How to Delete Twitter Search Suggestions on iPhone

Customize your search results to suit your preferences.

Twitter search suggestions can be helpful at times, but they can also be annoying. If you’re tired of seeing irrelevant or embarrassing suggestions while using the app on your iPhone, you’ll be happy to know that deleting them is a quick and easy process. In this article, we’ll show you how to do so step-by-step. 

How to Delete Twitter Search Suggestions on iPhone

How to Delete Twitter Search Suggestions on iPhone

Whether you want to compact your searches or remove irrelevant suggestions, taking control of your Twitter search suggestions will ensure a more personalized browsing experience on your iPhone. This article will help you get it done in no time. So, keep reading!

Can You See Your Twitter History?

Yes, you can see your Twitter history. Twitter provides a feature called Twitter Archive that allows you to view and download a copy of your entire Twitter history. It includes your tweets, retweets, replies, direct messages, and other account-related information.

Here are the methods to remove suggestions on an Apple phone:

Method 1: Via Search Bar

One method to delete Twitter search suggestions on your iPhone is through the search bar within the Twitter app. Follow these steps to remove unwanted search suggestions.

1. Open the Twitter app from your home screen on your iPhone.

2. Tap the magnifying glass icon to go to the search tab.

Tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen to go to the search tab.

3. Tap on the search bar situated at the top of the screen.

4. You will see a list of your recent search suggestions. Slide the suggestion you wish to delete.

5. When the option to delete appears, tap on it.

When the option to delete appears, tap on it | how to delete Twitter search suggestions on iPhone

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for any other search suggestions you want to remove.

After following these steps, you will be able to clear Twitter search suggestions on your iPhone.

Also Read: How to Delete Your Search Suggestions on Instagram

Method 2: Via Clearing Cache

Alternatively, you can clear your Twitter cache and search history on your iPhone to eliminate all search suggestions. Follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Open the Twitter app and tap on your profile picture in it.

2. Next, tap on Settings and Support.

Tap on Settings and Support.

3. Go to Settings and privacy.

4. Select Accessibility, display, and languages from the menu.

Select Accessibility, display, and languages from the menu | how to delete Twitter search suggestions on iPhone

5. Select Data usage.

Select Data usage.

6. Tap on Media storage and select Clear media storage.

Tap on Media storage and select Clear media storage.

7. Tap on Web storage and then select Clear all web storage.

Tap on Web storage and then select Clear all web storage | how to delete Twitter search suggestions on iPhone

8. Proceed to Clear all data and confirm by tapping Yes, I’m sure.

Note: Clearing your Twitter cache and search history will also erase your login information and preferences. After clearing the cache and search history, you will need to log in again and reconfigure your preferences. We hope this answered all your queries regarding how to remove Twitter search suggestions.

Also Read: How to Turn Off Trending Searches on Google Chrome

How to Check Twitter History on iPad

Checking Twitter history is the same on iPad and iPhone. The settings and options for it are generally consistent across iOS devices, whether you’re using the Twitter app on an iPad or an iPhone. You can check the history on both devices by following the same steps mentioned above.

What are the Reasons to Delete Twitter Search Suggestions?

While many people may not consider it important to delete their search history, there are valid reasons to do so. Maintaining privacy and preventing potentially unfavorable impressions on your profile are some reasons. Twitter pays close attention to your search activity and tailors your feed accordingly, which may not always align with your preferences.

If you no longer wish to see related content or simply desire a fresh start, deleting your Twitter search suggestions becomes essential. Understanding these reasons helps emphasize the importance of clearing your Twitter search history.

Managing your search suggestions can greatly enhance your user experience and help you focus on the content that matters to you. We hope that this article on how to delete Twitter search suggestions on iPhone will help you do so. So, go ahead and customize your Twitter search suggestions to make your journey even more tailored to your preferences.

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