Have you come across the mysterious acronym TrkWks and wondered what role it plays on your computer? Known as a Distributed Link Tracking Client, this service is much more important than you would think. So, if you are interested in understanding what exactly is TrkWks in your Windows 10 desktop, keep reading to find out.
What is TrkWks Windows 10?
The TrkWks is used to monitor local system links to files that are served from distant systems. It establishes connections between NTFS files on a single machine and between devices connected to a network. For example, if you have moved a file from one system to the other, TrkWks will ensure that the shortcuts and links remain valid across all devices.
How to Start or Stop Distributed Link Tracking Client Service
The TrkWks service already comes enabled in your computer’s operation system as it is necessary to maintain links across the PC. However, if you wish to disable this function, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Search Services from the search bar on your PC and open the application.
2. Scroll down and click on Distributed Link Tracking Client.
3. Click on Stop from the left menu.
Note: You can also right-click on Distributed Link Tracking Client and select Stop from the drop-down menu.
4. Click on Start if you want to restart the service.
Is Trkwks Service Necessary for Windows 10?
TrkWks service is not the most important feature as it does not come under the necessary functioning of your desktop. However, it is an essential tool that maintains your shortcuts and file links, especially for distant networks. If it is disabled, some files may not be able to identify themselves when shifted across many devices.
Why is My PC Showing a TrkWks Error?
While Trkwks service generally does not have ongoing issues, it may sometimes show errors. There can be several reasons for this which are as follows:
- You may have improperly shut down your computer.
- Your desktop has broken Windows Registry keys.
- Your files may be corrupted because of a virus or malware infection.
- A program may have overwritten itself on your Trkwks file.
- Your PC may have faced a hardware failure.
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We hope now you have understood what is Trkwks in Windows 10 and its essential role in your computer. If you have any queries or suggestions, do not hesitate to reach out to us in the comment section. Keep visiting TechCult for more tech-related know-how.