How To Change Youtube Shorts Thumbnail

Don’t like that YouTube Short thumbnail that auto-generates when you finish taping? You’re not alone! Check out this simple and brief guide on how to change the thumbnail to one that is a little more appealing. With few actions, one can change the thumbnail for the Short to a more appealing one that makes many people want to click on it. Let’s go and optimize your YouTube Shorts thumbnail!

How To Change Youtube Shorts Thumbnail

How To Change Youtube Shorts Thumbnail

Follow these easy steps to change Youtube Shorts Thumbnail:

  1. Use the YouTube mobile app to shoot or record your video like usual.
  2. After recording and editing, tap on the Next button. You’ll see a pre-chosen thumbnail from your Short.
  3. Tap the pencil icon on the top of the thumbnail.
  4. You can now crop or adjust the image to fit the square thumbnail space. Once you are happy with the thumbnail, tap Done.
  5. Add a title and description on the details screen. Finally, tap Upload Short to publish your Short with your custom thumbnail.

tap "Upload Short" to publish your Short with your chosen thumbnail | How To Change Youtube Shorts Thumbnail

How To Change YouTube Shorts Thumbnail After Posting

Unfortunately, after you’ve uploaded your YouTube Short, there’s currently no way to change the thumbnail. You can only set a custom thumbnail while creating and uploading your Short. Make sure you’re using the YouTube mobile app when creating Shorts, as this feature might not be available on desktop yet.

Is there any benefit to changing my YouTube Shorts thumbnail??

Absolutely! a captivating cover art can make all the difference in someone picking it up. By customizing your thumbnail, you take control of how your YouTube Short is presented to the world, here’s why changing your YouTube Shorts thumbnail can be beneficial:

  • Stand out from the crowd
  • Show what your Short is about
  • Get more clicks
  • Build your brand

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q1. Is it possible to replace the thumbnail on a computer at a later point in time?

Ans. No, Currently, it is not possible to change the thumbnail for the YouTube Short after it has been uploaded on YouTube via a computer or mobile phone. The only way to set a custom thumbnail is when you are uploading the Short through the YouTube mobile app.

Q2. If I am changing the thumbnail, should I also change the title of the Short?

Ans. While your title and thumbnail don’t need to be exactly the same, it’s best to keep them connected. This way, the viewers can easily understand what your Short is all about just from a quick glance.

Q3. What makes a good thumbnail for YouTube Shorts?

Ans. A good thumbnail for YouTube Shorts is a mini-billboard. It should have catchy colours with sharp images all over it. Write brief but interesting text that gives a clue about the video in question. Do not forget that it should accurately depict the Short so that in the midst of the feed, it attracts the viewers’ attention.

Also Read: How to Use Add Yours Sticker on YouTube Shorts

You have now changed an auto-generated thumbnail which was somewhat unattractive for your YouTube Short into a more appealing one. That’s right a good thumbnail can do a lot in terms of making people to click. For other YouTube Shorts guidelines, continue reading. Like and follow TechCult for all the hacks in the latest news and updates! Feel free to leave some comments and tell if you could easily change the thumbnail, and if there are some great thumbnail ideas.

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