Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

This error is caused by the invalid configuration of your network device or sometimes due to the server certificate’s mismatch. The main problem is that whenever this error message popped up, you won’t access that particular website. Anyway, you don’t need to go into details to fix this issue, and Err_Connection_Closed can be easily fixed by following the below-listed steps.

Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome


1. Remove unnecessary Chrome extensions which might be causing this issue.
delete unnecessary Chrome extensions

2. The proper connection is allowed to Chrome through Windows Firewall.
make sure Google Chrome is allowed to access internet in firewall

3. Make sure you have a proper internet connection.

4. Disable or Uninstall any VPN or proxy services you’re using.

Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.

Method 1: Reset TCP/IP and Flush DNS

1. Right-click on Windows Button and select “Command Prompt(Admin).

command prompt admin / Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

2. Now type the following command and press Enter after each one:

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew

Flush DNS

3. Again open Admin Command Prompt and type the following and hit enter after each one:

ipconfig /flushdns
nbtstat –r
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset

netsh int ip reset / Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

4. Reboot to apply changes. Flushing DNS seems to Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome.

Method 2: Clearing Browsers Cache

1. Open Google Chrome and press Ctrl + Shift + Del to open History.

2. Or else, click on the three-dot icon (Menu) and select More Tools then click on Clear browsing data. 

Click on More Tools and Select Clear Browsing Data from sub-menu / Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

3. Check/tick the box next to Browsing History, Cookies, and other site data and Cached images and files.

Check/tick the box next to Browsing History, Cookies, and other site data and Cache images and files

4. Click on the drop-down menu next to Time Range and select All time.

Click on the drop-down menu next to Time Range and select All time | Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

5. Finally, click on the Clear Data button.

Finally, click on the Clear Data button | Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

6. Close your browser and restart your PC.

Method 3: Using Google DNS

The point here is, you need to set the DNS to automatically detect IP address or set a custom address given by your ISP. Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome Error arises when neither of the settings has been set. In this method, you need to set the DNS address of your computer to the Google DNS server. Follow the given steps to do so:

1. Right-click the Network icon available on the right side of your taskbar panel. Now click on the Open Network & Sharing Center option.

Click Open Network and Sharing Center / Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

2. When the Network and Sharing Center window opens, click on the currently connected network here.

Visit the View your active networks section. Click on the currently connected network here

3. When you click on the connected network, the WiFi status window will pop up. Click on the Properties button.

Click on Properties | Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

4. When the property window pops up, search for Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) in the Networking section. Double click on it.

Search for Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) in the Networking section

5. Now the new window will show if your DNS is set to automatic or manual input. Here you have to click on the Use the following DNS server addresses option. And fill the given DNS address on the input section:

To use Google Public DNS, enter the value and under the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server

6. Check the Validate settings upon exit box and click OK.

Now close all windows and launch Chrome to check if you’re able to Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome Error in Google Chrome.

6. Close everything and again check if the error is resolved or not.

Method 4: Update Chrome or Reset Browser Settings

a. Chrome is updated

Using an older version of Chrome might also cause the Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome. It would be best if you tried checking for a newer version and updating the browser. Update your browser and check if the error is gone for good. Here is how you can update the Chrome:

1. First, click on the three dots on the top right corner of the browser window and go to the Help section. Under this section, select About Google Chrome.

Go to the Help section and select About Google Chrome / Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

2. The About Chrome window will open and it will start looking for available updates automatically. If any new version is available, it will give you an option to update.

Window will open and will start looking for available updates automatically

3. Update the browser and restart to see if this worked for you.

b. Reset Chrome Browser

Since the problem is with the Chrome browser, performing a reset of Chrome setting will surely help in resolving the issue. Here are the steps to reset settings of your Chrome browser:

1. First of all, click on the three dots on the top right corner of the browser window and select Settings. In the settings tab, scroll to the bottom and click on Advanced settings.

2. In the advanced section, please navigate to the Reset and Clean up section and click on Restore settings to their original defaults.

Under Reset and clean up, clean on ‘Restore settings to their original defaults’

3. In the Reset settings window, click on the Reset Settings button. Once the reset is finished, relaunch the browser and check if this method worked.

In the Reset settings window, click on the Reset Settings | Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

Method 5: Use Chome Cleanup Tool

The official Google Chrome Cleanup Tool helps in scanning and removing software’s that may cause the problem with chrome such as crashes, unusual startup pages or toolbars, unexpected ads you can’t get rid of, or otherwise changing your browsing experience.

Google Chrome Cleanup Tool | Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome

The above fixes will definitely help you Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome but if you are still experiencing the error then as a last resort you can reinstall your Chrome Browser.


That’s it you have successfully Fix Err_Connection_Closed in Chrome but if you still have any queries regarding this then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.

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