Fix System Restore Error 0x80070091

If you are facing the error 0x80070091, then this means you are not able to restore your PC to an earlier working time through a restore point. System Restore is very important in fixing errors with your PC and recovering lost data after a malware infection, but if you’re not able to Restore your system, then all these features are of no use. The main cause of the error seems to be the WindowsApps folder directory, this how the error is shown:

System Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer’s system files and
settings were not changed.

System Restore failed while restoring the directory from the restore point.
Source: AppxStaging
Destination: %ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps
An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. (0x80070091)

Fix System Restore Error 0x80070091

The System Restore Error 0x80070091 is also called ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY. Still, the directory WindowsApps is not empty, so there is something wrong indicating that this directory is empty and hence the error. Thankfully there are a couple of fixes which seems to fix this issue, so without wasting any time let’s see how to fix System Restore Error 0x80070091 with the below-listed troubleshooting steps.

Fix System Restore Error 0x80070091

Method 1: Rename the WindowsApps folder in Safe Mode

1. Press Windows Key + R then type msconfig and hit Enter to open System Configuration.


2. Switch to boot tab and checkmark Safe Boot option.

Switch to boot tab and check mark Safe Boot option

3. Click Apply, followed by OK.

4. Restart your PC and system will boot into Safe Mode automatically.

5. Press Windows Key + X then select Command Prompt (Admin).

command prompt with admin rights

6. Type the following command in cmd and hit Enter after each one:

cd C:\Program Files
takeown /f WindowsApps /r /d Y
icacls WindowsApps /grant “%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%”:(F) /t
attrib WindowsApps -h
rename WindowsApps WindowsApps.old

7. Again go to System Configuration and uncheck Safe boot to boot normally.

8. If you again face the error, then type this in cmd and hit Enter:

icacls WindowsApps /grant administrators:F /T

This should be Fix System Restore Error 0x80070091 but if not then try the below listed alternative.

Method 2: Rename the WindowsApps folder from the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE)

1. First, we have to boot into WinRE and press Windows Key + I to open Settings.

2. Under the Settings window, click Update & Security and then select Recovery from the left-hand side tab.

Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Update & security icon

3. Then, under Advanced startup, click Restart now.

Select Recovery and click on Restart Now under Advanced Startup

4. Now under Choose an option Screen to select Troubleshoot.

Choose an option at windows 10 advanced boot menu

5. Next, on Troubleshoot screen select Advanced Options.

Click Advanced Options automatic startup repair

6. Next, under Advanced options, click on Command Prompt.

Command prompt from advanced options

7. Type these commands, one by one and hit Enter:

cd C:\Program Files
attrib WindowsApps -h
rename WindowsApps WindowsAppsOld

8. Reboot your windows and again try to run System Restore.

Method 3: If something is broken run, DISM Tool

1. Press Windows Key + X and click on Command Prompt(Admin).

command prompt admin

2. Type the following and press enter:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

DISM restore health system

3. Let the DISM command run and wait for it to finish.

4. If the above command doesn’t work, then try on the below:

Dism /Image:C:\offline /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:\test\mount\windows
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:\test\mount\windows /LimitAccess

Note: Replace the C:\RepairSource\Windows with your repair source (Windows Installation or Recovery Disc).

5. Reboot your PC to save changes.


That’s it you have successfully Fix System Restore Error 0x80070091 if you still have any questions regarding this guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.

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