How to Set Notepad++ As Default in Windows 11

Notepad++ is a multi-language source code editor and replacement of Notepad. There are several additional features that are not available in Windows built-in Notepad. If you are a developer or someone who needs a text editor, it is a great alternative. The steps below will guide you on how to install and set Notepad++ as default text editor in Windows 11. Doing so would mean that it will open automatically when you want to read or edit text, code, or other file types.

How to Set Notepad++ As Default in Windows 11

How to Set Notepad++ As Default Text Editor in Windows 11

Notepad is the default text editor in Windows 11. If you do not want to use notepad then, you can make Notepad++ as your default text editor. But, firstly you need to install Notepad++ in your system.

Step I: Install Notepad++ on Windows 11

Follow the given steps to install Notepad++ in Windows 11:

1. Go to the Notepad++ download page. Choose any release of your choice.

choose notepad release from the notepad plus download page

2. Click on the green DOWNLOAD button shown highlighted to download the chosen version.

click on Download button to download notepad plus plus release from notepad plus download page. How to Make Notepad++ Default Text Editor in Windows 11

3. Go to the Downloads folder and double-click on the downloaded .exe file.

4. Choose your language (e.g. English) and click OK in Installer Language window.

choose language in the Installation wizard.

5. Then, click on Next.

6. Click on I Agree to state your acceptance of the License Agreement.

click on I agree in the Installation wizard. How to Make Notepad++ Default Text Editor in Windows 11

7. Click on Browse… to choose the Destination Folder viz installation location of your preference and click on Next.

Note: You can choose to keep the Default location as it is.

select browse then, click on Next in Installation wizard

8. Select the optional components you wish to install by checking the box next to them. Click on Next.

click on Next in Installation wizard. How to Make Notepad++ Default Text Editor in Windows 11

9. Finally, click on Install to initiate the installation.

Note: Check the box marked Create Shortcut on Desktop option to add Desktop shortcut.

Also Read: 6 Ways To Create A Computer Virus (Using Notepad)

Step II: Set it as Default Text Editor

Note: This method to set this application as default applies to other text editors as well.

Method 1: Via Windows Settings

Here’s how to set Notepad++ as default text editor in Windows 11 using Settings app:

1. Click on the Search icon and type Settings.

2. Then, click on Open, as shown.

Start menu search results for Settings

3. Click on Apps in the left pane.

4. Here, click on Default apps in the right pane.

Apps section in the Settings app. How to Make Notepad++ Default Text Editor in Windows 11

5. Type Notepad in the Search box provided.

6. Click on the Notepad tile to expand it.

Default app section the settings app

7A. Click on individual file types and change the default app to Notepad++ from the list of installed alternatives in the How do you want to open ___ files from now on? window.

7B. In case you do not find Notepad++ in the list, click on Look for another app on this PC.

Default app selection dialog box. How to Make Notepad++ Default Text Editor in Windows 11

Here, navigate to the installed location of Notepad++ and select notepad++.exe file. Then, click on Open, as shown.

Choosing application to make it default app.

8. Finally, click on OK to save the changes, as depicted below.

Default app selection dialog box. How to Make Notepad++ Default Text Editor in Windows 11

Also Read: How to Remove Watermarks From Word Documents

Method 2: Via Command Prompt

Here’s how to make Notepad++ default text editor on Windows 11 through Command Prompt:

1. Click on the Search icon and type Command Prompt.

2. Then, click on Run as administrator.

Start menu search results for Command Prompt

3. In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press the Enter key.

REG ADD “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe” /v “Debugger” /t REG_SZ /d “\”%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\notepad++.exe\” -notepadStyleCmdline -z” /f

Command prompt window

Also Read: How to Remove desktop.ini File From Your Computer

Pro Tip: Remove Notepad++ as Default Text Editor 

1. Run the Command Prompt with administrative privileges, as earlier.

Start menu search results for Command Prompt

2. Type the given command and hit Enter to execute:

REG DELETE “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe” /v “Debugger” /f

Command prompt window. How to Make Notepad++ Default Text Editor in Windows 11


We hope you learnt how to make Notepad++ default text editor in Windows 11. Drop your suggestions and queries in the comment section below. We would reply as soon as possible.

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