Did the Google search bar mysteriously vanish from your Android home screen, leaving you feeling a bit disoriented? No need to navigate through the confusion. We understand the importance of having Google search at your fingertips. In this guide, we’ll unravel the steps to bring back the familiar search bar to your Android home screen, restoring the convenience you’ve grown accustomed to. Let’s dive in and get that search bar back where it belongs.
How to Get Google Search Bar Back on Android Home Screen?
As mentioned, the Google Quick Search widget is integrated with the Google Search app, so ensure you have it installed on your device. The Google app is installed by default on all Android devices, and unless you manually uninstalled it, your phone will have the app. While you are at it, also update the application to its latest version (Google – Apps on Google Play).
1. Return back to your Android home screen and long-press (tap and hold) on an empty area. On some devices, you can also pinch inward from the sides to open the home screen edit menu.
2. The action will prompt the Home Screen customization options to appear at the bottom of the screen. Depending on the user interface, users are allowed to tweak various home screen settings.
Note: The two basic customization options available on every UI are the ability to change the wallpaper and add widgets to the home screen. Advanced customizations such as change desktop grid size, switch to a third-party icon pack, launcher layout, etc. are available on select devices.
3. Click on Widgets to open the widget selection menu.
4. Scroll down the available widget lists to the Google section. The Google app has quite a few home screen widgets associated with it.
5. To add the Google Search bar back to your home screen, just long-press on the search widget, and place it at your desired location.
6. The default size of the search widget is 4×1, but you can adjust its width to your preference by long pressing on the widget and dragging the widget borders in or out. To move it somewhere else on the home screen, long-press on the widget and once the borders appear, drag it anywhere you wish.
7. To move it to another panel, drag the widget to the edge of your screen and hold it there until the panel underneath automatically switches.
Apart from the Google search widget, you can also consider adding a Chrome search widget which automatically opens the search results in a new Chrome tab.
Recommended: Remove the Google Search bar from Android Homescreen
That’s it; you were just able to add a Google search bar back on your Android home screen. Follow the same procedure to add and customize any other widget on the home screen.