The “last seen” feature in Telegram lets you know if someone is active or not. Lately, many people using Telegram are curious if seeing “last seen recently” means they’ve been blocked. If you’re wondering what “last seen recently” means in Telegram, we’ve got the right guide for you. In this guide, we’ll explain a lot about what it means to be blocked and the “last seen recently” status. Let’s dive in and find out more about how accurate “last seen” is in Telegram and how you can hide the “last seen recently” status.
Does Last Seen Recently on Telegram Means Blocked?
You will get to know whether is Telegram last seen accurate and does last seen recently Telegram means blocked further in this article. Keep reading to learn more about it in detail.
Why does Last Seen Recently Telegram Means Blocked?
The last seen feature of the Telegram app refers to the last time you used the app. Sometimes, being last seen recently means that you are blocked. If a user has blocked you, you cannot send messages to them. There are some ways in which you can decipher if someone has blocked you on the platform and rule out the possibility of last seen recently Telegram means blocked.
- Unsent Messages: If a Telegram user has blocked you, you cannot send them messages. You can open the chat with that user and check if they have received your messages. If they have not been sent, the user in question may have blocked you, is offline or deleted the app.
- Unable to See Display Picture: Another way to decode if last seen recently Telegram means blocked is by viewing the user’s profile picture. You may have been blocked if you cannot view their photo while other Telegram users can. However, not seeing the display picture can also be related to changed visibility settings or if you are not added to their contact list.
- No Status Updates: Lastly, the last seen option on Telegram can be modified and disabled. If someone on Telegram has blocked you, you will not be able to see their last seen. You will not know if the other person is online or active. Also, you may see their status as a long time ago.
Also Read: What Does Telegram Last Seen a Long Time Ago Mean?
Is Telegram Last Seen Accurate?
Yes. On Telegram, last seen is a great feature to know whether the other user is active on the platform. However, you can only utilize this feature for people with whom you share your own. If someone has hidden the last seen policy, you will only be able to see a recently seen recently message that might be confusing for some. Different status indicators of the app are accurate and reliable.
What does Last Seen Recently Mean?
Last seen on Telegram is an approximate value indicating when a person was last online, anywhere from a minute to about three days ago. It is a great way to know about the whereabouts of a Telegram user. However, some Telegram users hide their last seen or disabled this feature which can result in the following four situations:
- Last seen recently: This value represents the time between 1 second and two to three days.
- Last seen within a week: This value represents the time between two and seven days.
- Last seen within a month: This value represents seven days to one month.
- Last seen a long time ago: This value represents more than a month if blocked by a user.
How to Remove Last Seen Recently in Telegram?
Telegram app, along with other amazing features, also lets users remove or hide their last seen recently. You can hide the status the same way in Android and iOS phones, as the last seen feature is virtually the same.
After learning why does last seen recently Telegram means blocked, follow the steps given below to remove last seen recently from the Telegram app:
Note: The following steps are performed on an Android mobile device.
1. Open the Telegram app on your Android or iOS phone.
2. Tap on the hamburger icon from the top left corner of the screen.
3. Tap on Settings.
4. Tap on Privacy and Security to remove last seen recently Telegram which may means blocked.
5. Then, tap on Last Seen & Online.
6. Here, choose the desired option from the available three ones, as stated in the points below:
- Everybody: On selecting this option, anyone can see your last seen status.
- My Contacts: On selecting this option, your contacts will not be able to see your last seen status.
- Nobody: On selecting this option, no one will be able to see your last seen status.
Read this article from the start to learn why does last seen recently Telegram means blocked.
Also Read: How to Remove Contacts in Telegram
How to Hide Last Seen on Telegram App from Certain Contacts?
If you don’t want to hide your last seen from every contact on your list, you can also opt to hide it from only certain users. If you want to know more about how to hide last seen on Telegram app from certain contacts, then follow the steps given below:
1. Navigate to the Last Seen & Online section with the help of Steps 1–5 mentioned in the previous headings.
2. Here, select My Contacts.
3. Then, tap on the Never Share With option under Add exceptions.
4. Select the desired contacts and tap on the checkmark icon.
5A. To remove a user from this exception list, follow the same steps above and choose the contact > three-dotted icon > Delete.
5B. If you want to delete all contacts under Never Share With, tap on Delete All Exceptions.
Start reading from the beginning to learn why does last seen recently Telegram means blocked.
Also Read: How to See Last Seen on Instagram
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What does it mean by last seen recently in Telegram?
Ans. Last seen recently in Telegram covers anything between 1 second and 2–3 days. It usually occurs when a person has been blocked, or the user has not been active for long.
Q2. Can we change the last seen on Telegram?
Ans. Yes, you can change the last seen on Telegram under the Privacy header, which will help you enable you to see your last seen and who cannot.
Q3. How can I remove recently viewed from my phone?
Ans. You can remove recently viewed from your phone by managing the search history saved to your Google account.
Q4. Is the last seen available if I am blocked?
Ans. No, the last seen of contact is not available in the chat window if you are blocked.
Q5. How can I know if someone is active on Telegram?
Ans. Even though Telegram does not notify you when someone is active, you can check if a Telegram user is online by checking the chat with them in which last seen listed.
Recommended: How to Read Telegram Messages Without Seen
So, we hope you have understood whether is Telegram last seen accurate and last seen recently Telegram means blocked or not. You can let us know any queries or suggestions about any other topic you want us to make an article on. Drop them in the comments section below for us to know.