How Can You Tell if Someone is Video Chatting on Facebook Messenger

Decode the mystery of finding out video chat activity on Messenger!

If you’re familiar with Messenger, you know it has cool features. You can talk to someone using the voice call feature and even see them via video chat. But sometimes, you might wonder if the person you want to contact is available or already talking to someone else. Don’t worry, we can help. In this guide, we’ll show you how to tell if someone is video chatting on Facebook Messenger before you give them a call.

how can you tell if someone is video chatting on facebook messenger

How Can You Tell if Someone is Video Chatting on Facebook Messenger

If you’re worried about interrupting someone who is already on a call, you don’t have to guess anymore. We will explain how you can find out if someone is on another call on Messenger without actually calling them. Just keep reading to learn how.

To see if someone is video chatting on Facebook Messenger, you may try the methods below:

Method 1: Ask Them

If you don’t feel like calling directly to that person. Just simply ask them if they are on a video call, that’s the simplest thing to do without any effort. And if they are on call just ask them when they are free so that you both can have the call.

Method 2: Call Them and See If They Answer

Another method is just to call them directly to see if they respond. Do not waste your time on assumptions, if it shows a green dot that means they are active, and if they do not respond means they are on another call. The below steps are a representation of how to know if the person is already on another call be it a video or audio call and actively talking to someone on Facebook Messenger.

1. Open the Messenger app on your mobile and look for the person you want to check on.

Note: If they’re not there, then you need to search for their name.

If they’re not there, then you need to search for their name

2. After you’ve found their profile, tap on it.

3. There you’ll see the camera icon in the upper right corner which will signify the video call button.

 There you’ll see the camera icon in the upper right corner which will signify the video call button

Tap on it, to check if they are on a different video call with someone else.

Facebook Messenger will claim that they are on another call if they are video talking with someone else.

Also Read: How to Video Call on Instagram from PC

Method 3: Check Status Bar

If you are more of a slow kind of person and prefer trying all the other ways before actually calling someone then this method is the perfect fit for you. You may check their status bar to find out if or not they are on another call and are actively talking to someone.

1. In Messenger, tap the People option located at the bottom of the screen, which resembles two faces.

Tap the People option | how can you tell if someone is video chatting on facebook messenger

2. If it has a green dot next to their name, that means they are active on Messenger.

If it has a green dot next to their name, that means they are active on Messenger

You may use the first and last method to find out how to know if someone is on another call without calling on Messenger.

Also Read: What Does a Red Exclamation Mark Mean on Messenger?

Does Calling Someone on Messenger Make Them Active?

No, calling someone on Messenger does not make them active. It’s only when you see a green dot next to their username that you may know they are active. However, there are chances that they will get back to you by seeing the notifications about the call

We hope that our tutorial on how can you tell if someone is video chatting on Facebook Messenger was helpful. With the provided steps and methods above, you can easily decode if someone is active or on a call without even letting them know. Please provide your valuable feedback in the comments section below. 

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