Is It Possible to Delete a Riot Account for Valorant?

Find out if it's possible to delete your Riot account for Valorant and bid farewell to the game.

If you enjoy shooter games, chances are you’ve tried Valorant at least once. However, due to its limited maps and challenging difficulty levels, you might want to leave the game and the platform. Let’s find out if it is possible to delete a Riot account connected to your Valorant game and the method to do so.

Is It Possible to Delete a Riot Account for Valorant?

Is It Possible to Delete a Riot Account for Valorant?

Valorant is a highly popular first-person shooting game and a must-try for Windows users. However, despite the game’s advancements, players have expressed dissatisfaction with certain drawbacks that require further improvement. If you are one of these users and wish to permanently delete your Riot/Valorant account, continue reading to learn the method for doing so.

Is It Possible to Delete a Riot Account?

Yes, it is possible to delete a Riot account. When you request to delete your account, it will be queued for the deletion process. Keep in mind that there is a 30-day grace period in case you have a change of mind and want to reactivate your account. However, once the account is deleted, all associated data will be permanently removed. It’s important to note that you will not be able to access or recover the account after the grace period has passed.

Also Read: Is Deleting Account Possible?

Can You Delete Your Valorant Account and Make a New One?

Yes, it is possible to delete your Valorant account and subsequently create a new one. After deleting your account, you will need to wait for a 30-day grace period. Once this period has passed, you can proceed to create a new account using the same personal details as the previously deleted account.

How to Delete My Valorant Account?

You can easily delete your Valorant account by submitting a deletion request. Follow the below steps to delete your Riot or Valorant account:

1. Visit the Valorant Support Page on your browser.

2. Click on SIGN IN from the top right corner.

Click on SIGN IN at the top right corner

3. Enter your account credentials and click on the Next arrow icon.

Enter your account credentials and click on the red arrow icon | is it possible to delete a Riot account

4. Click on SUBMIT A TICKET from the top menu bar.

Click on SUBMIT A TICKET at the top bar

5. Select the Account Management, Data Requests, or Deletion field under CHOOSE A REQUEST TYPE section.

Select Account Management, Data Requests, or Deletion under CHOOSE A REQUEST TYPE

6. Fill in the SUBJECT and DESCRIPTION fields with reasons to delete your Riot account.

Fill SUBJECT and DESCRIPTION fields with details for the reason for deleting the account

7. Select Account Deletion from the PLEASE SELECT YOUR INQUIRY section.

Select Account Deletion in the PLEASE SELECT YOUR INQUIRY | is it possible to delete a Riot account

8. Enter your LOGIN NAME.

Enter your LOGIN NAME

Note: If you are prompted to verify your account ownership, click on VERIFY ACCOUNT and follow the on-screen instructions to confirm your ownership.


9. Check all the acknowledgment checkboxes.

10. Select Account Management under PLEASE SELECT YOUR INQUIRY and click on SUBMIT.

click on SUBMIT | is it possible to delete a Riot account

Also Read: Perfect Your Aim in Valorant: Guide to Best Sensitivity Settings

We hope you have understood whether is it possible to delete a Riot account and how to do so with the help of the Riot Games support team. Feel free to leave your questions and suggestions, and remember to visit our website for fresh and engaging articles.

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