Facebook provides a vast platform for sharing information and promoting content. You may have come across content that you wish to share with all your friends on the platform. Fortunately, the ability to hyperlink allows you to direct users to external websites, articles, videos, or other online resources. Now the question arises, can you put a hyperlink in a Facebook post, and if yes, then how to do the same? Let’s find out.
Hyperlink on Facebook
You can absolutely add hyperlinks to your Facebook posts, comments, and messages. It enables you to include clickable links in their social media posts and comments. You can even drive traffic to a website. There are two ways through which you can hyperlink on Facebook: Posts and Comments.
Method 1: Hyperlink Through a Post
If you want to garner the attention of your friends and followers towards a website or so, creating a post is a great option.
1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the text field that says Write something here… to create a post.
2. Enter the link you want to share or paste the URL into the text field.
You can also include a short description.
3. Check for edits and lastly tap the POST button.
Your post with an awesome hyperlink is out there for all to see.
Also Read: How to Add a Link on Snapchat
Method 2: Hyperlink Through Comments
The process is quite similar if you want to add a hyperlink in a comment:
1. Open Facebook and find the post you’d like to comment on.
2. Tap the comment icon below the post.
3. In the comment box, simply type or paste the link you want to share.
4. Tap on the send icon, and there you have it!
Recommended: How to Join Discord Server Without Link on Mobile
See? Using hyperlinks on the Facebook Android app is a breeze. We hope the guide was helpful to you. If you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to let us know in the comments section below.