use in Windows 11. To disable the preview pane on your laptop, perform the following steps:

Note: The following steps were performed on Windows 11

1. Press the Windows key.

2. Type File Explorer in the search box and click on Open.

open file explorer and click on open.

3. Click on the View option.

view in file explorer. Fix The Requested Resource Is In Use Error

4. Here, click on Show and uncheck Preview pane to disable Preview Pane.

click on show and uncheck preview pane

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Method 4: Run Virus Scan

You can perform a manual scan if you think that some particular file or application is creating the trouble. To learn how do I run a virus scan on my Windows 7 then refer to our guide. You need to follow the same methods on Windows 10, but when you perform it on Windows 11, you will have to click on Privacy & Security instead of Update & Security.

Run a Virus Scan

Method 5: Check & Remove Malicious IP address

You can check for any malicious IP address that are present in your system that potentially cause trouble in your device’s functionality.

1. Open the run dialog by pressing Windows key + R.

2. Copy and paste this command – notepad c:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and click on OK.

the command typed in run dialog

3. Look carefully, for the malicious IP addresses.

  • The two IP addresses at the bottom (in red rectangle) is the device’s own IP address.
  • Any other IP address would denote a foreign IP and thereby might be malicious too in different ways.

IP addresses of own device

4. Contact a cyber-security expert to remove the IP address and track the device as well.

Method 6: Turn Off Real-time Antivirus Protection

One of the initial causes of an error for a file you wish to transfer or copy may be antivirus software. As data are processed, antivirus maintains an eye on their security. And if it takes longer for it to scan, then the requested resource is in use in Windows 10 may pop up. You can refer to our guide to learn how to disable antivirus temporarily on Windows 10. You need to perform the same methods to disable Antivirus on Windows 7 and 11. Even after attempting this method error remains, then you can try the next method.

turn off scanning

Method 7: Fix File System Error

File system errors can prevent you from accessing the file and cause the requested resource is in use in Windows 7. So, another method that can help in resolving the error is to fix the file system error. To perform the same, follow the steps given below:

1. In the Windows search bar, type File Explorer and click on Open.

2. Now, click on This PC. After that, right-click on Windows (C:) and select Properties.


3. Click on the Tools tab and select Check.

check under tools

A file system scan will be performed, and if any issues are found, they will be automatically fixed.

Method 8: Change Ownership of File

If the file you want to access or copy is owned by someone else, this error may occur. So, here are the methods that will help you in changing the ownership:

1. First, right-click on the file that is causing the error and select Properties.

right-click on the file that is causing the error and select Properties

2. Now, navigate to the Security tab and choose a user under Group or user names.

navigate to the Security tab and choose a user under Group or user names

3. Select the Edit option. Once you choose Edit, a new Security Window will open up.

edit under properties. Fix The Requested Resource Is In Use Error

4. In the Security Window, select a particular user account.

select a particular user account. Fix The Requested Resource Is In Use Error

5. Now, check all the permissions under Permissions for Authenticated Users for the selected user.

check all the options

6. Finally, select OK.

ok option

Method 9: Update Windows

Another easy method to fix the error is to update your PC. Refer to our guide on how to Update Windows 10. Since Windows 7 and 10 have little difference so you can update Windows. If you have Windows 11, then you can read our article on how to download and install Windows 11 Updates.

Windows 7 can be updated by following these simple steps to solve the requested resource is in use in Windows 7 issue.

1. First, select Start and then click on Control Panel.

2. Now, click on System and Security.

system and security windows 7

3. Choose Windows Update.

4. Here, select either important updates or optional updates.

5. Choose the Download Center link, type the update number in Search box and press Enter.

6. Select Security Update for Windows 7.

7. Click on Download.

8. Select Open to install the file.

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Method 10: Uninstall Data Backup Program

Backup programs that run in the background help in restoring and saving files for later use. But such backup programs can cause trouble in copying a file to or from an external device. So, if you are copying a file to or from an external device, then you need to uninstall the backup program by following the steps listed below:

1. first, press the Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box.

2. Now, type appwiz.cpl in the dialog box and click on OK.

appwiz.cpl in run dialog box. Fix The Requested Resource Is In Use Error

3. Here, locate the Microsoft OneDrive and right-click on it.

microsoft one drive

4. After that, click on Uninstall.

uninstall microsoft one drive

5. Once it is uninstalled, restart the PC.

Also Read: Fix Office 365 The Filename is Invalid When Saving Error

Method 11: Delete Broken Entries in Registry

The Windows Registry is a database that stores all of the low-level Windows and Application settings, such as device drivers, user interface, file routes, start menu shortcuts, etc. In general, these registries are not deleted by your system. Hence, over time all the broken registry also gets accumulated in your computer. And these broken registries affect the performance of your laptop. So, you need to delete these registries. But before you delete the broken registries, you should back up and restore the registry. To learn how to back up and restore the registry on Windows, read our guide. Once you have restored the registry you can delete the broken entries by reading our article on how to delete broken entries in the Windows registry.

click on Advanced options followed by Startup Repair. Fix The Requested Resource Is In Use Error


We hope this article was helpful and you were able to fix the requested resource is in use error. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.

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