How to Combine, Merge, and Sync Two Google Calendars from Different Accounts

If you constantly use Google Calendar to organize your schedule, you might also rely on some of its useful features like real-time tracking, fixing appointments, and much more.

Many users who separate their personal and work calendars sometimes wish to merge them and categorize everything from one account.

So, how to sync or combine two Google Calendars from different accounts to ensure all your reminders are in one place? Let’s quickly find the solution!

How to Combine, Merge, and Sync Two Google Calendars from Different Accounts

How to Combine, Merge, and Sync Two Google Calendars from Different Accounts

Having multiple calendars can make it difficult to balance all your appointments and kill the time you’re trying to save. Sometimes you might even double-book yourself. Nevertheless, this issue can easily be resolved by using a single calendar for everything.

Follow the steps mentioned below to sync multiple calendars into one account:

1. Sign in to your Google Calendar, click on the Setting icon at the top right corner of the menu, and then on Settings.

2. Scroll down, select Import & export, and click on Export to download a ZIP file of your calendar.


3. Click on your account image at the top right corner, select + Add account from the menu, and sign in to the second account

4. Go to the newly signed-in account’s Settings, click on Import & export, and then on Import.

5. Now, click on Select file from your computer.

click-on-select-file-from-your-computer | how to sync two google calendars from different accounts

6. Select the downloaded ZIP file, click on Open, and then click on Import.

This way all your calendar data from one account will be imported and merged into your selected account and sync multiple calendars into one.

Also Read: How to Sync Google Calendar with Outlook

How to Sync Two Google Calendars on Android and iPhone

You can also sign in to multiple Google Calendar accounts from your mobile to access all accounts in one place. Follow the steps below:

Note: The method to combine Google Accounts is the same on an Android device and iPhone. The steps below were undertaken on iOS 17.3.1.

1. Open the Google Calendar app,  and tap on your profile at the top right corner, followed by Add another account.

2. Tap on Continue, sign in to your new account, and tap on Next.

3. After this, tap on the hamburger icon at the top left corner of the screen.

tap on the hamburger icon

Now scroll down to find all accounts signed in together in the menu.

Also Read: Fix Google Calendar not syncing on Android

How to Create a Family Calendar on Google

Google also allows you to create a family calendar so all members can get the same reminder simultaneously. Follow the steps to do the same:

1. Open Google Calendar and click on the plus icon under Other calendars to create a new calendar.

2. Click on Create a new calendar.

3. Enter the Name, Description, and Time zone of the calendar and click on Create calendar.

4. Select Family Calendar from the left menu that appears after you have created your calendar.

5. Scroll down and tick on Make available to public so that your reminder can be opened by family members once they are added.

6. Now, click on Add people and groups.

click-on-add-people-and-groups | how to sync two google calendars from different accounts

7. Add your family members and click on Send

Once added to your calendar, they will get reminded about events.

Also Read: Restore Missing Google Calendar Events on Android

How to Sync Google Calendar with Someone Else

To sync your Google Calendar with someone, you need to share your calendar with them so that both accounts can work simultaneously. Follow the steps as shown below:

1. Open Google Calendar and click on the three dots next to your calendar under My Calendars.

2. Click on Settings and sharing, scroll down, and click on Add people and groups.


3. Add people and click on Send. When they join your shared link, they will be synced to your calendar.

Now that the secret of how to sync two Google Calendars from different accounts is out, make different calendars and combine them efficiently.

Keep visiting TechCult to know the latest tech walkarounds. If you have any queries or suggestions, do reach out to us in the comment section.

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