Add Open command window here as administrator in Windows 10 Context Menu

Add Open command window here as administrator in Windows 10 Context Menu: With Windows 10 Creator Update Microsoft has removed Command Prompt from both the Win + X menu and the right-click context menu which is sad considering how useful cmd is for day to day operations. Although it can still be accessed through search, but earlier it was easy to access it via the shortcut. Anyway, there is an article on how to replace command prompt in Win + X menu with PowerShell and in this guide, you will see how to add “Open command window here as administrator” in the context menu in Windows 10.

Add Open command window here as administrator in Windows 10 Context Menu

Earlier Command Prompt was easily accessible by pressing Shift then right-click on any folder and then selecting “Open Command Prompt here” but with the Creator Update, it has been replaced with PowerShell. If you want to open unelevated cmd in the right-click context menu then you could see this guide “Replace PowerShell with Command Prompt in Context Menu” but if you want to open elevated command prompt then you need to follow this guide. Anyway without wasting any time let’s see How to Add Open command window here as administrator in Windows 10 Context Menu with the help of the below-listed tutorial.

Add Open command window here as administrator in Windows 10 Context Menu

Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.

1.Open empty Notepad file and then paste the following text as it is:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Open command prompt here as administrator"

@="PowerShell -windowstyle hidden -Command \"Start-Process cmd.exe -ArgumentList '/s,/k,pushd,%V' -Verb RunAs\""

@="Open command prompt here as administrator"

@="PowerShell -windowstyle hidden -Command \"Start-Process cmd.exe -ArgumentList '/s,/k,pushd,%V' -Verb RunAs\""

@="Open command prompt here as administrator"

@="PowerShell -windowstyle hidden -Command \"Start-Process cmd.exe -ArgumentList '/s,/k,pushd,%V' -Verb RunAs\""

@="Open command prompt here as administrator"


2.Click File then Save as from the Notepad menu.

From Notepad menu click on File then select Save As

3.From Save as type drop-down select “All Files.

4.Type the name of the file as cmd.reg (.reg extension is very important).

Type the name of the file as cmd.reg then click Save

5.Now navigate to the location where you want to save the file and then click Save.

6.Double-click the file then click Yes to continue and this would add the option “Open command prompt here as administrator” in the context menu.

Double click the reg file to run and then select Yes in order to continue

7.Now right-click any folder and you would see “Open command prompt here as administrator“.

Right-click any folder and you would see 'Open command prompt here' options

Remove Open command window here as administrator in Windows 10 Context Menu

1.Open empty Notepad file and then paste the following text as it is:






2.Click File then Save as from the Notepad menu.

From Notepad menu click on File then select Save As

3.From Save as type drop-down select “All Files.

4.Type the name of the file as remove_cmd.reg (.reg extension is very important).

Type the name of the file as remove_cmd.reg then click Save

5.Now navigate to the location where you want to save the file and then click Save.

6.Double-click the file then click Yes to continue.

Double click the reg file to run and then select Yes in order to continue

7.Now right-click any folder and the “Open command window here as administrator” option would have been removed successfully.


That’s it, you successfully learned How to Add Open command window here as administrator in Windows 10 Context Menu but if you still have any queries regarding this post then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.

3 thoughts on “Add Open command window here as administrator in Windows 10 Context Menu”

  1. your remove script is missing the “Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00” line – which is apparently required

  2. I wasn’t able to remove it
    Could you post the exat script for removing?

    I’ve written this in the REG-File:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00






  3. Hi
    to Remove use this Script….
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





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