Carrying your credit cards everywhere can be tough. Many Android apps now let you get rid of the physical card and scan it directly with your phone’s camera. This can be real-time, especially for online transactions or frequent purchases at stores that support contactless payments. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to securely scan your credit card on your Android device.
How to Scan Credit Cards on Android
Scanning credit cards on Android is possible through dedicated mobile wallet apps that process payments through the device. You will have to install an online billing app to make your phone work as a card reader.
Apart from Apple Pay for iPhone and Google Pay for Android, there are quite a few in the market that you can use.
Note: Use only reputable and trusted applications to ensure the security and privacy of sensitive payment information.
1. ChargeStripe
Stripe offers an easy and robust solution for accepting payments online, free of setup, monthly, or concealed charges. It caters to businesses in 25 countries, enabling them to accept all major debit and credit cards across over 135 currencies globally.
- Launch the ChargeStripe app and enter the desired amount to charge.
- Tap on Next at the top right corner of the screen to proceed.
- On the Payment screen, locate and tap the Scan card link.
- Position your Android device to capture a picture of the credit card.
- Enter the CVV number, and tap on Done.
- Finally, tap on Charge at the top right corner of the screen to process the payment.
Also Read: How to See Saved Credit Cards on Android Phone
2. ScanPay
You can also use the ScanPay app to scan credit cards on your Android phone. Follow the steps:
- After downloading the app, you’ll be prompted to input your billing method.
- Enter the charged amount within the app and tap the Scan Card option.
- Instruct your customers to tap on the icon and position their credit/debit card chip in front of the mobile camera.
The app’s scanner will capture the details of your customer’s card. Ensure that your service supports card payments to facilitate transactions effectively.
Upon successful payment processing, you’ll see a Payment Successful message confirming that you’ve successfully charged your customer’s credit card using your Android device’s camera.
We hope our guide helped you scan your credit card on Android. If you have any other queries or suggestions for us, do let us know in the comments section and stay tuned to TechCult for more informative blogs.