How to Reset the Instagram Explore Page

Instagram is the place to be if you wish to see emerging trends all around the globe. Posts and reels constantly produce fresh videos for users to enjoy. You can never run out of content you like as the explore section shows you related posts based on your likes and follows. But many users have often complained about getting the same old stuff you have already seen before. Are you facing the same problem? Don’t worry, today we will show you how to reset the Explore page and get on the right side of the Instagram algorithm! Let’s jump right in.

How to Reset the Instagram Explore Page

How to Reset the Instagram Explore Page

Whether you are facing a temporary glitch or are bored of getting the same posts in your explore section, let’s find out how you can easily tackle this problem.

Method 1: Via Refreshing Page

The easiest way to fix your issue is by simply refreshing your Explore page. Here’s how you can do the same:

  1. Log into Instagram and tap on the search icon from the bottom ribbon. Please note that some interfaces have this option located at the top right corner of your home page.
  2. Now, long press on the screen and swipe down until you see a bluffer icon.
  3. Release your finger.

swipe down until you see a bluffer icon | How to Reset the Instagram Explore Page

The Explore section will show new content on Instagram.

Method 2: Via Marking Not Interested

You can also mark any particular posts or reels as uninterested to remove them from your feed and get new content. This is how:

  1. Open Instagram and tap on the search icon.
  2. Select any post of your choice.
  3. Tap on the three dots at the top right corner.
  4. Then, tap on Not Interested.

tap on Not Interested

Now Instagram will get rid of the content and refresh your post.

Method 3: Via Removing from Background Apps

Another way to easily refresh the explore page is by simply closing Instagram from your background running apps. Long press on your home icon and swipe up on Instagram. Then, open it again and access your Explore section.

Method 4: Via Clear Search History 

Lastly, if you wish to completely wipe your Explore page and start afresh, then you can delete your past search history. Follow the steps mentioned below to do the same:

  1. Open Instagram and tap on the home icon from the bottom right ribbon.
  2. Tap on the hamburger icon at the top right corner.
  3. Select Settings and privacy.
  4. Tap on Accounts Centre.
  5. Swipe down and tap on Your information and permissions under Account settings.
  6. Then, tap on Search history.
  7. Now, select Clear all searches.
  8. Select the option of your choice and tap on Clear all searches.
  9. Close Instagram from background apps and open it.

tap on Clear all searches

This way you should be getting new posts or videos in your Explore section.

Also Read: How to Create QR Code for Your Instagram Photo

Now that you have seen how to reset the Instagram Explore page, we hope your doubts are cleared with the methods shown in this guide. Keep visiting TechCult to know the latest tech walkarounds. If you have any queries or suggestions, do reach out to us in the comment section.

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