How to Install Windows 10 on Mac for Free

Enjoy the seamless Windows experience on your Mac

Recently there has been a booming trend of people preferring Macs over Windows computers thanks to its build quality as well as a simpler interface for applications. However, Windows gains the upper hand when it comes to cost-efficiency and personalization. Windows is a good option since it allows users to customize numerous settings and access a wide range of inexpensive or free programs through third-party sources. To help you combine the best of both worlds and give your Mac Windows functionality, we are here to guide you through the steps of how to install Windows 10 on a Mac for free using Bootcamp!

How to Install Windows 10 on Intel Mac for Free Using Bootcamp

How to Install Windows 10 on Mac for Free

Installing Windows on Mac using Bootcamp is one of the easiest ways. This is because Bootcamp was made for this sole purpose and is built for most Intel-based Macintosh computers. This is why you can’t use this method on newer Macs that run on new M1 and M2 silicon chips. So, let’s see the requirements for setting up Windows on Mac first:

  • Compatible Mac: Ensure you have an Intel-based Mac that supports Windows 10. The list of compatible models includes MacBook Pro (2012 and later), MacBook Air (2012 and later), MacBook (2015 and later), iMac Pro (2017), iMac (2012 and later), Mac mini (2012 and later), Mac Mini Server (Late 2012), and Mac Pro (Late 2013).
  • Free Storage Space: To install Windows, ensure that you have at least 64GB of free space on your Mac’s hard drive.
  • MacOS Update: Update MacOS to avoid any kind of Compatibility Issues.
  • Windows 10 ISO File: Get a Windows 10 ISO file from the Microsoft website.

Step 1: Download Windows 10 ISO File 

A Windows ISO file is a disc image of all the installation files that are required to run Windows. This can be downloaded from the official Windows website.

1. Go to Microsoft Windows 10 Download Page.

2. Scroll down and click on Download Now under Create Windows 10 installation media.

 click on Download Now | how to install Windows on Mac

3. Click on the downloaded files and give the application UAC permission.

4. After license terms show up, click on Accept.

After license terms show up, click on Accept.

5. Select Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC and click on Next.

Select Create installation media or another PC | how to install Windows on Mac

6. Select ISO file from the menu and click on Next.

Select ISO file from the menu.

7. Let your computer download Windows 10. Then click on Next.

Let your computer download Windows 10. Then click on Next.

8. Now you will get an option to burn your ISO file to a DVD. Instead click on the location path and click on Finish.

Now you will get an option to burn your ISO file to a DVD. Instead click on the location path amd click on Finish.

Also Read: How to Install macOS on PC without Mac

Step 2: Launch Boot Camp Assistant

With the Windows 10 ISO file in hand, it’s time to open Boot Camp Assistant:

1. Click on Finder on your Dock.

2. Click on Applications present in the left panel. Then, click on Utilities.

Then, click on Utilities.

3. Locate Boot Camp Assistant and launch it.

Step 3: Partition Your Hard Drive

As Windows and MacOS will live on the same drive, therefore, the drive has to be partitioned. There is a minimum space that Windows requires which is around 45 GB and you can stretch this partition to any limit you want.

1. Click Continue in Boot Camp Assistant.

Click Continue in Boot Camp Assistant | how to install Windows on Mac

2. The program will automatically detect the Windows 10 ISO file you downloaded. Select the one you just created and hit Install.

The program will automatically detect the Windows 10 ISO file you downloaded. Select the one you just created and hit Install.

3. Adjust the size of the Windows partition according to your needs, keeping in mind the minimum storage requirements. By default, it’s 45 GB, and, according to your drive restrictions, you can distribute it more.

4. Click Install to initiate the process. Boot Camp will also download Windows support software during this step.

Click Install | how to install Windows on Mac

5. When prompted for a password, enter it, and then click OK.

Your Mac will restart, and the Windows 10 setup window will show up.

Step 4: Install Windows

As Boot Camp Assistant finishes its work, your Mac will restart into the Windows installer. Now you will see the classic Windows logo. Follow these steps to complete the installation of Windows 10 for Mac for free:

1. Choose your preferred language and click Install Now.

2. Enter your product key or select I don’t have a key to enter it later.

3. Select the Windows 10 edition (Pro or Home).

4. Opt for Custom: Install Windows Only.

5. Choose the BOOTCAMP partition for installation.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Your Mac will restart several times during this process.

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Step 5: Install Windows Support Software

After Windows is successfully installed, Boot Camp will prompt you to install Windows support software (drivers) for your Macs hardware. This support software is necessary for you to use Mac hardware with Windows OS.

1. Click Install and accept the license agreement.

2. Follow the installation process until completion.

Step 6: Switch Between MacOS and Windows

One of the most significant advantages of using Boot Camp is the ability to switch effortlessly between macOS and Windows. The first time you start Windows, it will ask you to install Bootcamp on this partition as well. Make sure to do that as well as it will help you to return to macOS from Windows 10 easily.

1. Click the Show hidden icons button in the Windows 10 taskbar.

2. Locate the Boot Camp icon.

3. Select Restart in OS X.

Another way is to Restart your Mac and press the Option key for 5 seconds. This will pop up a new boot menu appears with Windows and Mac option. From there, select the OS you wish to use.

Step 7: Keep Windows 10 Updated

Just like any Windows user has to keep his/her PC updated, you too will be required to update Windows from time to time. By regularly updating your Windows 10, you’ll have access to the latest features and security patches.

1. Click the Start button.

2. Select Settings (the gear icon).

3. Click on Update & security.

4. Choose Check for updates and follow the on-screen instructions.

And that’s it! You will be able to install Windows 10 on Mac for free!

Also Read: How To View Saved WiFi Passwords on Windows, macOS, iOS & Android

The scale of the endless possibilities that may come true with installing Windows on Mac is huge. We hope this article on how to install Windows on Mac using Bootcamp worked out for you. If you have any queries or suggestions, do let us know in the comments box below.

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