WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem [SOLVED]

Fix WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem: If you’re facing Limited Connectivity error in your WiFi status then you won’t be able to access the internet until you’re again connected to the internet. You’re getting a message of Limited Access when you are connected to your WiFi which means you are connected to your Router/Modem but there is no Internet or worse, internet connection is available but your system is not able to receive it.

Fix WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem

The limited connectivity error does not mean that your WiFi adapter is disabled, it only means that there is a communication problem between your system and the router. You use another PC or mobile in order to check if you’re able to connect to this network or not, if you’re able to use the Internet on other devices using the same network connection then the problem is with your System only.

20 Ways To Fix WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem

You may receive the following error:

This connection has limited or no connectivity. No internet access
The connection is limited

So if only your system is not able to connect to the internet then it’s a serious issue as you won’t be able to access the internet and in order to fix limited connectivity problem, you need to follow the below-listed troubleshooting steps.

WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem [SOLVED]

Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.

Method 1: Restart your modem or WiFi adapter

Sometimes this error can simply be resolved by restarting your Wifi modem or router and again try access the internet and see if you’re able to fix WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem. If you’re still facing the issue then continue with the next method.

click reboot in order to Fix dns_probe_finished_bad_config

In order to access your router admin page you need to know the default IP address, username, and password. If you don’t know then see if you can get the default router IP address from this list. If you can’t then you need to manually find the router’s IP address using this guide.

Method 2: Disable and Re-Enable your WiFi adapter

1.Press Windows Key + R then type ncpa.cpl and hit Enter.

ncpa.cpl to open wifi settings

2.Right-click on your wireless adapter and select Disable.

Disable the wifi which can't configure the ip

3.Again right-click on the same adapter and this time choose Enable.

Enable the Wifi to reassign the ip

4.Restart your and again try to connect to your wireless network and see if the issue is resolved or not.

Method 3: Flush DNS and Reset TCP/IP

1.Right-click on Windows Button and select “Command Prompt(Admin).

command prompt with admin rights

2.Now type the following command and press enter after each one:
(a) ipconfig /release
(b) ipconfig /flushdns
(c) ipconfig /renew

ipconfig settings

3.Again open Admin Command Prompt and type the following and hit enter after each one:

  • ipconfig /flushdns
  • nbtstat –r
  • netsh int ip reset
  • netsh winsock reset

resetting your TCP/IP and flushing your DNS.

4.Reboot to apply changes. Flushing DNS seems to Fix WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem in Windows 10.

Method 4: Reset TCP/IP Autotuning

1.Right-click on Windows key and select “Command Prompt(Admin).

command prompt with admin rights

2.Type the following commands:

netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled

use netsh commands for tcp ip auto tuning

3.Now enter this command to verify that previous functions were disabled: netsh int tcp show global

4.Reboot your PC.

Method 5: Run Windows Networking Troubleshooter

1.Right-click on the network icon and select Troubleshoot Problems.

Troubleshoot problems network icon

2.Follow the on-screen instructions.

3.Now press Windows key + W and type Troubleshooting, hit enter.

troubleshooting control panel

4.From there select “Network and Internet.

select Network and Internet in troubleshooting

5.In the next screen click on Network Adapter.

select Network Adapter from network and internet

6.Follow the on-screen instruction to fix Limited Connectivity Problem.

Method 6: Wake up your Wi-Fi Adapter

1.Press Windows Key + R then type devmgmt.msc and hit Enter.

devmgmt.msc device manager

2.Expand Network adapters then right-click on your installed network adapter and select Properties.

right click on your network adapter and select properties

3.Switch to Power Management Tab and make sure to uncheckAllow the computer to turn off this device to save power.

Uncheck Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power

4.Click Ok and close the Device Manager.

5.Now press Windows Key + I to open Settings then Click System > Power & Sleep.

in Power & sleep click Additional power settings

6.On the bottom click Additional power settings.

7.Now click “Change plan settings” next to the power plan which you use.

Change plan settings

8.At the bottom click on “Change advanced power settings.

Change advanced power settings

9.Expand Wireless Adapter Settings, then again expand Power Saving Mode.

10.Next, you will see two modes, ‘On battery’ and ‘Plugged in.’ Change both of them to Maximum Performance.

Set On battery and Plugged in option to Maximum Performance

11.Click Apply followed by Ok. Reboot your PC to save changes. This would help to resolve WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem but there are other methods to try if this one fails to do its job.

Method 7: Enable Download over metered connections

1.Press Windows Key + I then click Devices.

2.From the left-hand menu make sure Printers & scanners is selected.

3.Now enable “Download over metered connections” by toggling the switch.

enable download over metered connections

4.Reboot your PC to save changes.

Method 8: Use Google DNS

1.Open Control Panel and click on Network and Internet.

2.Next, click Network and Sharing Center then click on Change adapter settings.

change adapter settings

3.Select your Wi-Fi then double click on it and select Properties.

Wifi properties

4.Now select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.

Internet protocal version 4 (TCP IPv4)

5.Check mark “Use the following DNS server addresses” and type the following:

Preferred DNS server:
Alternate DNS server:

use the following DNS server addresses in IPv4 settings

6.Close everything and you may be able to Fix WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem.

Method 9: Disable IPv6

1.Right click on WiFi icon on system tray and then click on “Open Network and Sharing Center.

open network and sharing center

2.Now click on your current connection in order to open settings.
Note: If you can’t connect to your network then use Ethernet cable to connect and the follow this step.

3.Click Properties button in the window that just open.

wifi connection properties

4.Make sure to uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IP).

uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP IPv6)

5.Click OK then click Close. Reboot your PC to save changes. This should resolve your WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem and you should again able to access the internet but if it wasn’t helpful then continue to the next step.

Method 10: Uncheck Proxy Option

1.Press Windows Key + R then type “inetcpl.cpl” and hit enter to open Internet Properties.

inetcpl.cpl to open internet properties

2.Next, Go to Connections tab and select LAN settings.

Lan settings in internet properties window

3.Uncheck Use a Proxy Server for your LAN and make sure “Automatically detect settings” is checked.

Uncheck Use a Proxy Server for your LAN

4.Click Ok then Apply and reboot your PC.

Method 11: Uninstall Network Adapter

1.Press Windows Key + R then type “devmgmt.msc” and hit Enter to open Device Manager.

devmgmt.msc device manager

2.Expand Network Adapters and find your network adapter name.

3.Make sure you note down the adapter name just in case something goes wrong.

4.Right-click on your network adapter and uninstall it.

uninstall network adapter

5.If ask for confirmation select Yes.

6.Restart your PC and try to reconnect to your network.

7.If you’re not able to connect to your network then it means the driver software isn’t automatically installed.

8.Now you need to visit your manufacturer’s website and download the driver from there.

download driver from manufacturer's website

9.Install the driver and reboot your PC.

By reinstalling the network adapter, you can get rid out of this WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem.

Method 12: Update WiFi Drivers

1.Press Windows key + R and type “devmgmt.msc” in Run dialogue box to open device manager.

devmgmt.msc device manager

2.Expand Network adapters, then right-click on your Wi-Fi controller(for example Broadcom or Intel) and select Update Drivers.

Network adapters right click and update drivers

3.In the Update Driver Software Windows, select “Browse my computer for driver software.

Browse my computer for driver software

4.Now select “Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.

Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer

5.Try to update drivers from the listed versions.

6.If the above didn’t work then go to manufacturers website to update drivers: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/

7.Reboot to apply changes.

Method 13: Disable WiFi Sense

1.Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Network & Internet.

Network & internet settings

2.Now click Wi-Fi in the left pane window and make sure to Disable everything under Wi-Fi Sense in the right window.

Disable Wi-Fi Sense and under it disable Hotspot 2.0 networks and Paid Wi-Fi services.

3.Also, make sure to disable Hotspot 2.0 networks and Paid Wi-Fi services.

4.Disconnect your Wi-Fi connection and then again try to reconnect. See if you’re able to Fix WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem in Windows 10.

Method 14: Change Bitdefender firewall settings (Or your Antivirus Firewall)

1.Open Settings of Bitdefender Internet Security and choose Firewall.

2.Click on “Advanced Settings” button.

3.Make sure that “Enable Internet Connection Sharing” is checked.
NOTE: If you don’t have the above setting then disable “Block Internet Connection Sharing” instead of above.

4.Click OK button to save changes.

5.And if it doesn’t work try disabling your Antivirus Firewall and enabling Windows Firewall.

For maximum people changing firewall settings fixes the Limited Connectivity Problem, but if didn’t work for you don’t lose hope we still have a long way to go, so follow the next method.

Method 15: Change Adapters Settings

1.Open the Bitdefender, then select Protection module and click on the Firewall feature.

2.Make sure the Firewall is turned ON and then go to the Adapters tab and perform the following changes:

Set Network type to "Home/Office"
Set Stealth Mode to "Off"
Set Generic to "On"

Adapters tab in bit defender

3.Restart your PC to apply these changes and see if the Limited Connectivity Problem is resolved or not.

Method 16: Set Roaming Aggressiveness to Maximum

1.Right click on Network icon and select “Open Network and Sharing Center.

open network and sharing center

2.Now select your Wi-Fi and click on Properties.

wifi properties

3.Inside Wi-Fi properties click on Configure.

configure wirless network

4.Navigate to the Advanced tab and find Roaming Aggressiveness setting.

roaming aggressiveness in advanced properties wifi

5.Change the value from Medium to Highest and click OK.

highest vale in roaming aggressiveness

6.Reboot to apply changes.

Method 17: Disable Intel PROSet/Wireless WiFi Connection Utility

1.Press Windows Key + X then select Control Panel.

control panel

2.Then click on Network and Internet > View network status and task.

click Network and Internet then click View network status and tasks

3.Now on the bottom left corner click on Intel PROset/Wireless Tools.

4.Next, open settings on Intel WiFi Hotspot Assistant then uncheck “Enable Intel Hotspot Assistant.

Uncheck Enable Intel Hotspot Assistant in Intel WiFi Hotspot Asisstant

5.Click OK and reboot your PC to Fix WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem.

Method 18: Delete Wlansvc Files

1.Press Windows Key + R then type services.msc and hit Enter.

2.Scroll down till you find WWAN AutoConfig then right-click on it and select Stop.

right click on WWAN AutoConfig and select Stop

3.Again press Windows Key + R then type “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc\” (without quotes) and hit Enter.

4.Delete everything (most probably the MigrationData folder) in the Wlansvc folder except for profiles.

5.Now open the Profiles folder and delete everything except the Interfaces.

6.Similarly, open Interfaces folder then delete everything inside it.

delete everything inside interfaces folder

7.Close File Explorer, then in services window right-click on WLAN AutoConfig and select Start.

Method 19: Forget WiFi Network

1.Click on the Wireless icon in the system tray and then click Network Settings.

click Network settings in WiFi Window

2.Then click on Manage Known networks to get the list of saved networks.

click Manage Known networks in WiFi settings

3.Now select the one which Windows 10 won’t remember the password for and click Forget.

click Forgot network on the one Windows 10 won't remember the password

4.Again click the wireless icon in the system tray and connect to your network, it will ask for the password, so make sure you have the Wireless password with you.

enter the password for the wireless network

5.Once you have entered the password you will connect to the network and Windows will save this network for you.

6.Reboot your PC and again try to connect to the same network and this time Windows will remember the password of your WiFi. This method seems to Fix WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem in Windows 10.

Method 20: Mark your Home Network as Private instead of Public

1.Click on the Wi-Fi icon in the System Tray.

2.Then again click on the connected Wi-Fi network to bring out the sub menu and click Properties.

click properties under connected WiFi network

3.Under “Make this PC discoverable” toggle slider to ON.

Set make this PC discoverable slider to ON under WiFi settings

4.If above didn’t work for you then type Homegroup in Windows Search bar.

click HomeGroup in Windows Search

5.Click the option HomeGroup and then click Change network location.

click Change network location

6.Next, Click Yes to make this network a private network.

click Yes to make this network a private network

7.Now right-click on the Wi-Fi icon in the system tray and select “Open Network and Sharing Center.

open network and sharing center

8.Verify that the network listed shows as Private Network then close the window and you’re done.

change your WiFi to private network in oder to Fix WiFi keeps disconnecting issue on Windows 10

Recommended for you:

That’s it you have successfully Fix WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem in Windows 10 if you still have any queries regarding this post feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.

3 thoughts on “WiFi Limited Connectivity Problem [SOLVED]”

  1. After some exploration I found the WLANSVC (called WLAN AutoConfig) service would not stop and restart.

    I found kill instructions. Essentially find the PID and terminate it using command prompt as admin. See below:

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>sc queryex “WLANsvc”

    WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
    SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
    CHECKPOINT : 0x0
    WAIT_HINT : 0xea60
    PID : 3716
    FLAGS :

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>taskkill /pid 3716 /f
    SUCCESS: The process with PID 3716 has been terminated.

  2. I found that unplugging and then plugging your Router Cable back in after 20 seconds and then letting it turn back on and then restarting your phone once your Router is back on fixed the issue

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