How to Add Jockie Music Bot to Discord

Bring the magic of music to your Discord server using this bot.

If you want to listen to your favorite music while gaming with your buddies on Discord, meet the Jockie Music Bot! It is a multi-music bot that has got all your listening cravings covered and also provides an interesting song-guessing game. Curious how to get it? If so, keep reading this guide to understand how to add and use the Jockie Music bot on your Discord server.

How to Add Jockie Music Bot to Discord

How to Add Jockie Music Bot to Discord

The Jockie Music Bot is a multi-music bot that supports streaming music from multiple platforms. It has over 150 music commands to cater to all your music needs. This might be the perfect bot for you if you want to spice up your gaming mood with some music.

Some of the popular music streaming platforms supported by Jockie Music are:

  • Spotify
  • Tidal
  • Soundcloud
  • Mixer
  • Deezer
  • Apple Music
  • Mixcloud

Now, let’s see the steps to set up the Jockie Music bot on Discord. The idea is to add it to your server first, and then authorize it with the necessary permissions. For a detailed guide, read below:

1. Visit the Jockie Music Bot page on your browser.

Note: Make sure you are signed in to your Discord account on the same browser.

2. Click on Invite.

Click on Invite

3. Select the desired Discord server.

Click on the drop-down menu next to Select a server

4. Then, click on Continue to progress in this method to add the Jockie Music bot to Discord.

Click on Continue

5. Click on Authorize.

Note: It will grant the necessary permissions of your server to the bot. The Jockie Music bot needs administrator access to your server.

Click on Authorize

6. Complete the captcha verification in the next step to finish the process.

Also Read: How to Use FredBoat on Discord: Enhance Your Music Experience

How to Use Jockie Music Bot on Discord?

Now, that this music bot is up and running on your Discord server, it’s time to listen to some music using it.

Note: You must be on a voice channel in the server to use the bot.

Following are a few basic commands to get started with this music bot:

  • m!play <music name>: Use this command to play any music of your choice. You can also paste the link to the music or playlist from any streaming platform.
  • m!skip: This command is used to skip the current song when you are playing multiple songs from a playlist.
  • m!leave: If you wish to stop listening and leave the voice channel, this command will help you do so.
  • m!pause: Use this command to pause the music that is currently playing to resume it later.

Note: The bot supports over 150 music commands, which can be viewed on the official Jockie Music bot commands page.

Jockie Music Bot Commands

The following are some of the commands for Jockie Music Bot
General Commands

Command Description
!help [command] Prints a list of commands, or info on a command if one is specified
!play <URL/query> Plays audio from a specific URL or searches for a query on YouTube and queues the first result
!queue Displays all of the media that is queued
!np Displays the media that is currently being played
!skip Vote to skip the current media. Required skips/skip ratio is set in the config file. The bot’s owner will instantly skip when using !skip f.
!shuffle Shuffles the queue.
!search [service] [#] <query> Searches a specific service (default: YT) for a query and returns the first few results (default: 3, limit: 10). The user can then select from the results if they want to add any to the queue.
!clear Clears the queue
!pause Pauses the current media
!resume Resumes the current media
!volume [number] Sets the volume of the bot for everyone. Should be a number between 1 and 100. Can be relative (e.g +10 to add 10 to current volume). If no parameter is given, it will display the current volume.
!summon Connects the bot to your current voice channel, if it has permission
!clean <number> Searches through the number of messages given and deletes those that were sent by the bot, effectively cleaning the channel. If the bot has Manage Messages on the server, it will delete user command messages too, like !play
!blacklist <status> <@user1>… Add or remove users from the blacklist. Blacklisted users cannot use any bot commands. This overrides any permissions settings set in the permissions file. The owner cannot be blacklisted. Multiple users can be specified in the command. Users must be @mentioned. Status should be either +, -, add, or remove
DEPRECATED !id [@user] Prints the user’s ID in the chat, or prints the ID of the specified user. User must be @mentioned if not yourself
DEPRECATED !listids Sends a message to the user with a list of all of the IDs on the server, so that permissions and such can be configured
!perms Sends a message to the user with their bot permissions
!stream <url> Streams a URL. This can be a Twitch, YouTube, etc livestream, or a radio stream. This feature of the bot is experimental and may have some issues
!save Saves the current song to the autoplaylist
!karaoke Enables karaoke mode in a server. During karaoke mode, only users with the BypassKaraokeMode permission can queue music

Admin Commands

Command Action
!joinserver Provides the URL that can be used to add the bot to another server. This command is always restricted to the owner of the bot
!leaveserver <name/id> Forces the bot to leave a server. You must specify either the server name or id
!pldump <playlist> Collects URLs from a YouTube playlist or Soundcloud set and dumps them into a text file that can be copied into the autoplaylist
!setavatar [url] Changes the bot’s avatar to the specified URL or uploaded image. A URL does not need to be specified if an image is uploaded with the command as the message (comment)
!setname <name> Changes the bot’s Discord username (not nickname). Discord limits these changes to 2/hr
!setnick <nick> Changes the bot’s nickname on a server, if it has permission to do so
!disconnect Disconnects the bot from the voice channel
!restart Restarts the bot
!shutdown Shuts down the bot and terminates the process
!option <option> <y/n> Changes a config option without restarting the bot for the current session. Run !help option for info
!remove <number> Removes a song from the queue by its numbered position. Use !queue to find out song positions
!resetplaylist Resets all songs in the server’s autoplaylist

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with insights into how to add the Jockie Music bot to Discord. Using this, you can enjoy high-energy beats or soothing melodies with your server members. Share in the comments which song you have played the most using this bot. Keep exploring our site for more interesting Discord guides!

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