How to Make Same Size Cells in Google Sheets

Google Sheets enables users to create, edit and manage spreadsheet data. Even though it is effective software for organizing large amounts of data, there is a slight learning curve with it. Aiming the same, in this article we will learn how you can automatically resize cells in Google Sheets to make them all the same size.

Google Sheets Make Cells Same Size

How to Make Same Size Cells in Google Sheets

Google Sheets contain cells of the same size by default. However, there are times when you need to enter data that becomes incompatible with the size of the cells. Luckily, you can adjust all the text and still make it readable by simply learning how to change Google Sheets’ cell size.

Quick Answer

To automatically resize cells in Google Sheets:

1. Open the sheet you want to work on in Google Sheets

2. Hover the mouse between two columns until a double arrow appears.

3. Double-click to change the column width to fit the content.


How do I resize cells equally in Google Sheets?

Here are the steps you need to follow to resize all cells equally in the Google Sheets.

Step 1: Resize Columns

1. Open Google Sheet on your laptop.

2. Press Ctrl + A keys to select all cells.

3. Next, right-click on the screen.

4. Choose Resize columns A-Z from the drop-down menu.

. Choose Resize columns A-Z | google sheets make cells same size

5. Finally, enter the preferred column width in the provided space.

6. Once you are done, click OK to apply the necessary changes.

Once you are done, click OK

Step 2: Resize Rows

1. Click and drag to select specific rows on a Google sheet.

2. Right-click and choose Resize rows.

Right click and choose Resize rows | google sheets make cells same size

3. Click on Specify row height and enter the preferred value.

Click on Specify row height and enter the preferred value

4. Click OK once you are done.

Also Read: How to Subtract in Google Sheets

Google Sheets Expand Cell to Fit Text

Adjusting the size of cells in Google Sheets helps users fit data and display it without obstructions. After all, what is the point of making spreadsheets if the information is not fully visible to readers? Here are two methods to adjust cell size.

Method 1: Merge cells

Although you cannot resize individual cells in Google Spreadsheets, there is a way through which you can merge multiple cells together. This will make it look like one big cell.

1. Open Google Sheet in which you want to merge cells.

2. Next, click and drag to select specific cells from the sheet.

3. Click on the Merge Cells icon from the toolbar at the top.

Click on the Merge cells icon | google sheets make cells same size

Method 2: Manually Expand Cells

This is another method that is probably the easiest and quickest way to make google sheets expand cells to fit the text. For this, all you have to do is:

1. Open the Google Sheet on your laptop.

2. Hover your mouse over the row or column header borders.

Hover your mouse over the row or column header borders

3. Now click and drag once the arrowhead icon appears.

click and drag once the arrowhead icon appears | google sheets make cells same size

This way you can expand or contract cells as per your preference.

Also Read: Fix Google Sheets is Not Saving

How to Automatically Resize Cells in Google Sheets

The auto sizing feature in Google Sheets allows users to automatically set the column width according to the content it contains. For this, all you have to do is:

1. Go to Google Sheets.

2. Open the specific sheet in which you wish to resize cells.

3. Next, hover the mouse between two columns. This will turn your pointer into a double arrow.

hover the mouse between two columns

4. Now double-click once the double arrow appears to change the column width to fit the content.

double click once the double arrow appears | google sheets make cells same size


We hope this article explained how to make cells the same size in Google Sheets. If you find our guide helpful, please leave your feedback in the comments box below. Let us know about any other tech-related queries you have and we will fix them. Thank you for reading.

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